Native Plant Gardening

I found you a Pawpaw , Do you like some pawpaw fruit ? Wait till the flowers finished.what ? You don’t know what is Pawpaw

American Pawpaw tree , Asimina trilobal , see them in the native plant garden.

by One_Kaleidoscope_198


  1. wow i ain’t never seen a pawpaw flower. strange but pretty in its own way.

  2. stinkasaurusrex

    I have some small pawpaw saplings on my property, and I keep seeing more pop up. I think the birds are eating the fruit somewhere nearby and ‘leaving’ the seeds in the yard.

    If that flower is like any on my trees, this is an extreme close up! The flowers on mine are tiny, like the size of an acorn or smaller.

    Some people say they smell yeasty, but I haven’t noticed any smell. I haven’t got any fruit off them yet. Probably will be years…

  3. Bellemorda

    born in WV, used to eating bushels of paw paws from cultivated orchards and wild trees in the mountains when I was a young’un. haven’t had one in ages though so I might see if I can plant a cultivar here in ohio.

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