Garden Plans

Working With the Weather | Planting Our Homestead Garden

Welcome to Calico Cow Acres! We’re Mickayla and Taylor. We’re starting from scratch on a previously abandoned farm in the foothills of North Carolina, and we’re working to transform it into our dream homestead!

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it’ll all get planted [Music] eventually hey there guys welcome back to Calico cow Acres I’m Michaela and today we’re back in the garden yay the garden videos are my favorite ones to film because I get to be outside and enjoying myself in the actually nice weather today it is not hot it’s like in the 70s low 7s there’s a nice breeze it’s actually pretty windy out here it’s Friday night right now we have plans to go do something tomorrow evening with friends we don’t often leave on weekends to go do things for long periods of time other than pring to the store and whatnot but it’ll be a fun thing to go hang out with some friends so that’s why I’m starting this video tonight usually we film on Saturdays this weekend is the weekend that we want to get everything planted we’re definitely safe from frost at this point Sorry locals if I Jinx that but I’m like 110% sure it’s not going to frost we’re going to plant everything out tomorrow as much as we possibly can in order to be able to do that tomorrow we need to prep beds tonight so you can see back there I still have a handful of beds that are tarped and I’m actually going to bring you over there right now and show you what those look like underneath the tarps because those are beds that I didn’t get tarped over the winter and so I tarped them once spring came around and they already had stuff growing in them so you can see that there was stuff growing in here it is pretty dead looking The Roots might still be alive I’ve decided I’m just going to get these tilled up so that we can easily plant in them tomorrow the soil is looking pretty nice it’s a lot better than last year still kind of sticks together cuz it’s mostly clay but definitely better hi Edith hi Edith what are you doing the main goal of the evening is to get these last beds tilled up this one’s going to be tomatillos and ground cherries and eggplants and I don’t really have those quite ready yet this one’s going to be beans so that one needs to get done tonight these two over here are going to be melons and edamame so those are getting done tonight this is going to be corn and beans that one’s getting done tonight that one over there that Taylor worked on last weekend it needs to be redone in some spots just because it was really really heavily full of grass and he couldn’t quite get the tiller to do as well in some spots so we need to do some of that and if we have time we’ll do this one just to say it’s done but this one’s the last one we’re going to be doing a little bit of an update from our last garden video all of this is now planted out with squash pumpkins some corn which you I think I showed you sunflowers and then I also interplanted a ton ton of nerum seeds mixed in here they’re not like the long Vining kind they’re mounding but they’re like the red and yellow ones still I planted one with every single squash and pumpkin plant in hopes that it might help with pests but also I feel like it’s just going to be really pretty if they bloom and whatnot so having it like a sea of Big Melons big squash and pumpkin leaves with theum mixed in sounds really cool [Music] w [Music] w [Music] [Music] [Music] be [Music] okay I don’t know if you’ll be able to see this but there are so many ants in here the Bucks are just having a big old snack [Music] oh I don’t need a Manion in Montana don’t want a penous in no Gables and E 4,000 ft just fill up do you see all this clay I just find this funny soil is significantly better significantly less solid clay than last year but it is still a lot of clay this might sound silly but you know that thing that dods do after they poop sometimes where they like rub their feet on the grass that’s me out here trying to get this clay off my boots half the time it’s pretty funny so those two over there that I did I couldn’t really rake them super well cuz they’re super soggy this one’s a little bit more dry I think I might be able to rake this one in so it’s kind of level at [Music] least but I’m not living just to pay my debt I’ve got nothing against that white Pig fence or those big American [Music] Dreams on we go down the endless Road I just wanted to show you the tiller keeps clogging up because it’s been so rainy here so I’m having to like pause and just peel this CL out of here I’m going to pull this out of here can you hear it I think that’s going to be the last bed I do tonight so this is like the biggest sloped area of our garden the bottom here is like sopping wet and up here is decently fluffy so it’s just kind of funny to see we’ll have to be careful I might add some Sandy top soil to this area because all of soil likes to fall down this way since it’s down the hill but this stays so much nicer up here so much drier look at that those need to be picked like I said I think that’s going to be the last one I do tonight I need to go inside and do dinner get the kitchen cleaned up a little bit I working on a gift for a friend which I might show you in one of the next videos and yeah just kind of have a chill chill night and in case you guys have been wondering what the uh sound in the background is what have you been up to um I was cutting out a lot of little stumps along this fence line these fence lines were even more overgrown when we first got here they were trees yeah those was like you know decent size trees here and last year I forget why exactly but I didn’t cut them all off at the ground so there was a lot of stumps and they’re starting to regrow stuff so just cutting all the stumps out there’s one more big one to do but I have run out of saw all blades get some more blades and finish it’s really just that big stump that’s left yeah it’s looking really good minus my pile of tarps and uh I took out a couple trees there starting to look so pretty I show this view to Instagram basically on a daily basis but you guys don’t get to see this whole view very often this is Garden update it’s really green now okay I’m actually going inside now [Music] all right friends it is a few days later three days later it turns out that doing this the other night yes it’s still there no I didn’t pick it up uh was a lot for my body I’ve mentioned before that tilling kind of just really takes a toll on my body that’s why we’re trying to get away from it in future years and incorporating getting away from it this year it’s not the reality