Gardening Trends



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The music in my videos is from both Epidemic Sound, a royalty free music sharing site which you have to pay a monthly fee to be able to access, Or Music Bed


[Music] n good morning everyone look at this sight oh these trees bring me so much happiness it looks like our house is being prepared for a wedding just look at that seeing it’s so beautiful like this I want to go and get my cherry blossom tablecloth and have a little spring lunch oh listen to that sound can’t hear anything other than the crows and the birds [Music] C time two right 12 some Mar toothpaste my goodness oh my goodness pu are you okay A little s happy this morning very happy morning this morning Ally learned what a samiad was when I described when I described border and Barkley as Samy ads and that was a trip down memory lane little Samy ads little sand [Laughter] fairies a treat and breakfast this morning a treat and breakfast going come on let’s wrap you up let’s wrap you up little piglet so happy happy Bary happy Bary happy Bary just to explain to you what a samiad is it’s from the children’s TV program five children and it I used to watch it as a kid and um I honestly believe that that’s why I’m so like Fantastical and um romanticist because of the children’s TV programs I watched cuz like you’d never watched five children in it had you and you never watched nania The Lion the Witch and the Wardrobe the L which wardrobe yeah you’ve never watched that not n yeah but isn’t there another one what am I thinking of L W in the wardrobe what’s the one where they have a man dressed as straw one in like a oh that’s um man no that’s um l in the wardrobe no that’s not the line the wi in the wardrobe that’s Dorothy um The Wizard of Oz The Wizard of Oz watch that but basically that’s why I think that I have a bit of a vivid imagination when it comes to how I live my life because I watched all of those weird things but you’re a little sand fairy alli’s off to London today cuz he’s shooting a packet oh delightful make sure you take a hany who’s here today is anyone here who oh they’re going to have to start in your room pardon my language there but that was real genuine Panic I’m sure Carrie will have bleeped them out for me but I’ve just realized that the um Carpenters are here and they’re starting some work up here and so I was like oh my goodness I’ve been doing my chores I’ve done the chickens Porter’s losing his mind and they’re coming up here I wanted to fake tan my bottom right I’ve managed to get some fake tan on my bottom now the next thing I want to do is get some fake tan on my face but I have two things to consider here what I’ve realized is when I fake tan the tan actually clings to this little dark spot that I have and it makes it darker so I’m going to use a brush instead of a Mt and just like rubbing it all over my face secondly I figured out what happened here it happened when um the alcohol wipes was used on my face and I think in certain periods of my like cycle I am more sensitive to products and I think it’s caused a little bit of perioral dermatitis which is something that I’m really susceptible to so I’ve stripped back my skin care I’m not using any like of my skin and me I’m not using um any of my Elizabeth Arden bits and pieces just because I want to give my skin a bit of a break and I’m using like lots of soft Lano things but you can see it’s like here and here now but I read up and basically like really strong alcohol can often trigger it and I think when my skin is in in a bad place it’s super sensitive what I’m going to do is grab a brush and a little bit of faked hand and see if I can do this I actually might need a brush that is a little bit more should we go with this one this is a little bit softer this is the buffed base from nanshe also really all I want to do is put this on me though my goodness me I was sent just going to pop you down there I was sent a little package from Tropic which is a brand I’ve never tried before and this whipped body velvet is unreal this feels as light as a feather and when you open it it really is whipped but it’s almost like whipped coconut oil cream it’s unreal madagascan vanilla extract bbab oil and rabbe butter or RAB butter I never know with these blooming names anymore this is like the treat of my morning at the moment it is so wonderful I don’t really know much about the brand other than that they sent it to me because it is 100% natural and and yeah this I love the way they describe it the icing on the self-care cake this heavenly scented body cream is an indulgent treat for all the s senses I would say though I would really love a sort of Herby version of this cuz it’s very much that like coconuty summer body fragrance whereas I would really like this in a sort of garden inspired one I know it’s Tropic so tropical is probably the whole vibe that they’re going with but you know what I’m like Anyway this is what I’m using today and I’ll probably do the Tropic um before bed just to remoisturize my skin but I’m just going to apply this with a brush instead and kind of try and Contour rather than um