@California Garden TV

California Garden TV: POWDERY MILDEW – 5 Home Remedies

In this video I will show you 5 organic home remedies for powdery mildew in the garden.

6 Benefits of Hydrogen Peroxide on Plants in the Garden https://youtu.be/d1bD0Di690Q
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  1. If you are looking to maintain an organic garden I would stay away from mouthwash and only use natural soap.

  2. Adding neem oil dilution to baking soda (sodium bicarbonate) , or best potassium bicarbonate, controls powdery mildew.

    But the real reason of powdery mildew is a fungus that is in the soil. Solution – find the best anti-fungicide that works on the plants – but also seeps down into the soil and remove the blighters in the first place ! Spray that on the plants (and DELIBERATELY SOAK AND DROWN into the soil). The King Kong solution – puffball mushrooms ! Puffball mushrooms have the highest anti-fungal, anti-bacterial, anti-mold, anti-mildew properties. Use a watery solution of dried and powdered fresh (white stage) puffballs spray onto plants and soil (BEFORE getting the seasonal powdery mildew – duh !). Otherwise, find (black sporing stage) puffballs and keep the puffs and poof them over the plants and all over the soil, so that you grow puffballs – EVERYWHERE !!! It is now admitted by biomedicine that puffball mushroom fairy circles (outspread from a mother shroom) have ZERO biological life inside the circle – as it has been totally antisepticided. Mushrooms also provide healthy colloidal minerals from the soil to the plants in exchange for plant photosynthesis sugars. Don't overlook shrooms – they are Mother Nature's helpers – especially those growing in the decaying wood chip mulchings in your veg, vineyard, and orchard of future black gold soil.

  3. Compost teas with black soldier fly frass added in towards the end of the brew (Frass is added 16 hours in to a 24 hour brew) has kept my plants green so far

  4. For those people using Mouthwash or Listerine – need to know what they are using and why. Listerine has eucalyptol, menthol, thymol, and methyl salicylate. OK – layman's words. Someone is growing eucalyptus trees (eucalyptol essential oil) on their property, menthol (regular mint oil, not spearmint or peppermint, and not toxic horse mint essential oil). thymol (garden herb thyme – just like also using oregano, sage, rosemary, thyme essential oils), … and methyl salicylate (just say ASPIRIN). One can make their own essential oils garden spray from macerating eucalyptus leaves, mint leaves, thyme (et al herb oils) – and household aspirin. I have said this for the longest time. The ancestors knew all this for personal health and healing – but modern medicine hides these facts from the layman. Make your own diluted solution, … and if you can find any benzoic acid (soda), or borax (boron acid, 20 Mule team), these can also be added to the solution.

    In fact, long before you even plant the veg/herb/flower garden, spray and drown the entire soil with puffball mushroom, or this above concoction (minus the alcohol in mouthwash). Let it settle, sink into the soil, kill off the viral soil virus, pathenogens, bacteria, and germs in the topsoil and wood chip mulch. Then plant 2 weeks later (!), your vegs, grape/berry vines, herbs, and flowers. Amazing in how "antiseptic preparation" of the soil leads to no soil blight or powdery mildew coming onto the plants later !!!

  5. Thanks for these remedies. I do have all of these things in my house. I love your videos and your sense of humor.

  6. Thanks for info. Can you send me video on growing cucumber s. In Florida, added shade cloth and growing well but don't want any more mistakes as didn't do well the first plant.

  7. "… so we can all secretly hate you…. just kidding…. 😒" had me laughing lol thanks for keeping things informative and light hearted

  8. Thank you so much for including the leaf in the thumbnail! I have been seeing this for the last couple years on my squash plants and brushing it off because someone told me it was residue from the high chlorine content in the water here!

  9. Wasn't this channel that gave us specific recipes for a preventative, an outbreak treatment, and a preventative plus foliar feed that included non-coated aspirin? I spray that foliar feed every week.

  10. I have no idea what is up with this year maybe the smoke in the air cooler temps? But I had a million tomatoes and cucumbers, and I had no problems with bugs or mildew. Also, the most green peppers I have ever grown! I sprayed nothing on any of them. Nice not to have any worries about these things that can happen to your plants. Lucky this year and grateful!!

  11. powdery mildew is a menace ! pretty constantly trimming squash and cantaloupe with this , I never keep the infected leaves around, always dispose of in plastic garbage cans

  12. I just noticed today my peony leaves are COVERED, and they've never got this before! It hasn't rained here in weeks, I don't get it.

  13. What about orange peels soaked in water and sprayed on leaves? I hear it’s good as a pesticide, don’t know if it’s used for the mildew but maybe someone knows?

  14. If commercial mouth wash works, another might be Tee Tree oil which when mixed with water and swooshed around in your mouth and between your teeth works great to kill bacteria dentists are always fear mongering about. Some drops of the oil mixed with dish soap and water would probably work for powdery mildew.

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