Edible Gardening

Week in Review Week of March 11, 2024

Week In Review! What happened this week?? Check it out!
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Azure Standard: https://www.azurestandard.com/shop/product/food/grains/rice/long-grain/brown/rice-long-grain-brown-eco-farmed-gluten-free/17140?package=GR042&a_aid=d31c202916

We are in USDA planting zone 9b in California and we grow as much food as we can on our 7,000 square-foot city lot. We have quail, chickens, rabbits, edible landscaping garden, and preserve food.

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I’m Katrina this is so and te welcome to the week review for the week of March 11 2024 uh it’s night time guys I missed filming in the daytime cuz I was busy doing things so I’m going to start off with a very fun thing and then I’ll take

You for a nighttime flower walk sure I wish we had smell a vision this plum tree smells delicious I almost forgot to thank you guys thank you for getting me to a quarter million views on YouTube I saw that come up this week and I was very surprised and super impressed and made

Me very happy so thank you guys for watching all this these videos and learning all these things and I appreciate you a lot thank you honey no she’s trying to get the bow on my shirt all right let’s see how your babies are doing I didn’t pull him out yesterday oh

My gosh look at that belly one two I know I know three four oh my gosh look at that belly five six Mama you’re doing so good on the bellies and seven oh my goodness all right good job mommy hi go that way boop boop boop boop go in the cuddle

Pile all the way in there you go there you go I know Mama she’s bumping my my arm let me cover them up she’s nursing her babies good job ravioli good job good job Mama I don’t know how they’re fitting any more milk in their bellies their bellies are so full good job

Mommy back to the warm Corner look at how full and rolly poly this one is baby baby oh my goodness you’re about to burst look at the belly honey oh my goodness look at that belly all right go go sleep that off oh Mama you’re doing so good you’re

Doing so good we had our monthly cook with me with Katrina’s kits and it was a lot of fun we made traditional Irish stew and we also you know cuz Easter is at the end of the month we also made mering nests with lemon curd in the

Center of it and they were wonderful I was like hanging out with my krina with kits and I hope more people are joining and having fun we do this monthly and it’s a whole lot of fun so there’s some yummies for you to look at first little

Tulip of the Third Kind look like it’s already being eaten sluger something but there’s more coming I have three types of tulips I keep meaning to show you you guys I keep meaning to show you guys this one has a tulip that planted itself in the bed so somebody must have had a

Seed it’s been there for a couple years um I didn’t really know what it was and then this is the first year it’s flowered so I guess they do have seeds that work hi sweetie is what we’re doing now following me around and laying down do you need your time in the

Spotlight you do oh my goodness [Laughter] honey honey babe baby no you’re so warm you doing some sunbathing doing some sunbathing oh is that feel good yeah little bit of scratchies yeah all right oh boy I will let you get back to your sunbathing oh we just shocked him on the nose I’m

Sorry I’m sorry I did not mean to shock you on the nose all right mommy you have a baby out I believe hi I believe they are big enough to get back in you’re munching on something let’s see if it goes back in excuse me

Mama I know I know I was patting you but you got to move now okay scoot your butt scoot your butt boop boop boop all right baby time I know I know I know I know time to go in the Box can you go in the Box you show me show me show

Me beep beep beep beep beep show me you can go in the Box hi mama can you go in the Box can you go up there I think you can but I want to see you do it yeah there you go go go go go go go

In the Box go in the Box go go go go go in there you go all right they are about 3 weeks old I think it might actually be 3 weeks old going to be rebred soon huh all right hi babies so they’re about 3 weeks

Old I think they’d be fine without a nest box now I’m going to confirm that date when I get inside and hi baby I know and then check the weather um then we’ll get them out of the nest box yes all right we got babies all comfy they were squeaking earlier

No you cannot eat my hair I have to keep reminding myself not to have my hair down around her cuz she will eat it all right trying to get this out of the way so it focuses hi babies hi babies Oh comfy all right babies you can’t be in two

Piles got to go with those guys you guys are so big you kidding so big look at you I know oh my gosh honey you are feeding these guys so well you’re feeding them so Well are you too tired to even go in the pile they are so warm like I can feel the heat this far away there you go how awesome is that look at you guys you have brand new wood chips it’s so comfy why you girls all lined up huh got more back

There more over here where did you guys lay huh oh there’s some eggs we got one two three four five and one in the the corner at least good job I’ve been getting five eggs from these ladies they’re just started laying again hi hi kitten what are you doing in the peach tree

H what exactly are you chasing up there or do you know what do you see huh babe do not step in the sticky traps okay we did put up fly traps and they’re working I’ll make sure he doesn’t get in there huh babe you coming

Down what what is up there do you see something up there you making things up he at least thinks he sees something you going to get it on babe [Laughter] yeah all right happy Hunting I roli hello hello baby look at your babies why

Are they all up in the front huh we got one back here why are you the only one back there sweetie H yeah why are you guys all in the front and left this little one back there huh I think I’m going to put all you

Guys back there is there one more down there yeah I’m going to put all you guys in the back how you doing baby there is one more down there I I see it moving hi baby here know nice and warm we you

