Gardening Trends

Exploring the Serene Beauty of Ketapang Indah Resort’s Gardens 🌺🌿✨

Immerse yourself in the tranquility of Ketapang Indah Resort’s stunning gardens. Discover a lush oasis of vibrant flora and peaceful pathways, where every corner invites relaxation and serenity. Escape the hustle and bustle of everyday life and unwind amidst nature’s beauty. 🌺🌿✨

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Morning guys show the Garden from kapang Inda in banang the hotel beautiful hotel amazing space yeah just enjoyed the View for for for For For Yeah it’s very nice I just see your message it’s very nice it’s amazing big the Garden close to the beach okay see you next time bye Jo yeah they make a b beautiful garden for sure and they live at the Coconuts o the old coconuts trees they are the fifth

One that was on the land here after that of course they’re building the hotel and everything and make it nice Garden yeah just amazing and it’s very close to the ferry but you can go uh to Bali and when you visit B of course you can use the travel or

Drive by yourself just use the boat yeah it’s very close to banang the hotel k bank India I just missed the sunrise this morning because last night go sleep too late next time maybe tomorrow we are still here for and about the price from the hotel they

Are not that expensive this uh when you calculate in US dollar you pay it’s around 50 bucks so it’s not that expensive but you have to be careful when you book because they have always two options you must always look they have including breakfast so I not check

That and uh we get the booking without breakfast but it’s okay we will go out in uh in the city later to have breakfast okay let me show my wife and my small girl they just come back also make a video moment it will come out cannot see now Have some people on the way to the breakfast place now say hi hi Louisa can you come back here Louisa no you the one is it red Hi the okay good morning good morning good morning how was the work good good amazing Garden yeah yeah I go in here you want to go in here I don’t think you can jump try okay really yeah really try why not oh God you can go up really you do that

Really but I’m not yeah you made it okay see you later bye bye how was the views on the front good you go until on the beach front yeah yeah later we we turn around more yeah yeah and I saw a H and I saw an air balloon place and air balloon place air hot balloon I didn’t have to say it you can go in them and take pictures they so cool they just put put something on on the front to take nice pictures okay later we can check

Yeah I’m scared to go in there cuz there’s beans you scared to go in yeah oh yeah it’s nice yeah yeah with the flowers because there be taking the nectar oh okay oh nice beautiful garden those flowers are so tiny but together it looks so big yeah and then

They have Coconuts on the top you see that coconuts oh look at that full I’m going to shake one three okay guys we are we hungry hry and we want to go to breakfast see you next time yeah okay bye guys bye bye

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