
Planting a Stunning Hanging Basket for Part Shade | Container Gardening Tips & Fertilizing Guide 🪴

Hi friends! Join me as I create a beautiful hanging basket for the part shade/morning sun area of my garden. I’ll introduce you to each plant I’ve chosen, focusing on texture and contrast. Learn about the importance of considering the viewing angle of your container and the key role of regular fertilization. Whether you’re a beginner or seasoned gardener, this video will inspire your next summer shade container project! Let me know if you’ve ever used any of these plants in your containers before!

Happy Gardening!

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Music Credit: Epidemic Sounds

#ContainerGardening #ShadeContainer #hangingbasket #shadegardening #begonia #rexbegonia #flowerplanting #vlog #GardenTransformation #GardeningJourney #Zone7aGardening #DIYGardening #zone7a #gardening #gardenlife #howtoplant #gardenworkday

[Music] hi friends it’s kind of a dreary overcast day but I wanted to get outside and talk to you about container gardening container gardening is one of my favorite things I love putting together different combinations of plants and textures and foliage right now this time of year in the spring and early summer when all the nurseries are just getting fluxed of all their new annuals perennials and all the different plant material coming in it’s just it’s so inspiring and I feel like my creativity like it just flourishes this time of year I just love thinking of all the different combinations that you can put together and kind of thinking outside the box uh rather than just throwing you know your traditional uh annuals together throwing in some maybe house plants throwing in some small shrubs some grasses there’s just so much POS so many Poss possibilities that you can do so today I want to take you along with me as I put together a container that would work really well in a part shade situation or you know low part sun like early morning sun no afternoon sun and that’s exactly where this hanging basket is going to go for my house I’m going to put it on the back of my house in an area that gets Morning Sun and then it’s going to get shade pretty much from noon on so I love gardening in those types of situations because you tend to rely more on foliage and textures and color of foliage to kind of bring in your interest I think with full sun or sun containers it’s super easy because there’s tons of you know options out there patunas and verbina and all different things you can throw together for big impact of color but I kind of like the subtle contrast that you can put together for your more shadier spots so let’s look at the plants that I have picked up that I’m going to put together for this basket so here are all the plants that I’m going to put together for this hanging basket let’s start with this sh stopper this served as my inspiration for the whole color palette for this hanging basket this is a trailing rex fagonia or Vining Rex fagonia and its actual name is cissus discolor I believe is how you say it cissus discolor they’re pretty hard to find I’ve only found them a couple times and this one I picked up was actually in a greenhouse grown for a house plant and they do make great house plants but I wanted to use this outside so I hardened this off so it was ready to go outside and I think it’s just going to be so beautiful the contrast of this silvery green foliage on top and then the underside is this burgundy Leaf so that’s going to hang from my basket the top of it could look a lot better it’s a little crispy up there but we’ll clean it up and for the most part we’re just growing it for this trailing VI uh foliage next up are some more Bonas I have a thing for Bonas I absolutely love them because I think they just add so much interest in the leaves just the shape of the leaves I don’t know if you could hear that woodpecker the shape of the leaves and the color of the leaves so this Bonia I’ll show you the tag bosan NOA yellow and it’s kind of an apricotty peach colored Bloom and then this Bonia didn’t have a tag but I just think the pink silvery kind of polka doted Leaf it’s just so pretty and then it’s got these sweet little delicate pink flowers so I love the bright contrast and I think it’ll go well with this foliage color I am going to toss in a dragon wing Bonia which are fairly easy to come by these days um this one is a dragon wing pink and it actually broke in the car you can see it broke off right there but it’ll just it’ll fill back out and then I actually just took that part that broke off and I’m rooting it to grow another one so happy accident next up is this plant that I’m not really familiar with um it’s new to me it’s a um Dasia but this one in particular is a sun Dasia so oops as I dropped the card let me pick it up so this one is supposed to tolerate more sun because I guess the typical from what I researched this the typical dasas is like shade or like a part sun but this one can handle a little bit more sun it said and that it loves the heat so while this spot doesn’t get full day sun it does stay pretty warm so I think the heat component it will like because it’s parent plants like the shade I thought it would probably still do pretty well there I’m going to try it it may not bloom it may not flourish but it’s