
What is this little tree and should I keep it? I’m thinking of filling the blank space with wildflowers

What is this little tree and should I keep it? I’m thinking of filling the blank space with wildflowers

by whatthefuckgoaway


  1. sibilation

    It’s a Japanese Maple and I would 100% keep it. If a JM and hostas are planted in the spot it’s likely too shady for wildflowers.

  2. woodybone

    You should make it your number 1 priority to keep it

  3. ConvolutedCarcass

    If this is a volunteer Japanese maple, you’re incredibly lucky!

  4. Apprehensive-Let3348

    I’ll get rid of it for you for free; I’d love a Japanese Maple in my garden.

    But seriously: I’d keep it, if I were in your place.

  5. Oh_nosferatu

    Like others said, Japanese maple. Keep. They’re pricey and beautiful. You’re lucky to have a volunteer!

  6. Glindanorth

    That’s a Japanese maple and they’re lovely. I’ve spent probably $500 trying repeatedly to grow them here, but have given up (just the wrong climate).

  7. stickkim

    I would absolutely keep it, they’re very valuable and beautiful trees!

  8. dryland305

    Is that brick wall your house? Where I live, too many people plant large trees dangerously close to their houses — dangerous in terms of possible storm damage and/or potential damage to the house’s foundation (whether via root spread or water siphoning). With that in mind, you might want to research the anticipated mature width and height of the tree, then judge whether there is adequate distance between it and your house.

  9. Daffodil80

    How cute it put itself there.😊 It is Japanese Maple and that little guy looks like it has beautiful leaf coloration.

    I would definitely keep- Japanese Maple are such beautiful, little trees that stay small/manageable size.

  10. fishlore123

    Check out the lace leaf variants. Very cool tree.

  11. ASecularBuddhist

    Keep it! Where I live, those trees sell for $100+.

  12. Coal5law

    Japanese maple trees are insanely expensive. Keep it.

  13. JJ_Reads_Good

    What’s a girl gotta do to get blessed by the Japanese maple gods like this?!

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