Edible Gardening

Spring Flower Pots, Planting a Combo Tree and more | Gardening Zone 9b

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Welcome to my garden this is the end of February and early March days and today I’m going to be doing a voice over mostly because I lost my voice I’ve been sick for a few days and finally my throat completely closed off I feel great otherwise but my sore throat is really

Bothering me so okay so my first project is in front of my uh dining room windows we sit here a few times a day and we look outside at the birds beautiful flowers and I’ve always had this one pot on the left so now I want to have a matching pair so I

Got these beautiful flowers combinations and I must say I spent about 40 minutes in my local on Nursery trying to pick the perfect combination of plants so you’re welcome to copy this recipe because it’s beautiful so we’re using some bright yellow rocl and beautiful purple um blue violas and this is a taller

Variety I also uh already had this candy TFT I love this one it’s Evergreen and it’s always so beautiful home this is where I’m just considering the positioning and how I want it to be in the pot battery what can you do so yes my battery run out so I’m

Going to show you the second pot a little bit more close up same thing vernaculus violas Evergreen candy TFT and then I’m also adding leaf lettuce and I’ve been really into functional uh pots so planting pots with functional edible items in it like this mint pineapple and I’m also going to add some

Silver Thyme and I noticed that it’s it’s a really good way to utilize and have an actual functioning a pot and I had some leftover uh interesting plants that I’m just kind of adding on the sides just whatever I have to add to it this one’s going to

Spread and become quite large eventually going of droop over beautifully and I already had some uh beautiful tulips picking out some adding them too I’m going to lift these up and here is the beautiful final result here’s the look from my kitchen window this is later that day you can

Actually see the birdies iting the seeds by the way this is such a beautiful investment it cost like $10 and it’s beautiful so this is the look about 4 days later still looking very beautiful much more Lush I love it so my next project is in front of my daughter’s bedroom and

This is my vision to have honeysuckle on the right and a beautiful tall Ross rose on the left so I got this climbing rose and on the honeysuckle on the right is Hall’s honeysuckle so I’m going to be planting it and my hope is that it’s going to

Just grow onto the water wall I might have to Terrace it the same way I have the honeysuckle on the right I have done quite a good research in trying to find a rose that smells beautiful kind of a classic rose scent and I want it to be right on her window

So when you open the window and the heat is outside you can actually get the whiff of the Rose so my next project is uh fer izing my maple trees this is a newer Edition I had it in a pot for a couple years and it kind

Of grew out of that so now I plant it in the ground and I’m training it to be more kind of sprawled instead of being kind of clumped together so I’ve been having it uh tied down for a few months and it looks like it needs a few more

Months this is my other one kind of let the root stock grow and I loved it instead of of a dwarf kind I have pruned it heavily this past summer so lower portions I completely pruned out and this is another Emperor um um Maple I love my Emperor blood

Good and uh coral bark mapel this is another Blood good and it’s a very mature one cannot wait for all the leaves to come out here’s a coral bark hasn’t been doing very well it hasn’t grown uh this one in the last year at all I feel like

Maybe an inch so we’ll see if I have to replant it this is just a look on my garden in early March hello again you guys my voice is still gone it’s pretty crazy so today I’m planting a few different things I hope you follow along

With with me so I’m trying these um Cana canas um bulbs and I have a very muggy wet spot right here that I can’t I don’t even know what to plant in so I’m going to try these bulbs this tropical looking plant we’ll see how it goes actually looks very

Weird the bulb looks like I don’t like a dead spider something but you know I’m hopeful my next project is adding another Breath of Heaven Sunset gold right there I had one and then we had bark installed and the bark was literally a foot deep you can actually see on the

Left so it completely suffocated my plant and I didn’t notice it until later so it completely died yeah and it wouldn’t come out so I I am replacing it with another one Okay so now I have a beautiful set of these gorgeous ones and my hope is that one day they’ll connect next is this beautiful Hill that looks like a a Cookie Monster so I’ve already planted a couple of lant on the right there in dormy right now so I’m planting five more to

Kind of create this big cluster of kind of Half Moon half circle look all around the monster so I’m using my power drill um with the augur it will be very fun for me to install irrigation later this this month to make sure they all get watered and

