@California Garden TV

California Garden TV: Planting Strawberries in My GreenStalk Planter

In this video I’m planting up my new GreenStalk planter with strawberries. I want to thank you guys again for going to GreenStalk and letting them know about me. To get your own with a special discount visit the following link and use the code NEXTLEVEL for $10 off a $75 purchase.

GreenStalk Link: https://lddy.no/1g8s0
Discount Code: NEXTLEVEL

Neptunes Harvest Fertilizer: https://www.neptunesharvest.com/shop.html
Discount Code: NLG05

Hey Guys, I’m Brian from Next Level Gardening

Welcome to our online community! A place to be educated, inspired and hopefully entertained at the same time! A place where you can learn to grow your own food and become a better organic gardener. At the same time, a place to grow the beauty around you and stretch that imagination (that sometimes lies dormant, deep inside) through gardening.

I’m so glad you’re here!

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  1. I'm probably the only one that is not crazy about the greenstalk. There's the cost of the base, greenstalk, 5-6 bags if potting soil, fertilizer, not to mention the cost of 30 plants. Its a big lay out of money. If you want to go on vacation, you have to have someone come over to water it everyday, twice on hot days. The out put of food has been low for the 4 years I've had this. There would be 4-5 green beans per plant, hardly no strawberries, I have had better production using Leon method of large containers with reservior on bottom. Perhaps i just dont have a green thumb for this system.

  2. Thank you for this, I got a green stalk last year. I love it but didn't know how to really set it up. I just got my second one and now I feel I am educated on how to set it up. Thanks

  3. I bought small pots with hanger hooks filled with potting soil then put runner plants in them an expand my strawberry beds that way had like 20 new plants last year 😊

  4. I have my greenstalk near my dragon fruit trellis. I put a 1/4 tube and a adjustable sprayer on top of the greenstalk so it can be irrigated when my drip irrigation goes on. It's a bit hard to fine tune the emitter to get the right amount of watering.

    I get lazy and don't really turn the greenstalk much. This year, I'm planting 1 side with plants that need full sun and the other side that can tolerate shade (lettuce, greens, herbs, etc.). So I'll face the sun loving side towards the sun most of the time.

    I planted strawberries in the bottom 3 layers so my daughters can pick them.

    The spinning base makes it easy to spin, it's expensive but probably worth it over the wheels.

    I initially bought this to plant herbs and put near my backyard door but that area didn't get enough sun so I had to move it out further. I think its a great alternative for people who don't have a lot of space but in ground beds are best due to how forgiving they are and less maintenance. City Pickers and patio pickers are another good alternative that self waters.

  5. Wonderful job explaining how this thing works, I have always wanted one, but now realize there is no way this old weak lady could lift the top two sections into place. You did a wonderful job!!! My strawberries are in a grow pouch with screen to protect from birds. Thank you!!!

  6. I love my Greenstalks. I'm up to six now. They can grow a lot of food in a really small space. I grow full sized tomatoes and peppers in mine. I've even did sweet potatoes last year with good results. This year, I'm trying Golden Yukons and Russets in one of the Greenstalks to see how they do. I'm also growing tomatoes and peppers again. I've got one dedicated to my kitchen herbs, and one Greenstalk currently has collards, a few more herbs, and two yellow pear tomato plants in it. I've got two Greenstalks waiting for the right time to plant strawberries in my zone. I missed the window for them over the winter. S. FL. 10b so I need to wait until this fall now.

  7. I love my Greenstalks. I planted strawberries as well. It’s like a candy store right now. Every day I pick a few strawberries. The lid is very helpful in keeping small particles from plugging the holes. I don’t have the watering system. It just not something I would use at this point. So happy Greenstalk sent you the planter. Blessings ❤️🌺

  8. Just an FYI…make the holes in the trays just a little big larger. You can do it with a drill or just anything that will do it. You don't want them a ton bigger but I've found it does better. And you might want to put something over the very top watering bin. They will get a lot of junk in them and it clogs up the holes. I don't remember what I've seen but I think it's like those hair covers used in the OR.

  9. Love You Brian…Lamborghini ❤❤❤😂😂😂…I have been delaying my purchase of a green stalk. Think I will get one for this fall for lettuce and some herbs!! Thanks for sharing❤❤❤

  10. Thanks for sharing. I just received mine today(had to purchase my 2) couldn’t afford the spinner or any of the other add on, I pray they work for both of us. I have to purchase soil then I can plant it up.

