Houseplants Circle Jerk

Confidently incorrect

I feel bad for OP! Only 2 of us in her comment section are saying it id a baby monstera. The way sooo many people are trying HARD to convince her she has a white wizard philo. One commenter said “that’s not a monstera, they don’t grow from the middle”😆 do they grow out the side or bottom?

I tried to say the baby monstera have that fatty leaf shape and bay philo are narrow. Correct me please if I’m wrong…but I feel like baby monstera have a shorter sheath versus philo, have a longer petiole versus philo, and a wider leaf shape. I don’t even screenshot all the YOU STE WRING I KNOW THESE THINGS ITS A PHILODENDRON!!

Pic of my baby Thai I managed to root! Picking up an Aurea cutting today!!

by SkellatorQueen


  1. SkellatorQueen

    Truly sorry for sounding snarky. I was several comments deep on that one chick dying in her hill that she’s more knowledgeable.

  2. ansmith100317

    I wish I had this much unearned confidence 🥲

  3. VariegatedJennifer

    The stupidity is palpable…all around.

  4. Aliceinboxerland

    Gotta love it when people are super confident about how wrong they are!😂

  5. Perfect_Term

    Only If I had this much confidence!!!
    Thank god they aren’t calling it pp plant lol

  6. mynameisdiscodisco

    Sorry to break it to you, but you’ve been scammed. Your „Thai con“ is actually a philodendron congorongo cremé brûlée „McDouble“. I can tell by the internodal spacing and orientation of the leaves. The McDouble is known for rotating its leaves, resembling a helicopter blade. So prepare for liftoff and keep out of reach from children and elderly people.

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