@California Garden TV

California Garden TV: Planting Bearded Iris in the NEW Cottage Garden

I finally get to plant in the new cottage garden! My first plants are some of my favorite… Bearded Iris! I’ll give you all the details of how to grow bearded iris both from bare root rhizomes or potted plants.


  1. I literally dug up some Iris rhizomes and left them laying on the grass, I wasn’t sure where I wanted to put them, anyway I forgot about them. The following spring I noticed that they were growing, they had gone through our snowy cold winter and didn’t skip a beat. They’re pretty tough plants. 🍁🍂🍁💚🙃

  2. I love irises! They’re so beautiful and they’ve never given me anything but joy. And besides that, I can share them without much trouble at all. Thank you for sharing your wonderful garden with us!❤

  3. Irisis are so pretty and tough! Mom planted them in the dappled shade at the old house and in clay soil, covered by soil and still bloomed. Great video Brian! 🤗🤗

  4. I was under the impression that Iris did not want to be fertilized, I guess I was wrong and now have to start fertilizing them with a low nitrogen fertilizer. I’ve grown Iris for years and have never fertilized them will they be in for a treat this spring! 🍁🍂🍁💚🙃

  5. Grew these for years and then they got terrible whitefly infestation.I couldn't seem to get rid of them so I had to pull up all the iris and dump them. Any wisdom on how I could have gotten rid of the white fly problem?

  6. Awesome video! I had no idea the rhizome isn't underground. So glad i watched this since my grandmother has some iris that she divided & is going to give me. I would have totally killed them from the start 😳

  7. I really enjoy watching your place come together. I know it is a lot of work. I learn something every time I watch. Thank you.

  8. I have squirrels and mice that love digging up my bulb plants. Do rodents also like Irises?

  9. Oh, that's spooky, I just planted 2 bearded Iris today, one Blue Gown and one Blue Rhythm. I only have room for 2. They are so beautiful and such a true blue colour… they are planted in front of my Choisya ternata ‘Sundance' The blue and the yellow should explode together so well… I can't wait for next year… they are my first Iris'

  10. Simply LOVING Flowers Fridays!! Thank you so much for this informative video on the bearded iris. I live in 10A in FL and was afraid I couldn't grow flowers other than tropicals and shrubbery. Thanks Brian!

  11. I am so amazed with your glow of such happiness you have been showing in all of your latest videos. Love it so much! ❤️

  12. Excellent video !! Very helpful – I learned invaluable tips about letting the sun hit the rhizome, not overwatering and how often to divide my plants . I really appreciate your videos .

  13. Great video! I have some in my yard (I think 2 types) that have been there forever now I know they probably need to be un-clumped and replanted and I probably have extras there too (yay) to add to different areas of the yard, thanks for the super informative video, I appreciate it! Now I know how to deal with this type of plant. 👍

  14. I actually grow these in a Sacramento county area. They look great and the absolutely amazing part is that the deer do not eat them at all! They practically everything else but not these.

  15. I just got a ton via mail order yesterday and they are pretty dry and sad. I'm in zone 7a Maryland…is it too late to plant in ground for the season, or should I pot them up and plant next spring? Thanks for this great video!

  16. Not sure how but literally took a shovel full from my great grandmothers after her passing … they have never been split and nearly 3 ft tall leaves all I did was threw them in hard red clay in western sun, heck only watered them the first time when planted

  17. Wow great news I love to see
    Some of the rhizome around here i am really looking out in finding some so I can have some cool stuff around here oh yes again thanks Brian nice knowing you 😂

  18. When I moved into my now-husband's house six years ago there were 2 very large clumps of bearded Iris. He was not, and is not, a gardener. He told me to do what I wanted with the gardens ☺️. Six years and many loads of compost later I have finally gotten the gardens looking nice (although they are ever-changing). Those 2 clumps have been shared with a couple of friends, moved, as well as divided into 10 clumps. They have never failed to bloom beautifully with next to no care. Other than cutting the dead flower stalks, up here in South Central Ontario, Canada, zone 5a/6b, we have to cut the leaves back in the fall (or the early spring when I forget). Each of those 10 clumps would benefit from dividing again this year, but I don't think I'll have the time…maybe next year lol.
    I love flower Fridays as well as the veggie videos, thanks for all of them!

  19. I really like irises they grow in all types of climates and come in a variety of colors and degree of fanciness. Little or no maintenance required. We used to call them flags as well.

  20. love your Iris I have never grown Bearded Iris before I have always grown the other variety's that are available that you might see around

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