Native Plant Gardening

Update: I chose to go with phlox subulata. Are these enough to eventually fill in this space?

Montgomery County, MD. Still don’t know how to update the flair. I got these 8 based off of previous post recommendations. Will this be enough to eventually take over this space or should I get a few more? Excited for a cool Saturday to get these planted.

by throwaway983143


  1. originaltrend

    Yes, but be patient. It will take a good three years for them to spread. I planted mine three years ago and this year they really filled out the space. Also try to give them roughly a foot of space between each one. Consider adding some companion plants to help fill in towards the back near the wall. Something tall like coneflower, milkweed, bee balm…

  2. WeddingTop948

    I wish I got more of them when I first planted. Some were dug up by squirrels, others were mowed down by rabbits, then invasives had to be managed so they do not take over… this year I would rather overplant than under plant. But then if you have times on your hands go with less. If you have less time, and budget allows then over plant

  3. Damanaranja

    I find that phlox subulata doesn’t just keep spreading like phlox stolonifera or say fragaria virginica. I usually see a single individual maxing out around 3ft wide 

  4. tailor31415

    after 2 years, mine have spread at least to fill a square foot each

  5. My much smaller plant about doubled in size in one year under good conditions, so I imagine these guys will fill in quite a bit of that space, but I’d definitely want some complementary plants as well, maybe something mid-late summer blooming since the phlox will be done flowering shortly.

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