  11. I have 3 greenstalks, and the irrigation systems. It is so easy, I highly recommend it. Mine have had no issue through two windstorms since we have had them. I have one leaf, and two regular.

  12. I got one, and so far so good! My only suggestion is GET THE BASE, it's extra. You can get it with wheels or without. The wheels are locking (I did buy both the base and wheels after I got my greenstalk).

  13. Do you get good results with the Kelloggs mix you used? It's been a few years since I used it, but back then, I found it dried out wicked fast in our climate and needed a lot of fertilizer to overcome the wood/rice hulls.

  14. This looks like an upgrade to the original type strawberry tower used years ago – held about 50 plants, I now grow in hanging baskets and a free standing veg planter. Don't think this is available in the UK.

  15. I ordered 4 green stalks one for my daughter, and Three for me. I have strawberries growing in one now 24 plants the other two will hold herbs in one and lettuces in the other once the weather warms up, hope you enjoy your green stalks as much and I do. Its a great company.

  16. Green stalks are great! I have 4 of them planted with flowers, lettuce and kale and also herbs and onions. 😊

  17. I believe u r the first person to explain that each plate in the middle has holes, n place them lined up with each pocket. THANK U.

  18. I would love to get one and put strawberries in it. Wondering what to do with the plants in the winter. I am in zone 6b and the temperature can drop to below zero.

  19. I love my Greenstalks, I have 3. I also have a Garden Tower 2 Profect. That system is pretty cool too. The center is a cylinder you fill with worms add food scraps etc to make compost. At the very bottom you get worm tea. Check it out. Maybe you can get one of those !!! ❤

  20. Can't wait to see the results. Have been curious about this system because I have such a small gardening space and it's nearly maxed out. The only way to go is up!

  21. The self watering system is the saving grace i think. I have the cheepy dollar store ones and while a couple folks have ideas using a solar fountain for watering, i just havent bothered yet.

  22. I purchased a 3 level GreenStalk this spring for strawberries and they are really filling in now with fruit and foliage. I ran a 1/4 drip tube up the center into the reservoir and terminated it with an emitter that is adjustable so as to somewhat fill the reservoir on a given cycle for when we are gone for more than a couple of days. It's in full sun all day so it does dry out rapidly. I also fill it with water from the rain barrel from time to time.

  23. We very much enjoys your videos,and have gotten a lot of useful info from them over the years.

    We have a five tier Greenstalk we purchased last year and successfully grew winter greens in it. We purchased a seven tier (shallower pockets) unit this spring and filled with everbearing strawberries gifted us by a friend who was thining her strawberry bed. Have been pleased with it so far. (Getting lots of juicy red strawberries!)

    One thing you failed to mention in your video that is in the instructions is to keep the top reservoir clean so dirt doesn't clog the tiny drip holes in it and the water pans for the lower levels. (I also noted you were filling yours in the video with a little dirt in it.) Hope you will share that in a future video.

    Keep the great info coming. Thanks! Ed

  24. Hi! I have just discovered your website and you tube channel and have learned a lot. Thanks so much. I do have a have question that does not relate to today’s topic however. It concerns cucumbers. I live in southeastern PA somewhere north of Philadelphia but south of the Poconos and each year my cucumbers start off great but are quickly done in by cucumber beetles. I have picked off the beetles each day early in the morning, sprayed with neem oil, insecticidal soap – to no avail! I would love to have a great harvest of cucumbers. Do have any word of advice or a video explaining what I am doing wrong?

  25. I've never used one of these but it seems like unless you're constantly rotating it, you're not going to get even sunlight on all the plants.

  26. I am a YouTuber and I bought my greenstalk and I will planted it with strawberries as well.🤗❤️

  27. I love my GreenStalk! One note of warning – be careful not to have your soil right up against the watering disks. The tiny holes can get clogged and then that level won't get watered. I was having an issue last year with lower levels not getting water, and when I took it apart that was the issue. As a bonus, I also had a family of frogs living in there!

  28. @Next Level Gardening Re watering system: I love my GS (I have 3 original & 2 leaf) but their watering system I am not fond of. I only need a watering system for when I am on vacation & away from home. The way the system is currently made I can "daisy-chain" them together, but difficult to detach from one another. There is also a basic design problem that is to lengthy to describe here, I can email you about it if you like. The lid is very handy to keep debris out of the water basin.

  29. Since it is another form of a pot, do strawberries survive cold winters being in one of these?

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