worth a shot because I just love this sweet little Peach flower and I thought that would compl ment the peach flower of the other Bonia really well and then all right over here I have some impatience and this one is a double uh Apple Blossom is the color so it’s this really pretty double impatient which you know any double flower I’m just a sucker for I think they look so sweet and delicate and I love that soft pink which I thought looked really nice with the pink of these leaves and so I got a couple of those I grabbed a cadium and this cadium in particular is a white pearl cadium cadium from Monrovia isn’t that pretty it’s so white it’s just it’s going to add so much brightness to the um container and I love that this one normally the cadium that you find that are white still have some red or pink in them um and I love that the the majority it of this Leaf is like such a light white green and only the margins have that darker green so then next up is this Splash plant which I’m going to throw a couple of these in there I think the the polka dotted splashy white and green compliments this white cadium really well next up is this sweet pretty little purple plant that’s new to me it’s endless illumination brilia bralia I’m not sure how you say that there’s the tag it’s new to me I’ve never own this one before it gets 12 to 16 in tall it says that it um likes part shade to shade so I thought I’d give this a try in that spot as well I just thought it was a really pretty purple and I wanted to give it a go last up one of my favorite things for shadier spot containers is throwing in some house plants so this one I picked up um from a greenhouse I did have to harden it off so it acclimated to being outside and this one is a pathos variety uh where’s the tag oh I don’t have the tag I’ll have to go find the tag I did see it at one point this is a variety of pathos from Costa Farms but I love throwing in like a house plant a foliage house plant because it gives you so much green it’s a little unexpected and different and then you can always dig them up and bring them inside for the winter so for this one I’ll probably just divide this plant up because there’s so many like little miniature plants in here and I’ll put a couple of these in there and then I’ll just bring the bre the rest of them in as a house plant so I thought that was really pretty and it’ll give it a little bit of like midlevel height and also Trail down I think this basket is going to look really pretty all together I just love the different shades of greens you get the bright pops of white and then this pink it kind of almost shows up as a white in the basket so it just really kind of all Blends softly together with the peach and the purple I just love the soft tones all mixed together I love that we are officially out of the grow room that most of my seedlings there’s just a few left in my grow room but most of them are all outside hardening off and so now I was able to bring out my potting table outside and I can spend the rest of my season potting things up outside although I’ll probably be regretting that come late July and August but for now I’m excited to be outside and potting up containers so I’m going to set the camera up and just go through potting up this hanging bathro all right so first up I have my container I have this uh coco liner hanging basket I think it’s a 22in basket the one thing about coco liners as I’m sure most of you know they dry out very very quickly so most of our plants and including this basket will be on drip irrigation we run a drip line up to it but even still with drip they can dry out you know In The Heat Of Summer sometimes you might need to water them twice a day but one of the tricks that I’ve always done is put some sort of like liner inside the cocoa liner so what I typically use is just a bag and it’s a great way to recycle these bags and repurpose them and as long as you put a couple holes in the bag so I’ll just tear a few holes not a lot cuz we want water to drain through but we also want to retain the water I find that just lining it with some sort of plastic it just helps retain a little bit more water and then when the wind blows it helps retain some of the water as well because the wind is hitting the cocoa liner in the plastic rather than the coco liner getting through the coco liner directly to the soil so all I’m going to do is tear this bag to open it up a little bit more basically like that so I’ve got holes in it and I’m just going to set it down inside there’s no Rhyme or Reason doesn’t have to be perfect so have my cocoa liner lined with the plastic and now I’m just going to fill my dirt fill it up with my dirt okay so one thing I think that most people don’t think about when planting containers is what side it’s going to be viewed from like are you going to be walking around this 360° and looking at it from all different directions or in my case this is going to be up against the house and this will be the front and really you’re only going to be viewing it from like this section not even a full 180° just kind of the front so think about that when you’re planting them up because you might want to move your taller plants instead of in the middle towards the back um or off to the side if you prefer if it’s going to be viewed from this angle you know