
Tried to catch a groundhog…

After trying hot pepper spray and garlic and essential oils and filling in all its holes/blocking its paths in and out of our yard. I finally decided to try and trap the groundhog that has been eating all of the cauliflower and kale plants we started from seeds.

Woke up to this.

by ProvidesCholine


  1. 2FalseSteps

    You trapped your neighbor’s cat?

    On a serious note, *if* you could protect your garden better, aren’t possums good for reducing pests? Including ticks?

  2. SeaworthinessOk2884

    Fun fact this isn’t a possum. It’s an opossum.

  3. doggadavida

    I’ve never had good luck catching groundhogs except for spring when food is scarce and fall when they are fattening.

  4. You release that beneficial little dude right this moment! He is appalled.

  5. Marty_Byrde87

    Opossums are cool and great for the environment

  6. jane-bukowski

    my grandma is 86 years old and has been waging war against a family of groundhogs under her shed for roughly 10 years now. my dad (her son) has started calling her ‘Granny Clampett’ because about once a month she catches one in a trap and demands he come remove it from the property immediately. the fun part is that sometimes its not groundhog: she’s also caught every other ground/tree based mammal northern indiana has to offer. she claims to truly hate the groundhogs, but she’s a country girl- if she REALLY wanted them dead, this war would’ve ended 9 years and 11 months ago. I think she secretly just enjoys annoying my dad with her monthly catch and release projects.

  7. Chosen_Unbread

    Whats hilarious is I have groundhogs across the street and have just joined my neighbor I’m dropping off fruits n veggies thats going bad in my fridge to keep them back there

  8. Caught something so much better. What a distinguished gentleman.

  9. RememberKoomValley

    Caught a groundhog in a Havahart trap, dealt with it, hosed the groundhog poop out of the trap and left it out to dry overnight. Woke up in the morning, and the trap was shut again, with a *very pissed* possum in it. There hadn’t been any bait, the trap wasn’t in a particularly interesting place, and the possum still managed to get its ass caught.

    Went out, opened the trap, and the possum played dead for an hour and then sat there grumping for another two hours before finally realizing hey, wait, there’s a way out now? and leaving.

  10. Sorryimlatefordinner

    Be nice to the opossum please. It’s probably terrified.

  11. superlion1985

    Opossums LOVE traps. You may pull him out and have him try to go right back in.

  12. Captain_SpaceRaptor

    I have started putting cayenne pepper on plants they like to target. I also started planting certain herbs in between plants. So far rosemary and oregano, but I also bought some chives and sage. I may plant more lavender because they don’t like the smell of it and do avoid the one area that has it. I’m also going to put up some plastic plant protectors as well.

    It’s been a very rough start to the season because the groundhogs live in my neighbors yard but dine out in mine 😒

  13. Ground hogs love tomatoes. Get a bright red one from the store and use it as bait for the trap.

  14. You found the one that made it across the street safely.

  15. I caught two young groundhog when I tried – I didn’t have the heart to do anything but release them …

  16. ihdieselman

    I’ve seen a groundhog dig a hole straight through the bottom of one of those traps and get out. Be warned.

  17. nittygritty30

    Aww, poor little guy. I hope you let him go 🙁

  18. tommytimbertoes

    That’s normal. If you are trapping groundhogs (I am) you WILL catch an occasional possum AND skunks. Also possibly raccoons. All of them are nasty and nest raiders. I kill trap them with conibear traps. Any I catch in a live trap get put to sleep in a CO2 box.

  19. origanalsameasiwas

    We have caught those and I had to relocate them to a different location because they were causing more damage to our property then it was worth having them around. You can always put chicken wire around the vegetables to keep the animals out of the garden

  20. native_poppy

    I hope you let him go…they are amazing garden helpers! 🌳🌳

  21. Bubbly_Lie_5508

    This happened when I tried catching a cat. Two days in a row the opossum ate the cat food and then waited to be released, he thought it was a bed n breakfast or something! I love opossum

  22. Let him go, he is harmless and kills all the ticks in the area

  23. dragonfliesloveme

    That’s a garden friend, you want to put him back out there

  24. “Beneficial Nematodes” worked in my lawn. Make sure they say “beneficial”. Just plain nematodes will brown your lawn.

  25. naturallyrooted

    My grandma used to have chipmunks dig holes in her driveway to store nuts.

    When I was younger she’d ask me to help her clean. That really meant, “grab a shovel” and she told me to fill all the holes with hot tar.

    So maybe fill the holes with tar?

  26. DuctTapeAndString

    Opossums can consume 4,000 ticks a week and are immune to rabies. They are beneficial to have around!

  27. AsparagusDifferent57

    Possums ate tf outta my tomato’s last year, just demolished them. Caught them in the act. The critters are my favorite animal so I didn’t mind too much, but I don’t bother growing food anymore. Just too many animals eating it all up, not worth it

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