applying it everywhere because I just don’t want to irritate my skin I really like this applying with my brush Malaki feels a little bit more like you know I go into my ears but if you haven’t realized I’m having a bit of a reset today reset of my mentality a reset of me in terms of like Beauty bits and pieces just because in my last video I felt the funk I felt so unlike myself and it’s because I wasn’t listening to the things and like focusing on the things that that remind me of how I live my life because it’s a conscious thing I have to remain conscious of the fact that I have to be thinking certain things I have to be living a certain way it’s not just going to happen and it’s so easy to get complacent with that it is so easy to think that life is always going to be rainbows and ponies that it’s always going to feel wonderful and your brain is always going to be serving you the best thoughts and you’re always going to be feeling great no you have to consciously do that um I have to consciously choose the thoughts and that is down down to all of the most simple things and I have to consciously do the things that make me feel better otherwise I sort of get into this weird space where I’m like I don’t really know what I’m doing I doubt myself and it’s sort of it really is something that I need to first of all learn to be more vulnerable and talk about more um but also just understand that it’s down to me to sort of pick myself up kick myself up the backside it’s why I never consume content that is like I think that maybe gen zood class as like relatable you know when you see like the wonderful I I honestly I think these all of the girls and all of the creators are amazing but their content maybe just isn’t for me when I see like Alex Earl showing her like messy bedroom I never consume content like that because I don’t want to get complacent in that being the normality I think it’s okay to have moments like that absolutely sometimes my dressing room is a mess sometimes everything around me is a mess sometimes it’s chaotic but that’s not I I don’t need reassurance that that is normal I know in myself that that’s when I’m in a bad place and I have to pick myself up I don’t need need to be soothed in that um I need to remind myself of who I am pick myself back up do all of the things that I’ve learned over the years that make me feel spectacular and carry on with my my life and and and and not waste another moment moment on it and so that is what I’m doing in this video so I’ve got up early doors thankfully Lumi didn’t wake me up at 5: this morning so I was able to have a little bit of a Layin till 600 because um I would like to be getting up at 5: but when I’ve not been sleeping that’s not what I want I’ve gone up I’ve done the chickens I’ve lit the candles I’ve created an environment that I feel wonderful in now I haven’t preempted the Carpenters being here however I’m very happy that they’re here and I’m just going to work around that I’ve got a few bits of sponsored content to do today you might have also noticed we are on back on my camera this is I think I’ve managed to actually find a new one as well so fingers crossed we can keep moving forward um that camera terrible absolutely terrible anyway going get myself ready because olle from the carpentry company is coming over now just to chat a few things through there’s one thing I’m learning about doing the Interiors myself is that I do have to like make sure that everything is coming together in my vision just like I’ve learned with the bed and I’ve learned I’m learning with the these beams is that this is going to sound so picity and I hope people that have renovated their homes will understand but there is a centimeter difference between the sample wood and the wood that’s gone in and I think that centimeter makes a big difference so we could be going to loggerheads we’re going to find out anyway I need to get dressed I need to put some perfume on I’m not going anywhere I just want to put some perfume on okay we’re getting there with getting ready for the day I’m feeling a little a little bit flustered because I didn’t realize that it was Thursday and i’ completely forgotten that um they were starting with the woodwork up here today and I’m fully now in that that mind frame of Doubt so remember a few videos I explained to you how when I think about doing something with my house a lot of the time people say to me they say I don’t think that’s a good idea I don’t think this that and the other and I’m very much in the midst of that the moment and so I’m full riddled with self-doubt about the decisions that I’ve made to put some English Oak beans in our Eaves now I know this is going to be a really controversial one um I know that a lot of people are going to think that this is like an awful idea I’ve had so many opinions and it’s it’s at this stage where I’m like first of all if I wasn’t posting this on the internet none of you would be able to have an opinion so I don’t that’s the thing that I’m like I have to remind myself of second of all I’ve learned so much in what I’ve done in this house and if I don’t take risks like this and learn I I’m