for all of the beds this year though as you can probably hear Taylor has the lawn mower out we are going to be adding some top soil and compost to these beds because they are still very this one in particular they are still very very sticky clay and with all the rain we’ve had with all the rain we’re about to have it’s looking like another week filled with thunderstorms it hurt my my back a lot to try and till this very heavy basically sticky mud and rake it and that’s why I’ve needed a few days of a break from this so we didn’t really do much Saturday or Sunday out here if it starts to hurt I’ll move on to something else but uh we got things that need to be planted people look at this this all needs to be planted That’s not including the direct Zone things that’s just the started stuff so um we are going to Taylor’s going to help me we’re going to use the lawnmower to haul things and hopefully that makes it doable so I’m think I will probably need two loads of the top soil how can we know what tomorrow hope I know this life gets so heavy so I’ll carry it with you I know where you’re carry me too it will be [Music] no I don’t need a castle in Columbus don’t want a shat in Chicago cuz here the sunrise view will always be new each morning when I wake up with you someday we’ll have our own a we’ll have a garden and a shed for your TOS but for now there’s no rush we’ve still got so much left to see on we go down the endless Road how can we know [Music] we have top soil I’m going to rake this out really quick Taylor’s going to mow mowing needs to happen and it’s only sprinkling right now so who might as well do it before it starts raining or if it rains later in the week so I am going to rake out the top soil and then I’m going to go get compost and add it to the beds as well and then hopefully I’ll be able to till it in we’ll kind of see the weather is iffy it’s barely sprinkling right now if it starts raining I’m going to have to put you guys away so heavy so I’ll carry it with you and I know you’ll carry me too then we’ll be home Wherever We R the reason I’m adding more organic material to this and a sandier so oil hello so I want to get more organic material mixed into this and then we’ll eventually get it mulched so that this does not keep happening are you eating all the bugs thank you okay so I’ve got this spread out decently up there too and I’m just going to go grab some compost from that pile right there add it to the top [Music] oh my God it’s raining that might be the best thing I’ve ever caught on film oh my goodness I’d like to say that doesn’t happen often but it does I’m a very clumsy person the rain stopped again so I’m going to keep on doing compost until either I’m done or it gets dark or starts raining again Edith she is the most adventurous duck everybody else hangs out in one spot and she wanders off and does her own thing [Music] [Music] [Music] I’m out of breath I got top soil and compost on all of the beds that I already have uncovered this one’s still covered up I need to get it uncovered though because we got some tomatillos this weekend from a local Nursery that are ready unlike mine those things are ready to go in the ground they have really big fruit on them already I’ll probably work on getting that one uncovered and set up tomorrow and then if I have time I will get to planting so I can’t remember if I already said this but what’s going in these beds are melons at aame green beans and tomatillos artichokes ground cherries things like that this big bed’s going to be the Tomos ground cherries and artichokes the big bed next to that that I already have prepped is beans and then those two smaller ones back there are melons and adame hopefully hopefully hopefully I’ll be able to get the planting things tomorrow especially since it’s going to be raining for the next week or so again it’s supposed to storm like the whole next week again the trade-off there is I don’t have to water plants but I also depending on the amount of rain I might not be able to plant anything that needs to go on the ground so it’ll all get planted eventually the rain has stopped yet again let’s plant some things we are not messing around this year we remembered what our favorites were from last year that was Blue Lake Dragon’s Tongue and then I also just got this mixed be package because why not add a little color in there so we probably won’t use all of these this is a half pound package it’s massive I already used them last year [Music] la oh [Music] this is the bed that goes down the hill kind of and so that bottom part was the part that was really muddy we’re going to put cor up here and we’re doing lima beans down there the corn I did in little rows just like we did up there in the patch hoping that that will kind of hold some of the water for a little bit instead of just letting it all puddle down there I don’t know if it’s going to work but it’s worth a shot [Music] look at how soupy this [Music] is it’s like pudding sounds good the Ducks would probably love this don’t say that too loud RSE come here RSE I got mud for you [Music] this is all of the melons we have to work with we have watermelons cantaloupes and one honeydew I believe and then some Vine Peach melons which I like to feed to the chickens the moon and stars sugar baby Minnesota Petty grease darus I don’t know how to say that and theine Peach those are going to go on our big tunnel over there Rose don’t eat my beans and so in this bed right here I’m going to try and plant probably not all of these but at least a few of them we’re going to do sweet Siberian Lelo sweet glow Charleston gray hail’s cantaloupe adist 47 and the honeymoon uh honeydew melon I think I’m going to start with these two because they’re definitely the biggest [Music] ones oh yeah at least another row yeah go for it [Music] so pretty out here [Music] it’s getting F sorry you ready now yep okay it’s getting foggy out here it’s extremely humid my hair is like moist not from my Sweat Just from the air there’s fog everywhere the camera’s fogging up and I’m exhausted I’m too uh we got most of our biggest beds planted tonight I think we got four four beds planted of edamame some green beans like bush beans uh we got the corn the next corn bed ready what did you plant down there lemon beans beans and I planted melons all over the place I planted some on our big tunnel and the Hugo culture bed and then in the bed that I showed you and then we did a bunch of clean up afterwards and he went and worked on other projects so a lot going on and we are ready to go eat dinner so I hope you guys enjoyed this video and we’ll see you in the next one bye bye guys [Music] [Music]


