Garden Plans

Major Garden Update: The Big Tasks We’re Tackling & Planting Plans Revealed

In this video, we’re giving you a major garden update with all the big tasks we’re tackling and our planting plans revealed!

From seed starting to transplanting, we’re sharing our tips and tricks for successful gardening. Learn how we plan and prepare for a bountiful garden and get inspired to grow your own fruits and veggies at home. Get ready to dig in and get your hands dirty with us!

Want to learn when it’s time to grow seeds for your growing zone:
Click below for the Seed Starting Masterclass course:

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Vegetable Garden Digital Planner:

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#seedstarting #gardening #grow

Thank you all so much for stopping by today so before we get to what this video is all about I wanted to share something with you now I’m not mad at myself for this um I’m not frustrated I look at everything as a learning lesson and what can be done better because I

Just spent a whole bunch of time looking for something that if I were a little bit more organized it wouldn’t have taken this long but today I do really want to let you know some of the things that I am starting seeds with we’ve been really starting a whole bunch

Of seeds but I wanted to go ahead and get some of the seeds started that sometimes take a little bit longer to germinate and by that I mean like maybe 15 to 60 days of germination and so now that we moved and we’re not in the Coastal Georgia area um um the the

Growing period has shifted just a little bit so some of these plants that we are going to plant up today they really do need like a long growing season um just to be uh productive and success successful so let me let me tell y’all um and I hope you’re able to take this

Information and I hope that it’s helpful for you so let’s just go ahead and let’s get started Okay y’all so there are all sorts of ways to store your seeds and make sure that you put down in the comments like how do you store your seeds so predominantly most of the time I have this is really a photo frame but I have

This photo frame and so I store my seeds and I label them um like this now I do have some seeds that are in the freezer because the instruction say you know like put them in the freezer uh before you plant them because this just kind of assimilates the winter for the seeds

Because some seeds have to go through like a cold period in order to be able um to germinate so I have some that are like in a Ziploc bag in the freezer and I’ve even bought about three more these right here to be able to store my seeds but the issue and the

Issue that arise today is I have been purchasing seeds and I’ve had them in the box and I have yet to sit down and you know make labels and store the new seeds so most of the new seeds are coming in packages like this and they’re just you know I just

You know with the move and everything I just have not got it together and organized so often times when I make um a list of the things that I want to accomplish whether it is for the day or for the week I’ll do that at night or

First thing in the morning so one thing that I wrote early this morning was I want to go ahead and I want to get these three things started today because they have have a longer germination and those are the butterfly pea flowers the um sour soop plant and the uh hibiscus now the

Hibiscus kind of pops up really quick but that it does have like a longer growing season and then once the days start getting a little bit shorter that’s when they put on the kaix and we’ve grown um lots of hibiscus and harvested and we use it for tea

Uh but I do want to go ahead and get that started because one of the things that I’m also doing is looking at my journal seeing when I started it in Savannah and just trying to adjust those days a little bit but here’s the thing so I saved some seeds from the old

Garden with the Hibiscus and then I knew that I had that and you know how you can write something like in my mind I can remember like writing on it with my handwriting and storing it and I put the butterfly pea flow seeds in a white seed envelope and I remember

Vividly butterfly PCS y’all I have looked up down left right in out boxes this that the other I could not find it now I will tell you what I did find but I still know that there is a white envelope around here that says butterfly P C’s because if you’ve been following

Us for a while uh not not last year because we were in the middle of moving but I think the year before that we harvested some of the butterfly pea seeds um we offered them up on our website for sale and they immediately y’all like sold out they

Sold out and um but I put a little bit to the side and so I was just getting so frustrated y’all go watch the fungus naap video this is what I’m talking about and I guess I guess it’s time to fly my face because I’m filming but we’re getting

Them up under control um and if you haven’t watched it let me just give you this sneak peek so I found out that these oregano plants are really the culprit of the fungus infestation it seems like everything is starting to you know get up under control but that fun

Uh that Italian oregano uh planter or with the seeds that that’s where the culprit is but we we got it up under control but I’ll make sure that I link that video but anyway like I was saying um I just got really frustrated because I’ve looked at boxes in and out now I