never going to know what to do in the future because this is not going to be the first time or the last time that I do something like this in this way I am wanting to enjoy this process as much as possible sorry I got a bit of fluff and so at the moment I’m sort of panicking like fully panicking because whereas yesterday our house was nice and clean we’ve taken a full step backwards in that there is some dust happening in the bathrooms there is dust happening in Ali’s dressing room potentially mine today it’s a lot of dust as well in order to add these uh beams in and I have had like rightfully so four men explaining to me what this is going to cause I know they just want me to be in the loop and that it’s not them trying to discourage me but I’m in full doubt mode at the moment uh they have broken the ceiling not like broken it but as in like gone through the ceiling in order to start the process of adding these in so it’s no turning back now well there is if I wanted to the reason that I’m doing this is because I know that this room from the beginning would have looked really really beautiful with some raw wood in it I treat raw wood in the same vein that I treat Fabrics in a room so when you’re choosing curtains and things like that I find that raw wood adds that element of coziness of warmth of homeliness of those natural textures which for me when you have a room like this that is you know very very clean lines very very finished and and and um almost clinical the addition of these kinds of textures really really changed the room it’s not to everyone’s taste but for me it can be a really special edition I don’t know how this is going to look I’m taking a massive risk in this I’m hoping it’s going to pay off I’m not confident at the moment I was confident I’m not confident now but just to bring you up to speed so yeah it’s um oh these are those moments where I’m like why do I do this but then I know that at the end when my home looks the way that it does and the people in my life come to my home and they say oh my goodness like this is such a lovely warm home it’s I’ve achieved the home that I’ve wanted it makes me happy it makes me feel like I’m you know learning something new whilst trying different things was also hopefully if you guys were thinking about doing anything like this I hopefully would have made the mistakes so that you don’t have to but yeah so I I know that this is going to divide opinion I know that it’s not about making real looking beams as much as I want to achieve them looking authentic for me it’s about what this particular material adds to a space just like the addition of Natural Stone downstairs instead of the fake wood that we had before that Natural Stone really made it super super cozy and warm even though it’s a very hard material the jute carpet instead of a plush carpet it really added that like natural element to our home and so this fingers crossed is going to do the same I’m getting my makeup on now though so that I can do some work that is the sound of them closing the door on a very very dusty office for my husband I’m going to have to clear bits out of here yeah I don’t know why I do it to myself when I’m telling you I have been close to tears I am not even lying but we have the first beam up and I think it’s the best decision we ever made ladies and gentlemen the first beam is up and I obviously you’re not getting the full view here but arguably it honestly makes the ceiling feel taller it is the most bizarre thing I actually can’t even explain it to you so they’re getting ready to put in the second beam just over here as always on Ali’s dressing room everything looks much better than it’s going to look in mine cuz I can’t have mine Central um but I can breathe a sigh of relief oh my goodness it looks so good I actually I don’t think you get the full view look at that that detail it just adds to the room oh wow by the way yes I did change my outfit because I was so uncomfortable um but they’ve only got one beam up in the other bedroom however I do know that this will be the next place that they come so I do think I’m going to need to pack some bits and pieces away just so that they don’t get ruined in the process luckily I have my little cupboard at the back but yeah I think it’s time to have a bit of a sort out of like old bits and pieces and put them away not old bits and pieces but just take all the special bits and put them [Music] away everyone has left left my house has returned to normality and I’ve actually done my hair now this has been one of the craziest days and so intense and honestly I doubted myself at every step and I genuinely I can’t believe we’ve got to this point but alie’s room is installed we are obviously waiting for them to be decorated back in but we have three solid English Oak beams now installed they will all be like finished off obviously these have just been fixed in place and I cannot tell you the difference that this has made to this ceiling and this room this room now feels finished other than the blinds but Ali still has to choose those and it means that he can go for something a little bit more dramatic I think with the