@California Garden TV

California Garden TV: Make Weeding Your Garden Easy!

In this video I’m going to show you several ways to make weeding your garden easy! Weeding your garden is a major chore but it doesn’t have to be. Find out if you have annual or perennial weeds and how to take care of them in the easiest way possible…. organically!


Royalgarden Standing Weed Puller: https://amzn.to/45usxUh

Hula Hoe: https://amzn.to/3ovXlDu
Portableand Kneeling Weed Puller: https://amzn.to/3KeACUB
Captain Jacks Dead Weed Brew: https://amzn.to/439Tx9Z

Hey Guys, I’m Brian from Next Level Gardening

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I’m so glad you’re here!

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  1. I live in Arkansas, the weeds here are horrible, the dirt here is the worst it is clay. I moved here from California and it was easy to control weeds and the soil is very rich.

  2. I have used the “Flame Weeder” early in the fall, especially when it’s wet outside..and it works great… your are right, good idea to keep a water hose near…. I set the fence on fire a few years ago…. Thanks… Tom in Tigard Oregon

  3. I find hand pulling therapy if I have a stressful day the best place is in the garden pulling weeds. My most hated weed is redroot and thistles and there's some others that I do not know their names

  4. Phoenix Arizona and i swear lantanas are the WORST .. the seeds from the bushes germinate so well here you will find them everywhere in the yard and they root so deep and hard .. they need nothing and thrives in our caustic nasty soil lol

  5. I'm an urban gardener in Nashville and the "weeds" I have the most of are grasses like Bermuda grass. I always plow twice before planting but the crap still grows. I get tired of digging and pulling all of it up all summer long!

  6. Central Fla, crabgrass, Bermuda grass and dollar weeds in the yard that is, small garden ,mostly hand pulling. great video!

  7. I'm in North Texas, near Dallas. In the spring cleavers are the absolute worst. Bermuda grass QUICKLY takes over and stays persistent until late November or December.

  8. SC here, chamberbitter or mamosa weed. The worst! Love your featured tools. I use those tools, and they are great.

  9. I've always found that, if I moisten the soil in the area I'm going to weed, it makes the weeding so much easier.

  10. I can add my recommendation for the handheld weed puller. Bought it after watching Brian's other video and love it.

  11. Georgia , mostly grasses…here. Hula hole is the BEST!! LOVE IT mine is the most used tool in my gardening!

  12. I'm in NE Oklahoma, and I am constantly fighting sand mat in all of my raised garden beds! I also battle crab grass, or something that looks like it. Thanks for the information. Have a blessed holiday weekend!

  13. We call those stirrup hoe. Like on a horse. I look at pulling weed like a bioharvest because they go in the compost so food for plants next year

  14. Thank you very much for this. I will be ordering both of those. My hands are getting kind of sore from hand weeding even though I enjoy it starting to get a little arthritis

  15. First garden of my whole life and I am 72 /grin. I have poor balance so work must take place from the seat of my pants. I cleared the front lawn away took a week and I bagged up all the yard in grocery bags then started my compost pile. I covered each cleared area with card board as I went weighing it down with the bags of grass. Currently I have very few weeds about 1inch tall (when I can see them /grin ) I pull them it is no chore so far and is kind of satisfying as you say. Garden got washed away once and I replanted however plants are astray here and there and I have no idea what they are lol so that is difficult I may be nourishing a weed here or there just don't know. Lot of them look alike /shrug. Still having fun and making plans for further stuff august feb,etc I am in east texas zone 9 I believe. You have been a great help to me so thank you Something is eating something lol if I knew either of those somethings I could go to work but in the dark til they get big enough to identify if the pest doesnt get it first, losyt 3 or them whatever they are so far…. love and blessings

  16. Escaped CA where I battled star thistle & puncture vine, UGH. In middle TN now & mainly Bermuda grass is the problem. I also enjoy hand weeding…mind can ponder, it’s calming and really relish the finished product

  17. When you consider bringing your neighbors' chickens over to help you weed, you definitely let it go too far😅

  18. I'm in Iowa where Canadian thistle is a HUGE problem. After 10 years of hours upon hours of pulling them I learned that it just makes them multiply even when you get the long tap root. I've resorted to 2,4-D AMINE, a commercial herbicide used on golf courses and grazing pastures (following application directions)

  19. East Oceanside, CA. We’ve been hand pulling for weeks. I used the forked puller, scraped some on decomposed granite. It’s the Bermuda grass that invaded even under a 10×10 artificial grass patch. Pulled it up and the roots were like ropes, so hard to pull. What about pavers? I used a knife to dig between and pulled roots. The loose grass is fun to pull by hand, you get your squats in, too. Those are around my orange and lemon trees. The avocado tree is not too bad, I leave the leaves as mulch. Question: how do you get clover and other weeds out of gravel???!!! Thank you!

  20. The easiest way to solve the oat field problem – either have a nearby shepherder or goat herder come and let the flock mow down the entire area. And then leave all that new manure compost. Continue a seasonal Spring (crop munch down, and less time to regrow and reseed) and/or Fall (before pre-seeding period, munch down the entire adult crop). You will break the growth and seeding cycle in that meadow. Continue grazers in the meadow and that problem will be solved. We have a goatherd that comes (hired or allowed by the city) to munch down all the ditches and culverts with such natural grass, hay, etc – and they do a fantastic job each year. Natural means is far more easy than human effort.

  21. Bermuda grass was bred to be a turf grass, for golf courses. That's what I was told where I live. I'm in the southwest. It's the antichrist I tell ya.

  22. Bermuda grass was bred to be a turf grass, for golf courses. That's what I was told where I live. I'm in the southwest. It's the antichrist I tell ya.

  23. It’s unreal how many times I’ve pulled grass from the garden. I despise the stuff. I wonder if Guinea pig poop or Timothy hay contain live seeds? Use that to amend my garden beds.

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