Found an alternative but I know that there is still a white butterfly pea seed envelope with my handwriting on there but I cannot find it so that is when I said okay we are not about to get frustrated we’re not about to get upset what we’re about

To do is we’re going to take on a major task and the major task is to organize these seeds because that was a lot of time spent now let me show you what I did find is I found these is where um I harvested these can

Y’all see it so I harvested these and I just kind of put them in the bag but I didn’t put them in the white seed envelope but but we’re going to use these today because there’s still like fresh seeds in here um I just have to

I’m trying to find one where the seeds are sticker so I just didn’t so with the the white seed envelopes you know I took the seeds out of the seed pod and put them in there and again I know that it is I know that there’s some so we’re but

We’re these are still good but we’re going to use these today and we’re going to start our butterfly pea um seeds and hopefully um we will have enough to be able to offer like at a later date at a later time but in addition to the

Butterfly pea seeds um maybe last year I was looking through the baker Creek Seed Catalog now the butterfly seed that we grew and I will make sure that I link it it will fool you and the reason why I say it will fool you is because they

Will start out with a lot of leaf growth Vining it’s a v it definitely needs trellising it needs support and we grew those on uh cattle panels but it starts out just making a whole bunch of leaves and then like it kind of reminds me of like the

Habiscus then all of a sudden one day it’ll just start putting on those uh butterfly pea flowers but you really have to stay on top of harvesting them like I was harvesting them if not every day at least every other day but the reason why I like to grow them is

Because they are beautiful in teas um they have some very great medicinal qualities associated with them but I also you know looking through cataloges we’re also going to start these seeds as well so Baker Creek had the lavender queen butterfly pea and then the White Queen butterfly pea and I don’t know if

I’m going to use these for tea I was just trying to look at the back y’all but it does say that they’re edible they are edible and the natural flowers make a natural food D and soothing tea to calm the nerves so I guess it’s no different than the beautiful blue ones

That I am um used to growing so it’s it’s a few seeds in here I think that these are like maybe 10 seeds per pack so we’re just going to try to grow all three colors this year so that is what we’re growing first so we’re going to

Grow we’re going to get ready to start these these are new to me a new variety so that’s why I want to start them a little bit earlier so that I can you know document down how long does it take for uh germination and what I will tell

You is that the butterfly PE flowers uh they are not Frost tolerant so when it gets cold um it will it will um die back or die out really it’ll die out because that’s when I pull it but but it definitely loves the heat it’s a heat loving plant and it

Definitely thrived in the savannah weather with heat and humidity so that I know for sure and it says actually on here it says it’s a perennial in zones 10 through 11 but I do know for a fact that I would have to you know like once

It’s done um I would just pull the whole plant now these right here say to scarify seeds so let’s talk about that a little bit you got stratify and you got scarify so scarify that means that what I’m going to do is I’m going to take like a

Fingernail file and I am going to just like scratch the surface of that outer seed but this one also says to soak overnight so I guess we going to be doing that for all of them now I will tell you when I’ve started my own butterfly pea flowers from seed I just

Put it in the soil and it you know in about two weeks I started to see them pop up but what I’ll do is I’ll do like half and half so what I’ll do is I’ll do half I will do half um where I scarify my my original ones and then I’ll do

Half where I don’t of my of my original ones but I’ll do what the package says for these right here so the next thing that we’re also going to be planning in the garden is moranga that is also known as the drumstick tree but it also has a bunch

Of medical uh properties to it and it grows really fast but it’s also um grown as an annual it was grown as an annual in Savannah and it was it’ll also be grown as an annual here um it it has a long growing season in Savannah they

Started making seeds but they never got completed so I just basically harvested the leaves off of it and I dried it and I used it in tea and other things like that now the last season we grew this one right here which is the dwarf meringa because the meringa tree can get

Huge really big like a tree tree um and we grew these in grow bags not sure how I want to tackle it this year um but I do want to get the seeds started and these are like the regular Moringa like tree seeds and so we want to go ahead

And get those started too and if I’m not mistaken this is also one um um yeah that you want to pre-o as well so I got a lot of pre- soaking to do I’m glad I’m making this video um so we’re going to pre- soo those uh and I was trying to

