Edible Gardening

Backyard Edible Garden Tour | What Fruit Trees To Grow

Backyard Edible Garden Tour | What Fruit Trees To Grow | If I could only grow one tree, I would pick a lemon tree. Growing citrus trees in the backyard garden, especially a lemon tree, can save a lot of money since they are expensive to buy from the grocery stores, but very prolific when grown in a home garden. On this video, let’s take a tour of the citrus trees we are growing in our backyard garden, from oranges, to lemons, calamansi and kumquats. #gardening

❤️ Backyard Edible Garden

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urban gardening – fun gardening – gardening for beginners – backyard garden tour – urban garden tour – winter garden tour – organic gardening – what to grow in the garden – what fruit trees to grow – gardening in Los Angeles
California gardening – gardening vlog
gardening with kids – Filipina vlogger in Los Angeles -how to grow a lemon tree – how to grow a calamansi tree – gardening in small space – urban gardening – gardening ideas – winter gardening – planning a garden
planning a spring garden – how to build a garden
what to plant now – permaculture – kumquat candy recipe

Winter is the season of the Citrus as you can see from the Valencia orange right behind us and I have here molan Jello and Josh has satuma Mandarin so let’s do a quick Citrus Garden Tour join us for a quick Citrus Garden Tour this is Valencia orange look at all the uh fruits

This is very prolific let’s start here at the at our first um Citrus one second this like plum tree is like so this is variegated calamondin it has like look at the tiny fruits growing a second let’s wait until that one passes by and then more tiny fruits

Here look at the leaves some people use this as a more of like an ornamental plant because of the the leaves so this is variegated Calamine lot of tiny sorry a lot of tiny fruits and like some flowers there too this is variated Calamine or it’s almost the same as calamansi I think

This is the calamansi is the the closest relative sort of I’m not sure if camoni and calamondin are exactly the same but here they are labeled lundine they are labeled um calamansi but in the Philippines calaman usually don’t turn orange and Calamine turns orange one second it’s pretty loud so here we have

Um and then on this side we have this is the six Citrus six varieties of citrus in one plant the this is molan jello and it’s ready let’s pick this one and those are I’m not sure if they are lemons or lime maybe lemons oh smells so

Good this smells like so good and like earlier I showed this to you if you’ve been watching our videos for a while you’ve seen this um graay Vine This is blueberry grap Vine but it’s like dormant right now it looks dead but it’s not dead and then this is um Valencia

Orange with lots and lots of fruits look at the difference in color this one is darker the molan jello this one is lighter this is not they are not ready yet so they will grow like bigger Lots some fruits and then this one too this is Yuzu lemon it’s not fruiting

Yet it has a different like time when they bloom and then when the flowers turn into fruits and then moving on to here this is um super slowly growing this is that Suma Mandarin oh it’s ready too let’s Harvest this one too this one is super

Ready I can feel like the the skin like very soft and then Josh asked me to harvest some camany earlier I’m going to harvest some camany here we have another another very prolific uh plant this is nagami kumquat the gami kumquat you have to like kumquats you have to eat the peel

And then the um the fruit the entire thing so the peel is sweet the inside is like sour sort of bitter so you have to eat them like the entire fruit look at how prolific a lot of fruits and you can turn them into like candid Kum quad

I have a video where I U made candid Kats I add the link at the end of this video look at this aren’t they very very pretty there are lucky fruits too so on Chinese New Year you can uh serve them as like the lucky uh fruits along with the other citrus fruits

See nature is amazing like you know during winter time is when you need to boost your vitamin C and that’s when this uh Citrus plants are having fruits too and then this is calamansi or calamondin I’m not sure if calamansi and calamine are in the same family or they are the

Same like exact variety but in the Philippines we call this camany but like again I’m not sure if because they turn orange I haven’t seen them turn orange the col in the Philippines I haven’t turned them I haven’t seen them turn orange so grows all the way up there I I

Could not reach those fruits so they fall on the ground and they are sort of everbearing so we have camany year round because you see those are like ripe and there are like tiny fruits growing this ones will be ready soon and then there are like next

Ones like see see see this one it’s tiny bigger like those are big so it’s like year round fruit bearing a tree and then here we have lemon this is Eureka lemon Eureka lemon is the one that you see in the um grocery stores sort of the most common

Lemon but there are different varieties of lemon there is uh Maya lemon which is like sweet more of for lemonade there is I think Portuguese I can’t remember anymore but there are like different there’s Yuzu too different varieties of lemon Yuzu is the most fragrant lemon and then look at there there are

Like more fruits there too and then up here so this is the Lemon Tree see beautiful and then we have another another lemon tree here let’s go this side one second it’s trash W up day so this is another is the same Eureka lemon there a lot of fruits let’s go to

The other side it has lots of fruits too so we have two Eureka lemons we have two Calamine and then we have Yuzu lemon we have Valena orange we have uh Satsuma Mandarin and then we have the citrus salad the one plant with six Citrus varieties grafted into it here’s my

Harvest this is an apple tree but which I need to move somewhere because it’s so close to the lemon tree I’m going to harvest the Lem lemons are are very good for you but they’re really sour yes here’s our garden pigies let’s end our C’s Garden Tour here here’s our Harvest thank you

So much for watching please like And subscribe if you haven’t yet and also if you haven’t too click the notification button down below bye bye see you in the next one see you in the next One just here if you like this video please


  1. ang ganda ng puno na yan hitik ang mga bunga always may na haharvest..playing lang kao kabsat habang working.

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