Native Plant Gardening

At least they aren’t (insert godawful non-native here)

At least they aren’t (insert godawful non-native here)

by hawluchadoras


  1. NotQuiteInara

    For real. Last year I sowed dozens of varieties of flowers… Got like one swamp milkweed, one Indian blanket, and 30 partridge peas.

  2. Awildgarebear

    I’m starting to get nervous that almost nothing I seeded last fall is going to come up.

    Have 3 cotyledons out of hundreds of seeds in 5b.

  3. itstheavocado

    I did a seed mix 3 years ago, and 3 years later, 5 other species showed up! Be patient. But there are some species that didn’t make. They got crowded/shaded out by more prolific plants. Oh well.

  4. The_Poster_Nutbag

    Both of those plants are dominant in first year plantings, it is known.

    The next few years they will subside as other plants establish. You got this.

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