Gardening Supplies

Transplanting Tomatoes #raisedbedgardening

Either you have started your tomatoes indoors from seeds, or you purchased starts from your local garden supply… Now they are ready to move from their permanent home in the garden, but you aren’t quite sure how to do it? This is the video for you!

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#gardening #garden #grownfromseed #seeds

[Music] today I’m getting my tomatoes in the ground and I’m going to teach you how I like to grow them hi friends I’m Laura this is double vision Homestead and today we are planting our Tomatoes well and Tomos cuz I grow them the same way so let’s go out to the garden and I’ll show you how I do it first I like to just lay them out and figure out my spacing and where they will all fit [Music] now that I have them in place I like to push them into the ground so that it will show me where I need to dig because these tomatoes are getting planted [Music] deep I grow my tomatoes up a string that connects to the overhead trellis so I just want to make sure that the holes above are exactly where the tomatoes are before so they have a straight line to grow up no matter how many times I’ve weeded these beds they’s still little weeds growing in so I try to get that all clear so I don’t have a problem while these tomatoes are growing and now I’m digging down into the soil can’t really see that well but I’m trying to get it so that these Tomatoes will be 2/3 of the way underground these tomatoes are pretty tall as it is so quickly I realized that’s going not going to work so well with just my hands so I’ve got a shovel here I’m going to dig a trench and I’ll lay these Tomatoes down sideways in the trench so that I can get 2/3 of the plant underground without having to dig all the way down into my rocky soil underneath my bed [Music] [Music] now that I have my trench dug I’m ready to get my plants into the ground I’m just taking the supports off them and removing all the branches that would be under the dirt I don’t want my plant to get any diseases which the diseases would spread through the leaves the stem will turn into Roots if it’s underground so that’s why we bury them so deep we want to to get as many roots as possible growing from these tomatoes so they will be strong and healthy throughout the year I’m putting the Tomato in almost horizontal into the ground this way I don’t have to dig it down all the way to that depth you just want to be careful when you do this that you don’t accidentally snap your tomato tomato off in the process because you want to have all that extra space for the roots but good news for you if you do happen to accidentally snap the stem while you’re planting them like this just kind of push them back together planted in the dirt if all else fails you will at least grow roots from the part that’s underground the stem that’s left and if you are lucky enough the stem will also still kind of reattach tomatoes are very resilient in that way they want to keep growing they will produce new Roots so don’t give up on it it just might take a little bit longer now I’ll just repeat this process for the other five tomatoes that are going into this bed and then I’ll go from there [Music] as you can see I started with a nice wheelbarrow full of compost so I am mixing the dirt that I pulled out of these beds with the fresh compost this will be a way to fertilize it and just Revitalize the soil it’s already pretty strong so I don’t need a whole lot of extra nutrients but a little bit of extra compost will keep these tomatoes growing strong [Music] [Music] [Music] for [Music] [Music] [Music] [Music] [Music] [Music] [Music] [Music] [Music] [Music] [Music] [Music] [Music] my area gets very dry in the summertime so I just like to once I get my beds planted I like to prep them for the summer so I shouldn’t really have to do a lot more other than water as needed with these once I’m done so this is just a hay bale that I got from my local farm store I’m covering the soil this is mulching it will keep the soil moist it will keep the soil warmer and it will prevent weeds so this is a wonderful and necessary step that I do to all of my beds it also helps prevent Splash up from the soil so if you have anything that could disease your plants it’s less likely for it to Splash up and disease your [Music] plants and there you have it I don’t attach the strings until later in the season just in case I need to cover these and protect them from any Frost because this is right after my last frost date [Music] I hope you enjoyed that or learned something from it let me know how you grow your tomatoes and please like comment and subscribe I’ll see you again soon in the garden thanks [Music]


  1. Bạn có khu vườn rất đẹp ,gần gũi với thiên nhiên ,cây trồng của bạn phát triển thật tốt ,Thanhks bạn đã chia sẻ với mọi người 🌱👍.

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