Then I also got a tree I did not need a tree but I got it because it’s a combo tree it’s a peach africat and a plum tree my dream combination here showing I remember that too but also if there’s a r must helper helper over

There mil you got to change your clothes and put on a jacket and go through the garage or I guess okay so there’s no water anything under here right water so me and my husband found this spot we thought that it’s kind of far enough away from everything and we started

Digging and as always in our garden you’ll see you a little bit what happens first we found a big root so we had to move a little bit to the left and then we found a gigantic Rock underneath so we had to completely dig that hole back up and dig up another

Hole a little bit to the right side your fingers there you go yeah very small Roots actually oh so it looks like this tree was a bear root tree when I was purchasing it and they just potted it uh that’s why it just completely fell apart

When we were planting it but that’s okay we staked it put the Rocks around it and then dur this time guess what happened my daughter decided to call my relatives in Russia my friends and stuff get one of your friends oh my God twice so she got to my phone somehow

While we were planting this tree and she called my uh one of my classmates from my high school can you believe that and that person was completely shot risk taker okay come on Mila loves gardening and she walks around our garden I know I know I get a

Little scared but there’s no stopping this girl thank you d welcome good job good job Mom my wonderful H it was too compact is moving that means I put too much what is that okay so now it’s time to plant a couple of house plants they kind of grew out of their

Pots so I’m just putting them up in slightly larger containers very cute thank you guys again I hope to speak to you soon normally I’m kind of tired of the sore throw that makes me sounds so weird I can’t like it’s like oh cracking up so it’s getting windy thanks for joining me

Today I hope to speak normally again bye bye guys


  1. 🌷🌷🌷 Чай с мёдом!!! Мёд обволакивает и смягчает горло!!! Проверено на себе и др членах семьи!!!😄😄😄

  2. You are so multi-talented and such a diligent student of whatever you undertake. I admire your attention to detail. It’s the details that make life an art form. I also admire your eye for and appreciation of beauty in many things. I hope you have as much peace and happiness as you bring to countless number of people.

  3. I've been watching your backyard videos for a while now and the transformation is amazing! It looks beautiful!🪴🌷💚

  4. Hi Maria! Thank you for posting these gardening videos! They've really helped inspire me to tackle my own hillside landscape that I've not really known what to do with!

  5. Question: have you shown your two ascots aka euphorbias or spurges? You mentioned them in one of your gentle whispering ASMR personal attention videos when looking through the Garden Gate magazine.

  6. Did Mila talk with Lena in Russian?
    lol What a stinker! I think every parent has that kind of story. 😅 So funny!
    Love watching how your garden has progressed, Masha.

  7. Gardener here. I think for the space in your garden you are planting wayyyy to few plants. For example: if you want the Cookie monster hill to look full grown in a year, you have to at least plant 5 – 7 clusters of these lilac plants, otherwise the hill will never grow over. So let's say 5 clusters of 3-5 plants at least! Don't plant single plants, they are not enough for the amount of soil space you have. 😉 Also the plants in clusters will provide shadow for the other ones so the soil, especially on a hill will not dry out so fast.

  8. I don't blame Mila, that yard looks so fun to play in! My yard as a kid was huge and didn't have as many plants but it did have a lot of hills and places to climb. Things like that really feed the imagination

  9. You should get a compost bin! It will help a lot with the organics at home and eventually you will have homemade compost 😊

  10. Your new pots look beautiful. Love you putting herbs and pretty lettuce in them as well. Thank you for sharing ❤️ Hope you feel better soon Maria

  11. These are my favourite videos. Please do more of these if you can find the time Maria. They are informative and relaxing. Your normal voice is my favourite pick me up and boy do i need that at the moment. Thank you ❤ xx

  12. Боже мой,какая милая Мила ❤️ как будто вчера Машенька ходила беременная,а уже такая девочка прекрасная 🥰 Дай Бог мира и здоровья вашей семье. 🙏

  13. I really appreciate your lifestyle videos! There's something special about the way that you relate to us through the camera, as well as your family members. And your dear plants too, of course 🙂

  14. Running around the back yard looks like so much fun for Mila and gardening with you will be treasured memories for her. I really enjoy watching these videos even though I have no gardening skills at all.

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