
Is it normal to have a foot and half of mulch around the base of the trees in my neighborhood? I feel like it could kill the tree. Every tree in my neighborhood is like this.

Is it normal to have a foot and half of mulch around the base of the trees in my neighborhood? I feel like it could kill the tree. Every tree in my neighborhood is like this.

by zdawg524


  1. poniesgalore

    No, it’s not. You’re correct it can harm the tree.

  2. EitherCoyote660

    No absolutely not good for the tree. I fight with my landscaper every single year not to do this. I make them come back out and remove it when they do. Should be laid flat and much more shallow.

  3. Spread that shit out. When I mulch my trees. I make sure to leave enough space in between the tree and the mulch so the mulch ain’t up on it.

  4. People like to call those “Mulch volcanoes” and you’re right, they are not good for the trees

  5. schruteski30

    It depends where the root flare is. Remove the mulch and dirt until you uncover it. If the tree was planted correctly, the root flare above the grade.

    If it’s newly planted, it should be about 1-2” above grade.

    Also you should carefully remove the dirt around the root system and stake your tree to get it going upright. It will take awhile but still looks pretty young. It looks like a strong wind/storm partially uprooted it in prior years.

  6. Out-House-Counsel

    Not good for the tree. Unfortunately it has become “normal” to see it…

  7. SkullFoot

    Your tree is also crooked. They didn’t even bother to straighten it up. The brought the tree to each hole with a machine, then they dumped a bucket of mulch on each tree. You can see it’s piled up higher on the side where they dumped it and it might have even tipped the tree.

  8. MedievalSalesmen

    Every tree was planted wrong. Seriously remove that mulch until it’s level with the ground and exposing the trunk around the bottom.

  9. rayhoughtonsgoals

    1. Yes, unfortunately. The premise of the question answers the question.

    2. Yes, it could. Quite easily.

    3. That’s on your neighbours.

  10. F-stop_Fitzgerald

    The problem with all the comments of ‘spread that out til its level’ is that a properly planted tree is a few inches out of the ground. I think that everyone, including OP thinks it’s all mulch and it’s likely not.

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