
came off one of my cow’s utter. It’s soft on the top and rock hard at the pointy end. Any idea what it is

came off one of my cow’s utter. It’s soft on the top and rock hard at the pointy end. Any idea what it is

by shuzzdii


  1. Negative_Gift_4642

    I’m no expert and just going by what I’ve seen but that looks similar to what horses have I believe they’re called chestnuts on the legs. So like a keratin growth?

  2. anynamesleft

    For them that wanna know, it’s udder, not utter. The first is what girl cows have, the second is what they do when they moo.

    I ain’t picking on nobody, I’m just trying to teach folks the difference. I ain’t so smart as to never mistell something.

  3. yeahdixon

    In order to identify we to know how it smells

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