Edible Gardening

This Landscaping Shrub Is Also Edible And Medicinal! Forsythia Health Benefits

#forsythia #edibleandmedicinal #landscaping

Forsythia is not only a popular landscaping shrub,  thanks to its beautiful yellow flowers signaling   the arrival of spring, but its flowers and young  leaves are edible, and it’s also medicinal.   Forsythia contains rutin which has strong  antioxidant properties. Rutin helps to protect  

And prolong the activity of vitamin C. Forsythia  is high in oleanolic acid which helps maintain   healthy heart and blood pressure. In traditional  Chinese medicine forsythia has been used for its   antimicrobial and anti-inflammatory properties.  Forsythia fruit is used internally for chills,   fevers, headaches, muscle soreness, and expelling  internal parasites. Externally they are used for  

Burns, cuts, scrapes, infections, and rushes.  Forsythia tea from flowers or young leaves is   used for colds, flu, tonsilitis, pharyngitis,  to improve cholesterol levels, and to support   cardiovascular functions. And as always make  sure you can accurately identify the plant you   intend to eat or use medicinally, and double  check potential side effects and interactions.

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