@California Garden TV

California Garden TV: Winter Sowing! Seed Starting the EASY & CHEAP Way. ๐ŸŒฑ โ„๏ธ๐ŸŒฑโ„๏ธ๐ŸŒฑ

Seed starting indoors or seed starting in winter can be tricky. But seeds know what to do in nature, outdoors, when the time is right! So just give them a nudge with winter sowing. In this video I show you two methods of winter sowing that take all the guesswork out of starting seeds. Vegetable seeds or flower seeds. I’ll show you how to make the winter sowing containers, tell you which seeds are winter hardy and frost hardy seeds so you can have winter garden success.

If you have questions about winter sowing, need help growing a vegetable garden, want tips for gardening for beginners, are looking for more winter gardening tips and tricks and “garden hacks” like this, have questions about vegetable gardening and organic gardening in general, or want to share some DIY and “how to” garden tips and gardening hacks of your own, please ask in the comment section below!


  1. I love winter sowing. Been doing it a few years in my tiny garden. I always end up with much more then I have space for and share whats left.

  2. Hi Brian, The arctic blast is coming in tonight ๐Ÿ˜ข SE Texas. Praying ๐Ÿ™ we don't lose electricity ๐Ÿ˜ฎ โคLOVE YALL โค

  3. My 3rd year winter sowing, the plants are stronger and healthier. I do my brassicas, and a few other vegetables, best way to get a great start in the winter

  4. I've been collecting milk jugs and was gonna give it a very unsure try. This came at the best possible moment! Thank You so much!

  5. I have grown herbs from seeds this way, with some degree of success. Since I live in Ontario, Canada, the earliest I can do it is in middle of March. The nice thing is that the plants don't need to be hardened before they are planted in their final spot, in full sun. I love your hinged hoop house.

  6. That is a really cool idea! This is off your topic, but for the last three years, by the first week in July, I have been battling cucumber beetles. The plants are totally healthy and then one day๐Ÿ˜ข I spot one beetle. By the end of July, Iโ€™m pulling all the vines out. Last year I dug out holes and planted the seeds in fabric bags using compost and new soil. I covered the ground around the sunken pots with lawn fabric and then covered that with grass clippings. When I spotted the first beetle, ๐Ÿ˜ขI used neem oil. Iโ€™m so frustrated. If I plant cucumbers in a different location will that really help? Is there something I can put in the soil to kill eggs? I feel like they fly into my yard from all over. Please help!

  7. Iโ€™m a big fan of winter sowing, thanks for sharing this method! Easy, inexpensive, low maintenance..set and forget for the most part. And it truly frees up space in my sprout room pre-Spring. Also, this method requires little or no hardening off period. I use opaque jugs, so I usually give them a day uncovered, just for the sprouts to get a good look at the sun and feel a breeze before I transfer them. But not having to harden off the sprouts is nice ๐Ÿ‘

  8. I tried winter sowing for two years in a row with no success. This is my last year for trying it. Iโ€™m not sure what Iโ€™m doing wrong. The seeds arenโ€™t old, I pre moisten the potting soil, I just donโ€™t get it. Maybe because we get little to no sun throughout the winter months ? I live in SW Michigan so the seeds get the cold they need. Again I just donโ€™t get it. Last try ! ๐Ÿฅถโ„๏ธ๐Ÿ’š๐Ÿ™ƒ

  9. Love your videos and your ideas. Always ready to learn new things thank you ๐Ÿ˜Š. My problem is its so cold out i dine feel like walking outside to my greenhouse. We are below 0 wind chills today

  10. Love winter sowing!! Surprisingly, my hot weather crops germinated the best (tomatoes; peppers; watermelon and canteloupe). Last year was my first year! I was in zone 7; put my jugs out Feb 2.

  11. I feel like I've been seeing "winter sowing" a lot this year (more so than past years). I really want to focus on indoor starting this year but may try both methods next year and compare results. Thanks for the helpful video, you explain things very well!

  12. I did it kinda last year. I went outside in early March and found all my containers. I tossed and I use that term lightly seeds into each one. Didnโ€™t care what just poured them into each container. That was it. Went back inside, watched as it froze several more times, snowed on and off, etc. by May 1st everything was growing! I was amazed. Had no idea what was growing till it got bigger but it worked really well. ๐Ÿ’š

  13. Hey maybe I missed it ,I canโ€™t find the link for the seed trays you used. Your a great teacher I always learn from you. I grow in raised beds. zone 8. Florida.

  14. Done it, love it.
    In my cold climate it is suggested to set containers out where they will not be in the winter sun is better. On the north or east side of your home, under bushes etc. Stops the soil from getting too warm too early.

  15. I have WS for 5 years, zone
    7a. It's been great! I usually start in January. I use gallon jugs. I label. Log in a book the date and how it did. I also note the seed company.

  16. Thanks Brian, I have a greenhouse similar to your hoop house that I have been growing cilantro, lettuce, and swiss chard in this winter.

  17. I tried the milk jugs and dont like them. Found a brilliant way to start them and its so easy to put in their place…yep labels are so important:)
    Love your plants!

  18. Hi I winter sowed last year and it was amazing ! I had lots of lettuce, spinach and many other greens ! I soaked my seeds for 24 hours and it was easy and kept my busy mind occupied during the winter ๐Ÿฅถ๐Ÿ˜‚๐Ÿ˜‡๐Ÿ™๐Ÿผโค๏ธโ€๐Ÿฉน

  19. Hi, this is off topic, but I (we all) loved your overwintering pepper video- what about a similar video for tomatoes? I know in many zones indeterminate toms can make it thru the winter, but how/when to prune??? No idea. I have a sungold bush that needs work!

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