just consider how all the different directions that you’re going to view the basket from and factor that in when you’re deciding on where plants are going to be arranged I’m just going to put flower tone in here and mix it all up you can use any I would suggest any slow release granular fertilizer osm coat um really just any of the slow relase fertilizers mix them into your soil and then one thing I also do with all of my container plantings is I’ll still fertilize them with a um water soluble um more of a instant feed fertilizer so something like Jack’s um even the miracle grows um I know Proven Winners has their own that they’ve come out with I tend to use the Jacks I think it’s like Jack’s flow booster that’s one of my favorites but I’ll Water those and fertilize those ideally once a week but to be honest I probably do it once every two to three weeks during the growing season in addition to putting this slow relase fertilizer in there and that kind of helps when I can’t constantly be on top of fertilizing so one thing I wish I had known you know almost 18 years ago 20 years ago when I first started gardening is when you’re container gardening and this goes for house plants as well they’re really held hostage if you think of it like that the soil and nutrients that they get are only what you provide them because once they use up what’s in the soil they really aren’t getting anything else so especially with your house plants they’re in that same soil unless you’re repotting them every year like they recommend which I don’t um they’re held hostage and so they’re at your mercy for how much fertilizer or how rich your soil is and with containers especially our outdoor annual containers these plants grow so vigorously and are designed to just you know grow one season that they really need a lot a lot lot of nutrients a lot of fertilizer and I used to not fertilize I would plant and fertilize at time of planting and then never fertilize again and you know come July all my plants were suffering and not just due to the heat of Summer but really they just lacked all that nutrient um the extra nutrients that they could get from fertilizer because they had used up all their energy and all the soil because they’re such vigorous Growers and this definitely applies to something like your super Tunas um anything that is designed to just really rapidly grow throughout the summer months so I highly recommend any container gardening uh to go in and fertilize more often than you would think all right so I’ve got that fertilizer pretty well Incorporated now let’s go back to planting so let’s put this cladium in here [Music] [Music] let’s take a closer look at the final small result I think it’s just I love the colors the purples burgundies pinks peaches and then the contrast with all the white silvery foliage it’s going to be beautiful so I need to water this in and then I need to actually put the hook up where I am going to hang it so I’ll go do that and then I’ll show you the basket in its final spot [Music] well I needed my husband’s help hanging it since we are hanging it on the exterior of the house and I wanted to make sure it was Secure and done properly and water sealed and all that so he just hung it for me and I put it up and I absolutely love it I did end up pruning the um trailing or Vining Rex spagonia um up a little bit just because it is so thin and spindly it just kind of looked a little leggy and that way hopefully it’ll kind of bulk up and Branch out a little bit more and just kind of fill the whole lower space but I’ll give you a little closeup of it here it is I think it’s just so sweet I love the little Peach colors and I think the um the Sweet Purple from the brelia is really nice and then this pink polka dot Bonia I think it’s just really sweet and I absolutely am totally enamored with this Bonia Vine I think it’s just it’s so neat and unusual and it definitely served as like the color palette and jumping off point for the entire basket so I found this first and then from there I added everything else so there’s the caladiums here’s the pathos there’s some pathos back here so that’ll Trail down there’s more pathos here there’s the splash plant um the Dasia some more more Bonas in there and the Bonas in here will just continue to fill up these are the double impatience that are a pale apple blossom pink there’s some more pathos some more Bonia I just think it’s really sweet and it turned out really nice so I will keep you updated on how this grows be sure to check out my Instagram garden with Joanna on Instagram and I’ll probably post more pictures and updates there so I always love seeing the different containers that people put together so I hope this inspired you in some way I will say one of the big things that I try and do is find one plant that really is like my striking um my plant that I’m most passionate about so for me for this one it’s the trailing Bonia it’s something that I just caught my eye and I really wanted to kind of design the whole basket around that color palette and textures so highly suggest that if you don’t know where to begin just find one plant that you really love and just kind of build your container from there I really appreciate you watching thanks for gardening with me [Music]


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