See it’s not Frost hearty at all but these right here don’t grow as big which is what I did like and you can you can Harvest those so we’re going to plant uh moranga so we have to soak the seeds for these and then we have to scarify which

Is uh get the the fingernail file and remove that outer layer and soak the butterfly PE seeds so I’m telling y’all just like there is a white seed envelope with butterfly pea seeds in there there is a white seed envelope with razelle seeds but I was able to find a bag and here’s

The thing and and that’s why I say I’m not going to be hard on myself I have to do better I am known to just like put stuff here and say oh I’ll come back or I’ll remember where it is or let me place it down here y’all it was a it was

Something that happened this while we was moving while I was like you going to have to do better like I did that with money and I was like I’m going to put it right here for now I’ll remember it and probably for about five six months I could not find it and

One day I just happened to be going in a basket looking for something totally different and there it was but I I told myself today when I was looking for the seeds I’m like you got to stop doing that you got to but it is a white seed

Envelope around here somewhere um but this is good though y’all this is good this is going to help me to get organized and get all my seeds together and see what I got because as I was going through some of the envelopes and some of the boxes I was like you’re

Going to have to plant some of this stuff you know and get it planted so we got a lot to plant and to be honest y’all I should not be buying any more seeds now am I going to buy some this season I I don’t know it depends on if

They put out like something brand new I’ve never grown and seen and it looks interesting for 2024 maybe but at this point I should not be buying any more seeds but um so let me show you in the y’all look at wait a minute hold on

Inside inside of the bag like I can’t make this stuff up I cannot make it up inside of the bag but I had the bag stapled because in okay so in here is where I actually like harvested let me show y’all where I harvest this is crazy

I harvested the seeds this is how the seeds look but in the brown paper bag honey sometimes you just got to laugh at yourself in the brown paper bag this is what we have like where I have not harvested them yet so it’s still so basically it’s still like the

Kaix but it’s like dried what was dried on the plant and in each of these is probably like I would say about 10 to 12 seeds um but I knew I knew what did I just tell y’all I got a white envelope somewhere and this is it it’s a

Butterfly pea flour seed envelope just like this that has the seeds like already but I’m just grateful that I was able to find the blue ones cuz the blue ones are so deep in a pretty color I’m still excited about growing the other ones but the blue is just so pretty and

It makes your tea looks so good and then you can change the color by just adding like some lemon or some lime used to it but I’m glad I did make this video so that’s with these I don’t soak so I guess I’m going to start with those

First now with the razelle I don’t want to plant too many so in the past I have had six and I had like three on each side and they get about four to six feet in height and four to six feet in width but the thing is is if it’s really windy

Like they’re really easy to like Sway and break as far as the branches um so I probably and that was the six was really good like it gave me enough seeds to be able to share and then it also supplied me with a whole bunch of hibiscus um the

Kaix to be able to dry and use in tea until like the next season so I may just I’m probably going to plant double of what I need and what I don’t need I will um either gift or sell okay y’all so last but not least what I really love

About social media I love about gardening friends I love about online is you really can expand like outside of your local area so the last thing we’re going to plant and I know that these take a while or sour soof seeds and I ordered them off of the first time we

Grew them I ordered them off Etsy but the same shop that I tried to go back to again um she was like closed down for a period of time and it didn’t say like when she would return so I I’m always looking at uh the reviews and seeing

Like are people talking about the German nation and so this company or this person right here it was nothing but good reviews on there um the people who had ordered from her in the past they were showing the pictures of their seedlings germinating and so I ordered um some Sour

Soop some sour soof seeds and again I use that in tea as well and then she put uh the directions in here but what I also loved about it is she gave me some free papaya seeds now I don’t think they’ll be able to fruit here but it will be something fun

Like if I have a I don’t know I’m still gonna plan them um regardless and and and see and see what happens you know you never know I always like to experiment but with the papaya seeds I do know that it see right here it says

Between 15 to 60 days to germinate so this will just be something that I plant but I was looking on here cuz I thought I read that you soaked the seeds here uh covered I’ll read it yeah it has soaked the seeds overnight prior to planting to

