@California Garden TV

California Garden TV: How to Plant and Grow Tomatoes and Peppers

In this video I will be planting tomatoes and planting peppers. I will show you how to plant, how to fertilize, how to prune and how to take care of disease.

Our Second Channel, Next Level Homestead: https://www.youtube.com/nextlevelhomestead


Tomato Hooks: https://www.nextlevelgardening.tv/shop
Neptunes Harvest Fertilizer: https://www.neptunesharvest.com/shop.html
Discount Code: NLG05

Elastic Ties: https://amzn.to/3IZzfbv
OTHER PRODUCTS I LOVE – https://www.nextlevelgardening.tv/products-i-love


Best Tomatoes for Your Zone: https://youtu.be/gz870oGY6Hg
Epsom Salt & Aspirin: https://youtu.be/hzzizV1LFds
11 Million View Tomato Video: https://youtu.be/9w-7RoH_uic
Tomato Tuesday Playlist: https://youtube.com/playlist?list=PLu1PucmTrVAl-4TTXB9p1gz8HvR3dD43D
Overwintering Peppers: https://youtu.be/nsdmD54Bsu4

Hey Guys, I’m Brian from Next Level Gardening

Welcome to our online community! A place to be educated, inspired and hopefully entertained at the same time! A place where you can learn to grow your own food and become a better organic gardener. At the same time, a place to grow the beauty around you and stretch that imagination (that sometimes lies dormant, deep inside) through gardening.

I’m so glad you’re here!

WHERE TO FIND ME (Some of the links here are affiliate links. If you purchase through our links we’ll receive a small commission that helps support our channel, but the price remains the same, or better for you!)

– Our Website: https://www.nextlevelgardening.tv
– Our Second Channel, NEXT LEVEL HOMESTEAD: https://www.youtube.com/nextlevelhomestead
– The School of Traditional Skills: https://bit.ly/3zoFWy1
– Instagram: www.instagram.com/nextlevelgardening
– Our Facebook Garden Group: https://www.facebook.com/groups/nextlevelgardeners

PRODUCTS I LOVE – https://www.nextlevelgardening.tv/products-i-love


  1. Brian, when you let the tomatoes down with the hooks, do you trim off the foliage which will now be laying on the ground?

  2. Compost tea with Good Earth fertilizer. All you need. I had a 2 lbs tomato even. 12 ft stems.

  3. Thank you Brian! Can never hear it enough even if I know! It's always good to have a reminder 🤗❤️🤗

  4. Thanks for doing another tomato/pepper video. I'm a new gardener and because my yard is all tree roots and rocks under the lawn, I'm planting in 14, 22"x20"H pots. This year I decided to try growing seeds – there were some unexpected humorous surprises. But I wanted you to know that all the tomato seeds came up and as soon as they were an inch or two I put them in the red cups at the bottom and added soil as they grew. They all are doing well and compared to other things that stayed in the other growing cells, anything in the large or small red cups are doing better. Next time I will probably start them in the red cups rather than transplant. I started them on March 15th, they have been planted out on May 19th (With night domes – cause, zone 4) and are now about 20" tall. Thanks for all the instruction.

  5. I am a first time gardener, just finished planting 4 better boy variety. I used grass fabric pots – 20 gallon size and your tomato hooks. I might stand a chance of getting a harvest with your help! Thank you.

  6. My tomatoes are huge! Tons of blooms and some small fruiting but my peppers are still struggling. Loads of blooms but seeming to fall off before they turn. Anyone have an idea why?

  7. If this growing season does go unseasonably longer before first frost, our area could have a difficult time harvesting enough in time. This summer just doesnt seem to be kicking off

  8. I finally got my tomatoes planted last weekend. I'm planning to get some of your favorite Neptune's Harvest products but I see they only come in bags, not those nice buckets like you have. You said to remove the suckers because they produce more leaves than fruit but then you said we could grow them into new plants – would those plants have lower production than an original plant?

  9. Wowza, your Zucchini plants and leaves are gorgeous ! Mine are producing big Zucchini but the leaves are small, curled in and yellow/ green.

  10. Ive heard a couple mentions of pruning indeterminates but not cherry tomatoes and still am a bit confused..for things like sun gold or super sweet 100, do we prune to single stem?

  11. I keep zone 5 peppers in the basement. I have a 7 uear old Anaheim. I dont jave much luck saving super hot year over year. Any idea what the difference would be?

  12. Your solo cup method is genius! I transferred them into even deeper cups and now I have beautiful bushy San Marzanos! I did the same with my Kelloggs Breakfast but they got early blight and it slowed them down (lost one). The roots are at least 12" deep and I have huge leaf growth and little flowers!!! Thank you thank you thank you Brian, love from Sonoma zone 9b

  13. Zucchini varieties looking good as are mine in zone 8b. This weather for So cal is kinda pissing me off my peppers are not so well.

  14. I had peppers in the ground on April 15th, they had a 37 degree temp night while hardening off and a 33 degree night a week after being in ground out of 50 plants ZERO are the "mythical stunted growth" as they are currently 3.5 ft tall and loaded with fruits. Peppers are a perineal they are genetically adaptable to harsh conditions

  15. gotta love el nino for being weird, its sending "the Mawar" a super typhoon from the west pacific, which then heads up to Aleutian islands and then down the west coast all the way to baja ca before it heads east again, so weird.

  16. Next year, I will try to remember to plant two peppers together. I'm currently growing 4 plants in 4 containers, when I could be using only 2 containers. I know you have mentioned it in a previous video, but I caught it too late this year.

    Not to mention all the information about seed starting, trellising, propagating, pruning, fertilizing and everything else you share…THANK YOU!

  17. Holy Dill man! How do you grow dill like that… mine goes to seed right away and is really thin

  18. SuperSauce!!! So glad I'm growing with you on these. Mine are killing it right now. So interested to see So Cal vs Zone 8a how they grow and produce.

  19. I thought my peppers were way behind my last year ones. Not anymore. My tomatoes are huge and full of flowers. We had a cold night once and it was 9 C in the morning. I put heat in the greenhouse for a few days until the nights were warm again. I have not had blossom rot since I stared adding egg shells to my pots. I also throw egg shells in the water I use my containers. My tomatoes have been outside for a month now. I’m Zone 7 B.

  20. Hi Brian. I'm curious where you purchased your triple screened shavings from? I see they're from Mallard Creek. I don't see them shown in your "Products I Love" website. Did you have them shipped to SD? I'm in the OC. Thanks!

  21. I assume I could just plant banana peels for potassium?
    Is epsom salt the only source I can use for magnesium? I am using planters.

  22. For perfect watering: use a wicking bed. First invented in the Australian outback, you create a reservoir, separate the gravel and water in the reservoir from the dirt with a porus membrane (gardening cloth or used carpet works fine) then fill the bed. You have to water from the top when setting out plants and never water again, as the plant roots draw up exactly the correct amount of moisture. Refill the reservoir as needed (in my case, in arid Arizona, about weekly). Peppers and tomatoes love it.

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