What's this plant

This plant is taking over my garden…

My whole garden seems to be covered with this plant. I used to have more moss in the garden which I've been thinking of how to get rid of but this spring I just noticed this everywhere. There's no longer any grass it seems. Please help!!!

by SphinxK89


  1. Federal_Diamond8329

    It’s clover and I’d rather have it than the chickweed I do have

  2. cityshepherd

    That’s good! It’s a great cover crop, I think it adds nitrogen to the soil and outcompetes crappy weeds… although my only source for this is One Straw Revolution by Masanobu Fukuoka I think

  3. That’s clover. Some dislike having it in a lawn, but I would love to have my lawn as full of it as you do. It can be kept mown as short as grass, but stays nice and green in the summer when grass would go brown. Plus, if you allow it to flower, it is really pretty and good for pollinators. And it’s a good nitrogen-fixing legume. Win-win.

  4. TossawayTits

    Clover and it’s beneficial to pollinators.

  5. stupidfaceshiba

    I rather have this than Bermuda grass.

  6. Ok_Leading_914

    I like clover. I don’t even pull it.

  7. AlternativeResort477

    I have clover everywhere, I love it

  8. Toadliquor138

    Clover. Best way to kill it is with a chemical called quinclorac

  9. Artistic-Ad3268

    Oh my gosh I’m amazed you’ve not seen clover before! It’s lovely, enjoy it!

  10. Chamcook11

    My area is experiencing an infestation of beetle grubs destroying our grass lawns. Many are seeding white clover instead of grass as the grubs don’t feed on it.

  11. Ok-Passage-300

    I love this clover. If it goes where I don’t want it, it’s easy to pull it. Where, red clover, chickweed, prostrate spurge, annual rye grass, crab grass, and wood sorel spread their seeds, die back, leaving bare spots for more weeds.

  12. Ancient-Forever5603

    Clover- pollinators love the flowers too!

  13. sparqui66

    Honeybees love the clover flowers. Definitely keep.

  14. d1scworld

    If you’re talking about the clover? Leave it. That shit is expensive. When it blooms it will bring more pollinators.

  15. Natural-Grape-3127

    Is clover not common in the UK? I find that hard to believe considering that the most common symbol that I associate Ireland with is the shamrock. 

    Clover is great, it fixes nitrogen, maxes out on height and looks nice especially when it flowers. I know people spending good money to turn their grass lawn into clover. 

  16. mmmtopochico

    I planted this as my entire backyard on purpose. Clover is great.

  17. CapitolHillCatLady

    Clover, wild violets, and wild thyme are the best ground cover. I am seeding them in places where I’m purposely killing the grass in my yard. It’s beautiful and good for the local fauna. I hate monoculture lawns. They’re ugly and devoid of life.

  18. cognitiveglitch

    Amazing, would love a lawn of clover

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