Edible Gardening

Naturevore: FLORIDA FORAGING Walk #14 (Dec. 18): Silver Blue Milky MUSHROOMS + Laccaria Galore!

Collin Gow, C.N.C. goes foraging at a nature park with his son August. Together they identify and discuss many wild edible plants, lichens, and fungi and their traditional and medicinal uses and benefits. Silver blue milkcaps, Laccaria mushrooms, Lactarius delicatus, Columned Stinkhorn, Helvella spp., Orange Milkwort, Four-petal St. John’s-wort, and many other species make appearances. Morphology, phenology, health, nutrition, botany, mycology, phytochemistry, ethnopharmacology, Native American (American Indian), and biological actions and uses are casually discussed.


August’s YouTube Channel:

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