@California Garden TV

California Garden TV: Preparing the Vegetable Garden for Spring

In this video I will show you how I am preparing the vegetable garden for spring. This includes weeding, removing dead plants, planning for new crops, mulching and other jobs to prepare for spring in the organic vegetable garden. Plus a huge show on what I found while doing the prep work.

Grassroots Fabric Pots & Raised Beds (use discount code NEXTLEVEL10): https://www.grassrootsfabricpots.com/

Weeding Tool: https://amzn.to/3KeACUB

OTHER PRODUCTS I USE AND LOVE: https://www.nextlevelgardening.tv/products-i-love

Cleaning out the Tomato Bed: https://youtu.be/OYuVrxt3bi4
How to Plant Potatoes 4 Ways: https://youtu.be/CqqrBFRlN2A
How to OverWinter Peppers in a Cold Climate: https://youtu.be/nsdmD54Bsu4
Did I Destroy my Garden with Compost?: https://youtu.be/RwA5H03vTMg

Hey Guys, I’m Brian from Next Level Gardening

Welcome to our online community! A place to be educated, inspired and hopefully entertained at the same time! A place where you can learn to grow your own food and become a better organic gardener. At the same time, a place to grow the beauty around you and stretch that imagination (that sometimes lies dormant, deep inside) through gardening.

I’m so glad you’re here!

WHERE TO FIND ME (Some of the links here are affiliate links. If you purchase through our links we’ll receive a small commission that helps support our channel, but the price remains the same, or better for you!)

– Our Website: https://www.nextlevelgardening.tv
– Our Second Channel, NEXT LEVEL HOMESTEAD: https://www.youtube.com/nextlevelhomestead
– The School of Traditional Skills: https://bit.ly/3zoFWy1
– Instagram: www.instagram.com/nextlevelgardening
– Our Facebook Garden Group: https://www.facebook.com/groups/nextlevelgardeners

PRODUCTS I LOVE – https://www.nextlevelgardening.tv/products-i-love


  1. I am in southern CA and I left mine to over winter, I just harvested one a couples days ago.

  2. Started my very first garden this year. Learned so much from your channel. I used straw as my mulch. Should you replace it with each replanting or just add more on top?

  3. The garden is such a great therapy for us! Love the Arnold sweet potatoe! LARGE is an understatement. I will be out in my garden once the rain stops.

  4. I overwintered my habanero ghost pepper and Armageddon peppers inside. I tried my cayenne and Sriracha but they didn’t make it lol 😂 but ones from seed are coming up so all is good lol

  5. I didn't know that about peppers, we usually have bell peppers, banana peppers and a few jalapenos. I haven't been gardening but for 3 years and we always pull them up 😢 I won't now thanks so much for all the help you have been to my family so far.

  6. I overwinter my pepper plants by trimming them back, rinsing the roots clean and repotting in new potting soil in pots large enough to hold the roots. One year I had the little white flies that killed all my plants and then I found out about the hydrogen peroxide spray mix, which stopped the little guys. My plants came back with many new leaves and blossoms and developed many peppers. I will be able to have a small harvest. I keep the plants under my grow lights for 8 hours a day. I am totally amazed at how well they did and am anxious to get them back to my raised beds for possible large early harvest. I also tried to root the stems I trimmed, but I am not sure if that will work as it hasn't yet.

  7. Off topic a bit from the video. Have you come across using gallon glass jars filled with water and a half Teaspoon of red dye to help production in tomatoes and melons? There supposedly is a benefit from the red light that the plants are able to pick up from the sun shining with and through the jar that will help them progress better in growth. Not only is there a benefit from the light, but the ground temperatures stay warmer beneath the jar (placed next to your plant) that soaked up sun all day with the red dye. Plants like Melons are able to pollenate better utilizing the warmth. Have you come across this at all? I am testing myself this year, but wonder what you can find out about this. Thanks for all you do

  8. This past winter I just over wintered two eggplants that were grown in pots. They were stunted and nonproductive, so I thought I'd see if I can give them an early start this year. Last year was a strange gardening year for a lot of folks.

  9. I'm so jealous that you're able to get out and work in your garden. We're getting hit by yet another storm in Nor. Cal. It seems like we'll never dry out and be able to plant up here in the Bay Area.

  10. It was very satisfying to watch everything get cleaned up. I spend this past weekend doing the same kind of thing and it felt good to get things ready for spring!

  11. Pity you edited out the catch and release of the snail 😂. Autumn here in Australia so preparing the beds as well and reviewing the videos from 6 months ago. Looking forward to watching this one again in September. Thanks Brian and keep up the engaging videos. I always enjoy watching them when they first come out and again when the season is right for us.

  12. I don't know if you knew this, but dandelions are a fantastic helper. The tap roots break up compacted soil. and they draw calcium to the surface and make it more available for other plants to utilize. When you see dandelions, it's nature's way of telling you the soil needs work. To help keep the calcium at the top, just cut the tops of the plants off, and leave them to break down, since calcium is stored in the leaves.

  13. how do you over winter peppers i tried to but mine died i covered it ..i live in zone 8 should i dig it up bring inside

  14. I'm an old man. It hurts me to watch you on your knees working a bed. I make mine at least 18 inches deep.

  15. I'm a blacksmith and I think I will make one of those tools and add a long handle so I can stand up and use it.

  16. Your multiple shoots off of your garlic plants has me a bit concerned. I wouldn't think they would separate this early but maybe check one and make sure?

  17. It was all of that and more… Always love them ❤❤❤ Enjoy those beautiful sweet potatoes, Yummy!!!

  18. I over wintered two peppers in my garage. I think only one is alive.
    Yes, sprouting beans in compost is a must these days apparently.

  19. Yes, I overwintered my six pepper plants. I have two that are leafing out but cannot put outside for another 2-3 weeks. I hope the remaining four will begin growing again once I place in direct sunlight. Great information – Great Video!!!

  20. trying to overwinter my peppers for the first time. 4 out of 5 have made it so far last frost date is May 15th for me so they still need to hang on a little longer. lol I love the view from your garden. I am here in flat, flat, flat Indiana and the hills look beautiful.

  21. I have overwintered peppers in my basement. I put near a grow light, which is shining on over wintering cactus, and I water them about as often as the cactus. My basement is about 50 degrees. CT zone 6

  22. Hi Brian! Yes, it’s a beautiful day here in San Diego to be outside in the garden! Love that you keep the old roots in the ground to keep the soil fed by the abundance of beneficial mycorrhizae, etc. I’m slowly chopping my cover crops to soil level and keeping the roots intact to feed my future veggies.🥰

  23. I'm thrilled… my purple sprouting broccoli is producing. I predict Dover sole and sprouting broccoli for tea in the next few days…. with lots more shoots to follow.

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