Japanese Garden

Taiwan – Amy Liang Bonsai Museum – Part One

I was fortunate to visit Taiwan and in this video I show you some of the bonsai displayed at the Amy Liang Bonsai Museum.

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(please note we are only able to ship within the UK)

🌳 Outdoor Bonsai Trees https://www.herons.co.uk/Outdoor-Bonsai/
🌱 Indoor Bonsai Tree https://www.herons.co.uk/Indoor-Bonsai-Trees/
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Order My ‘Bonsai Masterclass’ on: https://store.herons.co.uk/Bonsai-Masterclass
The Bonsai Beginners Bible: https://www.herons.co.uk/12759-The-Bonsai-beginners-Bible-by-Peter-Chan

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🎹 Music is from imovie and is called Newborn

So here we are the first day of our time in tan we’re visiting Amy Yang bonai Museum so here we are and this is Jack yay most famous man I’m you’re going to be on YouTube yeah I like it that’s is Professor Amilia she’s the founder and the

International Bon master so she found this one wonderful Bonza Museum and I will do some introduction about or this is me and I’m also the horo culture therapy I’m doing the bonai horo culture Cy because I feel this is should combine together it’s very become popular now so I’m also

I’m also the chairman of the Tai Bai Association so welcome you guys to here okay okay how old since I’m yeah she she already start off pushing okay how old am I start doing the bonai since I’m the kid okay any so you can know how good I doing the

B right now okay this should be the surprise but she show out so you guys will know she’s my mom okay yeah this is the championship I went the first one I’m the baby Championship that year they choose the most lovely baby that you uh I’m very great everybody from far

Away UC come to place I’m very exciting and happy especially the England the master come home and some and he has five books five books Night books okay I will give give you one my book I I have 11 books so I I will give you one and uh I hope everybody enjoy

Here and may our friendships last forever thank you Beauti hand but this is all working hand yeah so we should talk okay your fingers in finging this our Amy Taiwan Mama mommy mommy one yeah yeah beautiful small one and our place have 126 different Bai species yes you see this is 30 years old wow yeah this is one what oh this flower is white and Gard yeah yeah yeah yeah yeah yeah smell wonderful small but have brood yes

That’s beautiful but they are not edible are they Cherry oh Le Cherry Mr Lee Cherry never come ac they call the water PL they is bling all the white flower what good you know the I think find the Singapore or because they like a very warm temperature very hot temperature so in

Vietnan yes yes Singapore and Malaysia there are no winter now this trees needed very hard tempure the flowers smell good and the white color so you have tropical climate here yes we we and the trun just very good you can see each one is a triangle each one yeah we call Sky and

People oh Amy Amy what is your favorite size of tree oh my baby oh I love each every every time every day that’s right big but I think now is somebody not to have a big Garden I small garden for the for the old men or the woman or

The chair it’s very good yes so that’s true yeah you see this you see the pot it’s very beautiful pot and fam is number one uh part or in the this yes oh yes and that when it’s is small mhm I I do this uh root I do since wasaby oh we

Say right always cut keep keep small okay so you have to De for for them to become small bring the root stor oh see the rock little bit root Beau and R now is 10 and then we must Choice the leave is small we don’t know the

Botanical it’s got a lot of uh um frigs it’s very spiky such a thick trunk 30 years old 30 years old the very old trees grow in a very small part not so easy what’s the botanical name you don’t use botanical name you see they have a flower wow and

The seed yes the seed is all Chinese medicine yeah and the smile very good they have this and getting ready huh and it smells good and also it’s trk trunk is a root root is very good how do you make the rud in yeah use wire use wire to training

Training yeah when he was a baby he easy to uh to you know to wiring them yeah to TST to them yeah but they need just spr a long long time boxes rung old is f what’s the pot the famous what about this antique pot yeah do you

Have to change pot from time to time yes if if the water can go out must change because L is come from here in the four up uh-huh the water can come in so we year need to change new yes new C just see the water water is come

On some uh two years some four years okay we just see the water inside easy passing through outside the hold yeah that’s amazing that’s that’s really see this I also do this they have a small small cherry cherry Le Cherry yeah Le Cherry then do this Cherry it’s beautiful but little by

They get more more more I just cut before aumn I cut before yeah you see good this part beautiful they have a the r fruits where come yeah so they get different colors of ber no no just red and right now is getting R okay December sorry that’s why it’s called

500 this come from 500 I funny this is this is skin and this uh it’s long time dri yeah then skin go out just the the root the brown is coming in here if you see in the nature tree have this come out this is over than 100 years

Older tree for that is small one just and the flower is purple this part is a dead wood yeah and it’s over than 100 years old love well this is a natural but this is with I do that I do this this natural but I do that it just looks okay beautiful

Still it’s wonderful oh this is really big yeah this one is the Taiwan Wild Plum okay it’s been over 300 years old already over 300 years so you can see the skin the wrinkle and it’s already you see on that side it’s already rinkle part so it’s a this is all

Nature high from they come this is 7 ft okay my I like yeah shorter shorter You can go home and create some how often you report these Tre every year every year every year every year we will everybody can take one pict she’s quite happy for you to handang so I keep this back to you anywhere is that a Tamarind Tree Tamar what tree Tamarind Tamar vex lovely

Sunshine foree if you see all this is Ming Dynasty stor the not inside stor dasty stor oh the stain stain stain yeah that stain the me me Dynasty yeah and this Museum have over than uh 200 200 this and and St cough is very beautiful like this island what about

