Edible Gardening

Chickens 3rd Birthday!

Oviraptor, Rexi, and Smilo turn 3 years old today! Happy Birthday, Chickens! Become one of Katrina’s Kits! Choose to be in the Garden Nibbler, Growing Wiser, or Homestead Warrior level! Join to get access to the Monthly “Cook With Me” Live Chat as well as future perks at:
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We are in USDA planting zone 9b in California and we grow as much food as we can on our 7,000 square-foot city lot. We have quail, chickens, rabbits, edible landscaping garden, and preserve food.

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I’m Katrina and this is so in Terr today St Patrick’s Day are my chickens birthday so we have Smo and rexie and Raptor come back girls and this their birthday today they were born on St Patrick’s Day the St Patrick’s Day girls and I need to get you girls a present don’t I

I know what do you get a chicken for their birthday I’m going to go get you something okay let’s go get them a gift so I had an idea you know you give good bouquet to people when they have a birthday you give them gifts I’m going to give my

Chickens a bouquet that they can eat okay first up is this radish this is one of the radishes I planted last year and it’s growing give them a couple of Those let’s see what else we can find there’s actually some taller miners lettu us here so we’ll do that hi Kitty hi Kitty there’s Also this is an Italian thistle so has a slug on it too they will enjoy that yes they will there’s some borage in here so I’m just going to take a clippy clippy clip of that you’ll be good to go all these things are edible for us too what

Hi all right here’s some borage that has flowers so maybe we’ll give them some of that look at that stock very cool there’s also some of this um tree colored and they would like the leaves and the flowers give them some of that looks like a pretty good bouquet so

Far let’s add these in these are going to be really Tall [Applause] all right I see some weeds over here they can be added give you a color yes I realized how ridiculous this is yes I do know how ridiculous this is but I’m okay with being ridiculous the chickens are going to love it it doesn’t have to be organized in advas for them

To love it but it’ll be fun all this is edible for us too so in case you’re looking for edible uh edible bouquet you found it all right I’m running out of room in here that’s pretty enough for a chicken right ooh charred hi girls you ready for your birthday gift

H yeah smile is right ready hi girls hi babes hi well they get to enjoy it laying down yeah horizontal bouet it’s okay I should have put it in water or something so I could hold it up good girls smilo come back with that come back with that sweetie I can’t

See you come here come here there you go here you go I know Smo is the attack chicken I don’t I think she might have depth perception issues cuz whenever you give her something with your hand she gets her finger huh are you just ravenous cuz you get this every

Day got the other side yeah what’s funny about these girls is they are more likely to eat something out of your hand than if it is on the ground you put two equal things they’re always going to pick the one in your hand yeah I know this is one of your favorites

Huh you haven’t had this one in a while over after’s trying the flowers [Applause] [Applause] so something the chickens tend to have problems with and I think this is because um because they were raised on the table next to me while I was working and they got lots and lots of attention

Um you know hand feeding and stuff they don’t know as well as other chickens do to step on stuff to eat it and so having it in the vase actually is the same as having it in my hand in that sense that they actually have it secured huh

Ladies oh they’re playing football with a piece of chart over there are you missing out sweetheart yeah what do you think you like the flowers you want to try these flowers what about those flowers they’re good they’re good no okay so smilo is going after smile is going after the

Uh hi going after the rat is and what are you going after oh Rex is going after the tree collar the leaves they do like leaves better than the flowers that’s something to think about with your animals too is like often times things that we think of as

Treats are like the sweet stuff or all that they like greens same thing with the rabbits like if they get choose between a dandelion flower and a Dand dandelion Leaf they always choose a leaf huh girls so these guys are 3 years old and they are they live in what’s called racken

House system racken house is rabbits over chickens so these guys have been the constant chickens there’s been two sets of two different sets of rabbits above them hi that’s a big bite sweetie and uh is kind of funny because seeing them change throughout the season the lights are just it’s just getting

Bright enough that um two of them are now laying Rexy started laying like I don’t know two and a half or 3 months ago she’s really good at laying aren’t you girl yeah yeah tell me about it and what what you saying and um and then you know in the

Winter time they don’t lay and in the summertime we’re not quite there yet but in the summertime over after back there she gets super lovey-dovey and she will want to be cuddled and sit on your lap forever she doesn’t have quite enough light for that mothering Instinct yet but she’s my

Cuddle chicken for sure hi hi so while they enjoyed the meal I just think i’ tell you about the racken house system so this is um this is racken house is rabbits over chickens and they are on deep litter so deep litter is wood chips and the wood

Chips are deep it’s a compost pile they turn in manure and it comes out with wonderful wonderful compost so that is something that these girls are making and makes clean up a whole lot easier and they’re my little managers little managers um flies still do

Come um but they do a lot of work so that’s good H girlies you’re kind of moving out a shot what are you guys eating uh-oh they’re fighting over Flowers smile is trying to get in there so who’s Top Dog Top Dog in here is over Raptor this is buff orpington next down

Is Rexy which is right here and then the one I think she’s out of frame over there is Smo she’s the she’s the bottom one um and it’s really funny to watch these interactions uh in the beginning rexie somewhat challenged over after a few times Rex is the smallest one and she

Never took over that’s okay it’s funny to watch their interaction so pecking order is real and you they get to you know pick their their totem pole where they fit and then when once they hit that you know they do get challenged every once in a while usually it’s when

One one of them is molting so like if over raptor is molting then the other two will be like oh maybe this position is opening up um yeah but they have a lot of fun and and my little girls my little girls is that a correction over RoR she

Get too close to the things you wanted yes hello smilo anyway so I thought I’d share their birthday gift with you guys um I don’t have very many videos on chickens I guess I have several but um they’re doing stuff they’re doing stuff uh I spend

More time with them in the summer cuz that’s when they want the more of the more of the attention plus light is available and I have more time Outdoors after work so anyway I’ll let you guys watch them for maybe just a little bit left and say happy birthday to them happy birthday

Chickens thank you for watching if you enjoyed this video hit the thumbs up and share it so everybody body can say happy birthday to the chickens hit subscribe and Bell notification select all and I will see you next time I’m going to leave you here with the chickens for a

Few minutes and have a wonderful day what


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