Edible Gardening

Edible Plant Updates – INDOORS and OUTDOORS | Akron Ohio Zone 6B

Taking a look at all of the edibles I have growing in the house and outdoors.

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All right friends it is time for another update on the indoor grow entt and things are progressing very well I’m tell you all about it in just a second Here okay friends so I figured we’d start from the bottom and work our way up first I’m going to show you here those peppers I brought in are still doing very well they are ripening up nicely I only have the two plants and I still haven’t seen any bugs yet so I’m

Keeping them they’re still here for the time being but they look good they’re doing great these are the taquito peppers and they don’t get much bigger than this it’s my first time growing them and they’re part of the kitchen mini series from I want to say Park

Seed all right moving on here’s my cucumber plant it is loaded with cucumbers this is the arog garden cucumber the first one that they’ve released it is pareno Copic you don’t need to um mess around with the uh flowers it is self fertile and I got a lot of cucumbers on this

Plant I went on the website to see if I’m supposed to clean any of these off if there’s like a Max they suggest and there’s nothing there so I’m going to let them all stay on here this one’s called the quick snack now it does look like it’s highly productive but these

Edges around the end here um is indicating that I’m not feeding this correctly um my guess is it needs some more potassium so I’m going to have to figure that out but that aside the cucumbers are everywhere so I’m quite happy with this it’s staying very low

Which is good that’s good uh it’s a very compact plant however it feels like a waste in this um arog guard Bounty which goes up to 2T I believe 2T 2 and 1/2 ft so if I were to grow these again I would grow these in like a harvest or something that doesn’t

Need a whole lot of that doesn’t go very high this is more suited for like a tomato like a full grown tomato or a pepper plant something like that but it’s still looking good and I’m 99% sure I’m going to get some uh some tour cucumbers off of this plant so very

Very pleased with it there’s a lot of branching happening too I don’t know if you can tell but there’s branching going on in there as well which makes me think it’s going to spread out wider but it’s not going to get any taller uh I was worried I was going to

Have to Trellis that and it doesn’t look like it even when I try to lift these ends up the plant feels resistant to being raised you know what I mean so I don’t think that that that these are the type of cucumbers where you have to worry about trellising them

They don’t want to be it doesn’t it certainly doesn’t feel that way but looking good looking good I got to like I said work on these edges here that nutrition and then over here is my lettu uses which are showing no problems these are fine I’ve been picking off of these just

Snacking on it um I could come down and harvest all of this and call it a day I still don’t know what I’m going to put in there I do have one Purple Rain tomato that I have um a Seedling on and I’ll be moving down here into the grow

Tent but I need to start another tomato to put in these units I can’t decide I want to have some fresh herbs and I’m thinking some parsley would would be great cuz that’s my favorite uh but I can’t make myself commit my larger units to an herb garden

So I don’t know what I’m going to do to satisfy that me I’ll keep thinking about it and maybe maybe the universe will send me an answer I don’t know but that’s what I’m thinking about now I just want I got one tomato which I planned on putting in this root

Farm and uh then that would leave me two units that I could grow some Tomatoes or peppers in at some point all right let’s move up here here’s my dwc system well one of them and it has germinated it is not doing great though I believe because the light source is too far

Away so I have been thinking on how I’m going to raise these units to get them closer to the light and I think I have an idea I’m going to put that into practice and we’ll come back and when we visit that in the meantime uh this tomato has

Rebounded and we have fruits on there so I should be having some fruits from this little guy I think this was The Veranda I brought that one in from outside but it was growing in a hydroponic unit outside so um I think the only acclamation that

It needed to do had to do with the temperature cuz I did leave it out rather late but as with most dwarf and uh Cherry plants it handled the cold a lot better than say your Beast steaks would and now it is staying very warm uh but it looks like it’s pretty

Acclimated at this point so I’m happy for that I’ll be getting tomatoes from that sooner rather than later yay over here my little Pepper Farm I’m calling it is doing well uh my Fresno is taking its sweet little time but this one I’m growing for the little Tech girls

Homestead uh growing challenge we’re all growing the same veggies at the same time there’s no winter or anything it’s just for the fun of growing but it’s coming into its own it’s quite a behind most of the people who are participating but that’s okay it’s healthy so I’m not going to

Complain and here my red Nibbler I’ve got some one of my red nibblers I’ve got some uh flowers coming in on it so we should be seeing some fruit here starting to develop in the next couple of weeks moving on we go back here to the large rra

These are the I took these seeds from those dried peppers my mom sent me from Santa Fe and what do you know it worked uh we got lots of flowers on the plant but I don’t see any fruit yet no fruit development yet but I’m very hopeful because it otherwise looks really

Good moving on and furthest along I think is this orange spice Jalapeno in the back here we’ve got a nice fruit coming in right here that guy and then as we come around here we can see another one more developed this guy right there and lots of flowers on the plant so I

Am very pleased with this one these are seeds that I saved myself from my garden this year I was checking the germination rate on them making sure that the seeds were viable and obviously they are so yay I’m that then we move on to my other red Nibbler here which is

Doing significantly better than the one up front here and I only say that because excuse me it has a fruit on it already but outside of that the plants are about the same size uh this one is flowering a lot more than that one up front

But I have no doubt that the one up front here will catch up soon enough so that’s looking mighty fine I’m going to be swimming in peppers and cucumbers in no time I feel like I already have peppers down here to harvest and then I have those coming in