These dogs how old are they they are also about 200 300 year old yes this is a 200 years old and that one 1, 700 years old Oh and about about 300 years old for is is country country tree it’s very cheap M material then

Can go out the red red flower it’s very lovely yeah every day every day every day they they will go out every day yeah this from cutting if you want to use the branch to cutting yes 4 days they have the house all this is the you know the temp

Tle the and this is the foundation and this great SC can moving around to protect the earthquake use the [Applause] because he has a ball okay that’s the reason why made from cutting is it yes yes the Juniper always use from cutting this jiper is more than 100 years Old and then you know the tree is um wire cut for these two trees there’s a wire tree you can see from the this the root is very strong and rinkor and very big one come from Mountain oh yamori yamor Yori yeah this one called ay tree very hard o black

One every tree we make this one as a Furniture more than 200 years old these two over than 200 years old it’s a from Mountain it’s m m then I trim it that’s many years ago isn’t it yes many years ago we are not 25 years AG wow yeah we

Are not allowed to collect from the mountains now are we because cannot uh 30 years ago already cannot collect from the mountain so you were luy I this one is a beautiful for style oh very big and I cut this way I cut this way oh go over is so two years

Before the government take his temp is it guava no no no not is it Citrus or something no some uh I see you use a very granular soil almost like akadama but it’s not aadama is it aadama soil you import from Japan yes oh almost but uh we make aama so too

Oh from y Mountain so you find that it’s much better than ordinary Sal not just using mud yes yes but in olden days they never used to use aadama they used to use just mud it for B here we always for us it’s cheaper not so expensive like you UK

Yeah UK is a very expensive very expensive because we have to bring from Japan yeah is easier whole container have you whole containers so from Japan qu bag here see this one ch ch Cherry Cherry they have a more than 300 CH come out yes oh yeah they have India but hiding

Mal there’s oh now you got a name okay now you know the name but this is related to the fuken family family the family same family same family oh right here oh I see I’m cheerer only one I see you’re Lu to be this C when you go to I find some old

Because But these must have been grown by other girls for long how old would this be training about 70 80 years or more maybe more maybe more huh yeah so can you go to the mountains now this is a this one is the name and this is a

Family I’ve seen in Hong Kong as [Applause] well Box For nice compact place isn’t it Yes [Applause] For for yeah and Look like not Same by the way Peter you asked me about that two same family no no so many of are you sure I will die happy excuse me don’t worry if you die Joshua save you we don’t know what that is no no Crazy as soon as you come over they will come up there’s an amazing little b v landscape there what were these s of bases B froming yes building house that one also the same like theill on the face of the building is more how you divide it’s like you know mountain and

You know tunnel you the water here and the B There [Laughter] oh yes ah okay it’s getting all the ideas now no it’s just Beautiful need to get your doors up somewhere you got your do I mine is better than that see this almost like a San Jose isn’t it yeah quickly Juniper but the drift mod you don’t worry about the P just worry about the ship it’s got that big dolphin thing it’s

Huge I wonder how old this Is my see the size of Them It looks better from this side Peter see dead more There’s a big wasp There no BS you you drink or anything you look like you’re overwhelmed exactly exactly the right word For I Now One Peter beautiful CRP [Applause] Myrtle look at the Trunk lovely is It years and years of training Incredible and that type of the tree they usually uh have a very good ramification and they show them without all leave I know These Five years s very very well old One know when they Are we went to see Society all they do is and those trees are to Di Look at that for a box wow yeah and that’s One Got Almost Ah you can was it before what do you have to no there’s some stuff on it step on I wow great great maybe that’s not durable that’s not strong one morein [Applause] no do that don’t do that there must Be yeah that’s enough enough I going Che Oh My so many treeses next yeah let me ask okay sign there So today is all day right I’m just going to show you some of these junipers that you get in Taiwan this a type of juniper clearly it’s not quite like aoy gawa neither is it like the European ones it’s got juvenile foliage too all different so we say goodbye to this

Beautiful Amy langang bonai Museum utmost credit to Professor Amy langang for setting this up and it is a real Heritage such a beautiful place promoting Bonsai culture for all the world to see so this ends our visit to the famous ponai Museum and thank you Mark and Ming for bringing us here so I hope you enjoyed this little video


  1. Some serious collection there, lots of formidable and expensive beautiful trees. But the Papaya fruits weren't ripe yet 😂, Thx for sharing Peter 👍.

  2. Taiwan junipers are interesting. Because of the environment, their wood is much harder and they get both juvenile and mature foliage

  3. All their trees are at a different level to anything we can grow in the U.K. the climate in Taiwan is suitable for warm climate trees which a lot of the trees are able to thrive, I assume there are a lot of people employed to look after some very old and rare specimens I love the small mame trees especially they take a lot time and care to keep them as healthy as the are. Peter must be in seventh heaven

  4. I'm totally blown away! Such spectacular little trees. I want to know more about Lang's trees. What a great promotion of the art of bonsai.❤

  5. 我看過這位穿黑皮衣的先生好像叫彼得,是在美國吧他的盆景視頻很壯觀,而且盆景養的健康綠意盎然。是真正有養植技術的管理人。這個紫園的樹景收藏欠缺管理以及養樹的養份恰似不足,整體的養樹技術看起來是不足的、也不夠的精緻,主要因為該換盆沒換盆或修根剪枝吧?當然也有十幾盆門面盆景是還不錯的。大概多是收藏來的,也許管理人年紀大了吧看起來有些力不從心,因為這些活是蠻須心力的工作吧!環境上是很有中國風的庭院很不錯。

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