@California Garden TV

California Garden TV: Now They Want Us to STOP BACKYARD GARDENING? What’s Next?

In this video I want to talk about a dangerous headline about backyard gardening being BAD for the environment and give you my opinion on it. What do you think about this?

U of MI Video: https://youtu.be/gD2LxgozPxo?si=9i46LxF1yzmkDJ11


  1. sigh. yeah, some headlines pointed out that backyard gardening done in a "conventional" way may have a higher carbon footprint than people think. no, the studies people are not asking you to stop gardening.

  2. It’s all about control…carbon control is a farce…they continue to fly in their private planes, live in large mansions, eating the best steaks but they want us to eat crap, bugs…heck with them…we are more then them..we need to stand together and say NO…

  3. I no longer pay attention to media headlines. I am a retired scientist and am very upset that science seems to have been hijacked by those who have a political agenda or money rather what science should be about; inquiry and analysis of experimental facts. Keep on doing what you’re doing and don’t pay any attention to those who are trying to push their own interests. I love your channels and have learned a lot from you.

  4. For time and eternity, the most wholesome, and natural, thing you could do is to grow your own food. Our government should be encouraging people to grow gardens – not the opposite…..for may reasons.

  5. To impeach Jim Karey as a "Parkay Margerine" providing false evidence appearing real, causing famine for livelihoods,
    Farming Deluge Worldwide ..
    Gardening teaches us to
    Grow Up!⬆️🌴 ! & Out,
    we are only as good
    as the soil and roots…

  6. Brian. Great podcast, keep going! Thank you for raising these issues. Particularly how headlines do not represent the article which is the "worst fake news" from an academic "free thinking institution". I am learning home gardening as one part of retirement and loving it. One of its great gifts is to share (give away) produce when I get something right!🙂 To compare home gardening "carbon footprint" to the burning of fossil fuel for power or to drive automobiles is just silly. And the use of trivial amounts of materials sustainably compared to say construction where there is enormous one off waste is ridiculous. Surely a simple meeting at the start of that research would conclude this is a waste of our valuable experts time!! But it got headlines and clicks……. Ask them about Grazon(?). In Australia we had the same issue. Green waste made to compost and sold was contaminated with persistent herbicides!!! So plants failed or died. Probably the lawn weed and feed type products which actually say in fine print "do not put clippings on garden"! So where do they go? To green waste. There are many more relevant and important issues to investigate.

  7. "carbon footprint" was invented by the British Petroleum PR team. Those guys have put a lot of thinking into how to shift the blame for global warning from oil corps and their lobbyists to ordinary people. People don't really have much choice but to keep consuming oil, whether in cars (no public transport, thank you big oil) or in food production (thank you big agra) or in manufacturing (thank you planned obsolecence and non-repairable single-use stuff)

  8. If people would only use their own common sense..maybe even think for themself. These ridiculous headlines make no sense. In elementary school science we were taught how PLANTS use and convert CO2 into OXYGEN. so if we grow more plants maybe that would be a GOOD THING for everyone, lol

  9. Time to stop planting hybrids and start planting straight species so you can keep the seeds.

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