Speed up germination so we got three different seeds that we have to be soaking here so we got the butterfly pea flour the meringa and the sour soof seeds because I think the sour soof she said soak that overnight too tip you can you can start this in a

Plastic bag okay so but look y’all and I and I know this to be true from starting sour soop in the past the germination can take between 30 and 90 days now looking back through my journal I do see that the germination it I remember the

Lady was like you got to be patient I think it took about 45 days maybe pushing on two months and then finally I saw something like popping up and it was a great germination but you know just think about when you’re planting vegetable seeds and you start seeing you

Know just say maybe between three to five or three to 14 days of germination it’s just like a fun time but it’s like I guess watching paint dry and then all of a sudden one day it just comes up so I’m going to go ahead get

These soaked up too and get those um planted so I just wanted to really just share that with you so I can go ahead and get some of the seeds that take a longer time to germinate we still got got some more leafy greens that we’re

Going to be starting um great news y’all so if you don’t follow us on social media you probably don’t know this but I ended up thanks to Devin um that’s on our YouTube and she always supports our live uh she was telling me about a grow

Rack so I did go and I I got the grow rack I got the grow lights so basically this grow rack right here will be for the germination I still have my heating mats and everything but once the plant germinates I normally take them off of

The heating mat and just like move them up under strong grow lights so this rack that I’m looking at like right in front of me is the same exact rack but it just won’t have the heating mats so that way it’ll germinate I can move it off and

Germinate more so it’s not tying up the entire rack but this rack will just be the grow lights that’s all it won’t have any on there and so I think that’s going to put me in a better more prepared place for when we start hardening off and getting ready to put everything in

The garden because last night I did a fertilization and today was the last day that we were in the teens I think it got down to 15 y’all and I went out there a little bit around maybe 10:30 11 y’all it was it just cold it’s like like

I said it’s just the wind that when it hits your face I’m like oh my gosh um so if you’re in a Northern climate please stay warm it is real I haven’t experienced like cold cold in a while you know because Savannah when they say

Cold you know it might be like 32 that was cold that was really cold for me but you know I think the lowest out of the 133 years that we’ve stayed there I think the lowest it may have got was maybe like upper no lower 20s maybe like 19 or

Something cuz it was a year that I failed to cover up my Citrus and a couple of citrus plants died but it it just wasn’t like every year but this I was like oh my gosh um it makes me don’t want to go anywhere at all and so um

Next week because this is the crazy thing like next week in a few days it is going to be like 76 78 but I don’t I’m not trusting I’m not trusting that I’m not TR not trusting that but I am going to start hardening off all of our this is

The global mix uh lettuce so starting tomorrow maybe Tuesday because tomorrow I think the high is going to be in 50 uh 51 but probably either tomorrow or Tuesday I’m going to start hardening these off and then we’re going to this is what we’re going to start like the

Spring garden with because most of my lettuce was surviving very good until it got down to 13 the 13 degree is what really took um basically most of them most of them out so um I don’t know if we’ll get down to 13 I’ll just try to

Make sure that I cover them but I do want to make sure we have something ready to go when we start um our spring the spring season so we got two of these that we’re going to start hardening off off um this week okay so y’all I’m going to go ahead

Get started soaking these seeds um and it’s going to be great I’ll definitely keep you posted but make sure you subscribe to the channel and make sure you tap the Bell so that when we upload a new video you will also be notified and so you can see the progress and

Everything I’m super excited about all of these plants that we’re going to plant again I’m not going to plant too many so if I have excess um I’ll either like offer it for sale on the web website or um something like that because I know that um the habiscus I

Definitely don’t want to have too many of those um we may start off with between four or six so as always thank you all so much for watching this video make sure you share this video with your family and your friends and if you’re not a subscriber go ahead tap the

Subscribe button and make sure you tap the Bell so that you can receive notification each and every time we upload a new video again thank you also so much for watching and until the next video Byebye

1 Comment

  1. I was hoping to purchase more butterfly pea seeds from you ๐Ÿ’œ๐Ÿฆ‹๐Ÿ’™ Okay you will have them later.

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