Hiding let’s see 1 2 3 4 5 6 7 all right let’s put you guys all in the back pile how about that how about that and oh my goodness you are the giantest one you are the giantest one look at you okay you guys will go sleep in the back

Corner include everybody in your nap time yes you are the other giant giant baby okay she just did a happy flop oh honey you could get a better picture of this you’re probably going to move when I open it huh she just did that funniest happy flop hi Mommy are you happy

Huh 1 2 3 4 five uh-oh the other ones down here or something I better look you have all your babies one two three four five did somebody squeeze through a hole let me look babies you stay oh they were underneath here she did chew a hole in this

Thing okay one 2 3 4 five did you flap on a baby hopefully not no you did have seven babies right right Mama I got to look for your babies oh she chewed this further all right searching for babies searching for babies hi sweeties see any baby bunnies I

Wonder if they’re in the box or behind it cu I don’t see any bunnies no bunnies in there there’s a bunny and there’s a bunny oh my gosh you guys all right babies come here I know I know okay come on babes get out out it out

Out out it out all right we got him take a look at you hold on I know you’re feisty I got you sweetie honey okay look at your feet you doing okay all right yes I know this is baby all right mommy here’s one wayward child no you cannot come out go

Go can you clean it off well get your other child you did all right baby there we go I got you I got you baby you’re rescued your feets look good you look unharmed okay all right mommy here’s your missing baby too going to come greet yes time for a bath for that

One okay now I get to fix this issue do you still have seven or did one more come out one two 3 4 5 6 7 okay good job mommy no you don’t need to come out okay let me fix this for you okay let me fix this for you all right I

Don’t I don’t know if it went through this I don’t know if it went through this right here and she did Che more over Here and then over here so sh she’s so curious about what’s going on Mama you’re a little close hard to reach around there huh my back is TI your food is almost back sweetie back up sweetie it’s almost back you brought a baby with you to investigate

H she is not shy at all is she no hi baby is this how you get out I’m taking little tiny baby stps I know you munching she is not disturbed about this at all oh where’d your food go now you’re disturbed huh it’s okay you’ll get it

Soon well that’s tight I don’t even think we need that secondary wire anymore all right mommy no more babies jumping out okay okay wonderful Plum flowers look at all that we got the borage going on H I could do without these guys cuz they make burs in the end but those are

Forget me knots you don’t forget them because their seeds get stuck in your socks these are apricot flowers that are a little worse for wear but they’re going to make us some good apricots look at that one over here we have S Rosa Plum and this is a plum that only gave

Me two fruits last year and has not given me lots of fruits at all it’s flowering this year we are going to cut it back heavily once it has shown itself where the fruit are going to be andana apple still in flour a lot of those flowers already

Have little fruits behind them cuz she’s early oh oh yeah that is tree colored flowers like 8 ft tall and our chotes are doing well chotes are doing well right there and this one’s doing really well look at that it’s reaching it has tendrils need to reach and go on that

Little dude go on that one see if I can assist it NOP it’ll find its way this right here is a California poppy that still has a sleeping cap at night time they close up and they look kind of funky but doing good tulips are doing awesome the red Vari ready awesome

Awesome more tulips in the back with the it looks like the looks like the alow has tulip flowers it does not the Tulips are next to the aloe Pond is doing great I wish this could get this to show you the right color it’s a really bright

Pink it looks like it’s just washed out though um anyway this is the nectar Peach is starting to bloom tons of blooms right here and this tree is a tree that planted itself it’s a peach I think it’s nectar Peach baby but it’s planted right in the bed so that’s cool

The Citrus is alive with flour so awesome hopefully we got some clementines next year me so many flowers Cara car has buds trya has super duper abundant flowers back there these are more sleeping California puppies they’re sleeping they open in the daytime when they’re Sunny so

Funny all right you guys remember I had turnips that I sprinkled in here and I thought a lot of them died when they came up looks like more are coming up and it looks like some of them survived so it’s either a beat or turn turnup and

It does not look like a beat so I need to get this grass out of here thank you for watching I hope you enjoyed the video and and don’t get caught out in the dark or enjoy the day in light time and film in nighttime I did some filming

For you guys today anyway um have a wonderful day and this is going to be a good week happy St Patrick’s Day to everyone hopefully everybody saw the chicken video yesterday and um yeah please join us you are invited to a live chat to tonight Monday we do this every Monday

At 6 p.m. Pacific time you’re invited and it’s all a lot of fun we talk about anything Homestead related we talked about you know question answer and stuff like that and I always have a topic of discussion that’s pre-planned so I hope to see you there have a wonderful day see you tonight


  1. I think some of your tulips might be daffodils. Good video. You should try to give us an update on your rabbit that went into retirement. Have a good day.

  2. Those liked like daffodils Though I could be wrong. Those kits looked beautiful. with those rollypolly bellies. The older ones look precious. Oh wow, those kits got loose like young quail out of the egg roll out when they are in cages. I am glad you found them.

  3. Congratulations on all the views .them babies are fat. I can't believe they have all been black

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