Lawn Care

Eliminate grass in my garden bed

What's best for getting rid of all of this grass in my beds?

by Ajasil


  1. eclecticismgunfight

    I second Glyphosate, and if you are worried about overspray killing wanted grass, they sell a gel version that you can brush on.

  2. bennypapa

    Mechanical removal(pull it) from the shrubs, hoe or tiller in the mulch

    Or glyphosate to get rid of what you have now.

    Then if you’re not planning on planting anything else use a pre-emergent like Preen to prevent anything new from sprouting (or, rather kill it as is sprouts really).

  3. You’re going to want to tighten that edging too or else it will just keep creeping in. You could just do a 3″ deep trench behind the stone edge for an air gap like this \_| with the slant on the bed side. The grass will stop when the roots hit the air. Will need to be maintained, but will cut way back on the amount of grass in there.

  4. There are specific grass killers that are safe for plants.

    Sethoxydim is one of them..

  5. spicyfingerling

    Fusilade is what to use in garden beds, it only kills grass. It’s a bit of a specialist product. It may be available under different names.
    But as others have said you need a better barrier between the lawn and beds.

  6. Ok_Caterpillar6789

    I’d look into building a natural edge between your grass and landscaping.

  7. inhaler_huffer

    Nuke that shyat with weed and grass killer.

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