
So I repotted this a month ago and there’s been no leaf growth and roots are INSANE

Please help me save this guy đŸ„ș any advice would be appreciated

by cyanass


  1. Did you move it to another place? Roots looks super healthy, leaves not so much.

  2. Br0v4hkiin

    It has a bit too much room for root growth under there. I ‘d find an outside pot that fits better around it. So the plant can focus better on growing new leaves.

  3. CookieDazzling3079

    Sun damage by the looks of it . Monsteras love plenty of light but not direct sunlight .

  4. Competitive_Fact6030

    Youre giving it too much room to grow roots. The pot is fine, but since its elevated and is in a thin outside pot, the roots are allowed to go down as much as they want.

    Monsteras love being a bit rootbound. You need them to not be allowed to grow roots like crazy, cause if you do allow them they will pour all their energy into the root system and neglect the leaves.

    Also, what direction is that window facing in? The leaves look very sun damaged. Put it somewhere where it gets good light, but little to no direct sunlight. North facing window would be optimal

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