  1. Greetings young folk! The garden is looking good. Just an fyi..I read somewhere that when you plant small amounts of corn, you should plant it in a square instead of rows. It allows it to pollinate more easily. Seemed to work for me. The ducks look very happy.

  2. Wonderful progress; thanks for bringing us along! Those ducks & kitties are so cute. Great work together! Blessings to all 🤗🇨🇦

  3. Your garden is your coming along hard work always makes things better. You guys are doing great. Best of luck for your garden this year join from Canada.

  4. best video yet! i love the trip almost taking out the camera and how u laughed at yourself and didn’t edit it out. also the burp at the end was the topper! keep the good stuff coming. oh and the gardening too. lol.

  5. Just love seeing your property in the rain. Its usually a wet summer here in Scotland. We've had some lovely warm weather the past 2 – 3 weeks but no doubt, height of summer we'll be back to rain. You're making good progress in the garden. xx

  6. Maybe change direction of your rows to block the water running down the slope and making all the beds raised… maybe next year, and perhaps decent size logs or rock boarders. We did this to our garden to stop the run off from mudding up the garden as well as keeping the rain from taking away our top soil and relocating the top soil to the bottom of the slope. We don’t have a very big slope, but enough that it would affect the soil. Our garden is thriving and not much problem with the water. The garden is 11 years old now! Your garden and your whole garden area and animals look beautiful! You are really making your place a little paradise for your family. Great job! 😊💖

  7. This video is so relatable, tripping over things, working with wet clay soil, burping…thanks for keeping it real! Also, I love watching the ducks wandering about while you work. This is great!

  8. I didn't know I NEED ducks until finding your channel. Like, I need, need ducks in my life right now!

  9. You have a great garden, and I bet you are looking forward to having some delicious watermelon later in the summer. Thanks for the wonderful video.

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