Vegetable Gardening

What Is This And Would You Grow Veggies Here?

I am at a location I thought I could finally begin gardening. But now that I’ve educated myself, I don’t think this is a safe place to garden.
My question is:
1. Are these choking vines growing on the ground?

  1. Would you container garden here?

It looks like ivy everywhere and there’s a weird tree that does not look healthy, but has tiny seeds/flowers dropping everywhere.

If I don’t grow here, I will be limited to a tiny patio, and I’d have to give away a tone of my seedlings and rearrange my gardening plans..
I’m starting to feel deflated..

TIA for your advice.

by Murky_Substance_3304

1 Comment

  1. John_Crypto_Rambo

    You can grow pretty much anywhere with enough hard work.  Get some loppers busy.

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