
Did my monstera mutate?

My monstera that is 10+ years old. I got her when I was in my early 20’s and she was probably my 2nd plant ever, and has lived with me in 4 different places.

I noticed this morning there was white at the top and looked at the underside which revealed more color and the a tiny white stripe down the stem that is about 2ft long.

Does variegation happen like this?! She’s been normal the whole time I’ve had her. Should I propagate that segment to see more mutation? And if so, should I cut below that node or even further down?

She is due for a trimming anyways 🙃

by vickieeeb


  1. ggfdvhjknbvv

    Omg omg omg ! How cool!!! Im not familiar with how to propgate but i think if you search in this forum, there’s graphs on where to cut. How amazing!!

  2. celerywife

    Neat! Yes, this can happen randomly, though it’s rare. You’re right, you can propagate to try for more variegation, but nothing is guaranteed. The ideal situation for propagating for variegation, is to get a node with variegation in the auxiliary bud (the bump at each stem section that has a leaf coming off, it is often covered by an old leaf sheath or leaf petiole). **I’m not sure of the chances if there isn’t variegation in the auxiliary bud, but maybe someone more knowledgeable can help us out.** I don’t think this is visible in the photo of the stem you have here, so it wouldn’t hurt to wait to see if stem develops with variegation in the right spot.

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