Plant Propagation

Can someone tell me what is happening here?

I bought this unrooted cutting on April 22nd and noticed this today. Is this a root growing or something else? I’m taking this as a good sign but should i have buried this cutting deeper in the moss? Advice please! This is my first time attempting to propagate anything lol

by curiousgirls


  1. This is a root ! I would say you can leave it as is. If it’s growing a root that means it’s happy. Just to be safe you can bury a bit deeper. I honestly put all my cutting in water and so far I haven’t had any trouble with it (I like being able to see the roots developing). Beautiful plant btw ! Don’t plant it in dirt until the root itself grows roots (like roots on roots) if you plan on doing so. Good luck 😀

    Edit : I would consider burying it a bit deeper but maybe wait for other comments. As long as the root doesn’t become brownish you’re safe !

  2. AdOk1965

    I might be wrong, but I don’t think that’s a root, I think it’s a growth point (where the plant will start to grow from now on)

  3. grasshopper820

    That is definitely a growth point, just leave it as it is 👍

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