Up at the top there and then as you saw my cucumbers are doing their thing as well so I’ll be swimming in cucumbers before long my greens are doing well I’m just eating them when I come down and that’s snack G those but yeah everything looks pretty great aside

From I need to figure out what’s what to do about raising these units to get them closer to the light up here um oh I almost forgot this Tiny Tim I accidentally topped it a couple weeks ago but as you can see it has rebounded

So I think we’re in the clear I should start seeing some flower development in the near future and then we’ll go from there on that plant but it looks very healthy it’s branching out and I see no signs of stress so I’m pleased with that yeah grow tent is doing very very

Well very well uh my system here my raino indoor watering system is doing fabulously I have zero complaints with that thus far it is working like a charm I come down here maybe twice a week um and then I also have a blink camera down here so that I can check on

The plants and soil from my phone and that’s working for me so this is basically running itself down here which is you know really what I had in mind in the beginning I didn’t want to have to come down here and baby this stuff every night and I don’t I’ve

Pretty much automated it and I’m loving it we’re doing great down Here All right friends let’s go upstairs and I’ll show you what’s going on with the Le pot that I introduced you to oh last week I believe it was let’s go check that out all right my L Pot is doing very nicely up here this is already reach in

The top don’t like that so going to remove that my lettuce is have sprouted as you can see and they look pretty good in here and my cutting from the enjoy posos is looking really nice I don’t believe it’s only a couple days ago yeah and everything looks good in there

Oopsie we’re just uh rooting this cutting here so that I can start another plant but the lettuces that I put in here are coming along looks like all of them have germinated aside from one this guy back here nope he’s in there he’s just a little slow great that’s wonderful news let’s check

Our Screen so it’s been 9 days I’m not mad at it this has been hands off and that works for me very good very good all right let’s go take a look at the terrarium okay here we are at the Terrarium and our B big old prickly pear cactus looks good nobody looks like they’re dying [Laughter] yet I wouldn’t count on it I have really bad luck with cacti give it time or no I’ll be positive how about that um if you can see here my new growth is coming in in that

Beautiful pink color I’m having a problem watering these so I need to figure something else out I think I’m going to have to take the entire plants out um because I don’t know what else to do I thought about coming up with some kind of drip system to put in there

Uh and I may still do that if I can find containers that will fit what I have in mind but for now I’ve just been uh Um using my sprayer here this guy and trying to shoot it back in the you know up in the back there I don’t know if that’s really working all that Well but yeah the terrarium is still doing very well I’m wondering if polka dot plant would work in here so I’m looking to see if I can get some seeds for some polka dot plant maybe put like a rose one and a pink one in to bring

Some more color into this I don’t know you guys got any Suggestions so so far so Good I do have a few things still hanging on outside I dropped some more seeds you can see those are coming up we’ll see how that does oh look my tribes have gone to seed I wonder if I can cut that off without spilling them all anyways my uh giant of Italy parsley

Is still doing good here as is this plant back here we’ve had many frosts now this um fever few is doing okay it’s just doing Okay but it looks like that’s going to be dying off here pretty Soon and I think I can’t remember what this was some kind of herb I don’t know what I dropped I forget but we’ll see if that does anything and then my chives are dying back and that’s to be expected I’m back here my cilantro doing but this parsley here this green dream parsley still coming back slow Everything grows slower in the winter time but it’s there and this cabbage that I put out was it cabbage it might have been some weeks ago growing slow slow

Slow slow there’s a purple cabbage I put out weeks and weeks ago slow slow slow this was a pack Choy and it bolted on me when we had that slight warmup and when I say slight I mean we got up to like 55 this plant was like

No here’s some more of that green dream parsley looking fabulous and some more parsley here now the biggest surprise oh and I had another cabbage here this one’s not doing super SW but the biggest surprise is over here look what’s still hanging around that is the dusty miller remember I took all those

Cuttings isn’t that gorgeous it still looks fabulous out here and it’s not not just that one it’s not a fluke check that out right there another one just swimming along no problem nothing to see here isn’t that awesome it did great in the summer it’s

Doing great in the winter I love that so note to sell get some more dusty miller seeds also over here you can see some more green drained parsley and my Perpetual spinach I can’t wait till next year I plan on harvesting the Perpetual spinach next year I didn’t Harvest it the

Uh the year before and I didn’t Harvest any this year well maybe a couple leaves just so I can taste it but um next year I think we’ll be good to go to try those out so really excited about that and I do still have a sage plant hanging in There and I still have that tomato in here that Crimson Sprinter which is not sprinting anymore obviously it started out with a bang and now it’s just but you know what I was noticing the fruit is too heavy for the stems it’s been like this this whole time all

The new fruit from from last time that I even harvested same Thing it’s too heavy for the stems but I think we’re going to fix that I think I told you guys what I plan on doing there I going to move the Tomato down here and give it better air circulation and I think that’ll fix a

Lot of the problems I have with this so I’m not blaming the plant I’m guessing it was user error all right friends that is my update for the indoor growing ons I’m thinking about doing a video on my house plants too we shall see I got a lot going

On and uh but for now that’s how all of my Edibles are looking and the terrarium so hope you enjoyed the update and I’ll see you guys in another video on another day until then Happy growing Friends


  1. Everything looks awesome. I love the cucumber plant and need that in my life. 🥒💚 All the indoor peppers look great too. 🌶️♥️

  2. Hello row and thanks for sharing your beautiful indoor and outdoor garden and happy gardening and hydroponics equipment is interesting 😊

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