
How do I make her bushier?

She’s been growing leaves super regularly for the last year. For about 6 months she’s been in a spot on the patio with good but only indirect sunlight. I’ve been scared to prune because she’s been growing so well but the stems are just all skinny it’s getting hard to keep her standing up

by sarahlmb12

1 Comment

  1. Groningen1978

    Axillari buds rarely activate unless you cut the top, and even then these usually send out just one new growth point to take over. Some cultivars do send out multiple sideshoots, like pink princess and white knight, but that usually causes the new growth to have really small leaves and don’t look that great. Philodendrons and other aroids can get side shoots all by itself when they get older, but it’s not something you can generally count on. The way I make my climbing Philodendrons bushier is to keep chopping and planting back next to the original plant. The highest stem on this painted lady has been cut 4 times and the new growth from the axillary buds has always been growing well, with bigger leaves and thicker stems;

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