@California Garden TV

California Garden TV: How to Grow Carrots and Beets From Seed… and Have Success!

In this video I’ll show you two proven methods for successfully sprouting carrot seed. I’ll also give you tips on how to grow carrots and beets successfully from seed.


  1. I just didn’t have the heart to waste my carrot seedlings, so I decided to experiment. I transplanted them, and got carrots 🥕. It was exciting!

  2. Have learned a lot the past few weeks watching your videos. Can't wait for next growing season here in Ireland

  3. I have had great results with Borlotti pelleted carrot seeds from West Coast Seeds in BC Can. Especially in my greenhouse in between the tomatoes…..definitely don’t like my clay soil in the out of doors beds so much tho.

  4. This is so timely, I just planted beet seeds indoors in a starter kit with grow led lights. When should I transplant them?

    Could I do the same with carrots, I going to use the rainbow carrot seeds?

  5. I wanted to add that I love that you mention containers, if you could donthat for each video you do would be awesome.

    I do my organic gardening on my rear balcony.

  6. You know beet greens go excellent with oregano! Try putting some in your beet greens next time you sauté some! Next season I’m going to try the cardboard trick with my carrots!

  7. I’ve tried the board method and checked one day and there was one or two sprouts so I kept it on for one more day and they had all sprouted and I was too late. I have however, successfully sown seeds in rows and lightly covered with soft potting soil and water them at least twice a day and they have grown into beautiful carrots. No board or presprouting necessary.

    Haven’t had a lot of luck with beets though. Hopefully I’ll be successful this year.

  8. with my clay soil, I figure if I get my soil nicely prepared, I'll get lots of beautiful beets. If I don't, I'll get lots of beautiful beet greens and the soil will be easier to work the next spring.

  9. I guess with beet thinning it depends what your beet goal is. If you don't thin, the multi-seeds both grow and the young beets just push each other sideways and both grow well but not as large. Love the carrots-in-a-bag method! Thanks!

  10. So you pick the leave off while the beets are still growing? How much can be removed without messing up the growth of the beet?

  11. My kid's interest in gardening was putting their fork to the mouth lol. I tried to get them interested in gardening but it didn't happen. Even to this day just fork to mouth.

  12. Never tried pre sprouting but I don’t have trouble growing carrots. I cover lighter, keep soil moist by covering with wood or cardboard. Start checking after 6 days and if sprouted I uncover.

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