blinds um but I honestly thought I was going to throw up I wish I could play you my voice notes to Ali earlier cuz I was like babe I’m just like I’m panicking I’m panicking a lot because I feel like I’m doubting myself for me this is just like installing cushions just like installing curtains installing the floor that you want this adds an element of homeliness and detail and texture and naturalness that I think that a lot of room needs you don’t always need loads of it you don’t always need it in every room but there are certain special places and I think that this fits really well this is just my opinion and I am not tell tell you that I am right in any way shape or form this is just what I think is lovely and there will be people that absolutely hate it but for me this has just finished off this room so well so now tomorrow they will be making a start on my room so I have um cleared out a lot of my cupboards like I did earlier and just given it a bit of a spruce up I’ll take the artwork out tonight as well but that is where we are at at the moment I now have the lovely lady from Miller and chalk coming over to help me with um measuring some bits and pieces up to finish off like fabrics and that kind of thing um and also to drop off some cushions for the spare bedroom so I’m going to tidy up what I’ve been doing in here get myself a glass of water cuz I’ve just been talking and it’s non-stop I can breathe I can breathe oh my goodness me well it has been quite the evening for me I’ve been working away editing away but I also had the wonderful Miller and chalk at my house to deliver some new cushions I got this lovely mauy colored almost like linen and a ticking stripe as you can see this is the Miller and chalk website here millerand and she was able to measure up for some other bits and pieces and also start selecting some new cushions for the next bedroom which obviously is going to be um painted this weekend so oh my gosh it’s looking so adorable in here and now that we have the headboard in we can start thinking about getting artwork on the walls I have been summoned down to the bathrooms because seeing as I haven’t asked for anything for my birthday this year I I think that Ally should put the lights up in the bathroom as my birthday present no no no you miss the point every time ladies and gentlemen this is my channel has now peaked with Ally doing electrics Len topless didn’t know camera coming out I’m to Qui borrow you come here come on that’s going to be like there yeah kind of thing yeah sits on the bulb why don’t you get a bulb for it and why don’t you fit it and then put a bulb in so in the moment they’ve been put that high uh-huh yeah mhm I think they need to go no up there no you’re liting there yeah uh hold on where’s the where’s the mirror going to sit though the mirror will be fixed the wall higher but that’s not the mirror is it but it’s just roughly to put it in to get the width out mhm so height wise we’ve done it yeah I think a little bit higher so there there like that yeah little bit higher yeah there yeah all right okay so it’s just important you understand this cuz we don’t want to be keep on removing lights it’s but babe surely that’s a perk of having an electrician as a husband no no the decoration every time you have to no but there’s little shunts left and right you’re fine you putting the lights up now you are you are I’m not cuz they’re in the way of Ken they’re not in the way of Ken just put them up babe so half of 17 and 1 half Lids uh four 14 and A4 no 13 for 14 half of 17 I don’t know bab half of seven half of seven is three and a half half of six is three right and Seven’s one number more yeah so set three and a half well done and then half of 10 half of 10 is five right 5+ 3 and a half 13 and a half five plus three and a half you can do it in your head one by one yeah five plus three oh F oh bab this is making my head hurt you’re good at maths I’m not I’m not good at maths you are good at maths can’t wait to see those lights up for my birthday I will be after your birthday maybe because your birthday is not until Sunday babe the moment that your birthday is over it’s my birthday can’t wait for you what we just say 8 and a half 7 and a half no it’s 8 and a half I’ve got no idea babe well Al does that I’m coming upstairs to kiss goodbye to my old dressing room but oh I’ve left the blooming window open that is a Sure Fire way to end up with either bats or spiders in my dressing room come up though to pack my Pilates bag because I got the notification that I managed to oh my gosh it’s a makeup brush I thought it was a mouse look at it just sat there I thought it was a mouse any spiders up there better not be right I need to pack my Pilates bag pop my dress the next week’s event I am hosting my first ever influencer event and I have to be honest I’ve never never done this before because it just it gives me the fear makes me think I’m like 10 years old at school inviting people to my birthday party again and no one’s going to turn up and why would I want to put myself through that it’s 36 years old but here we are we’re doing it so anyway I’ve got my my dress sorted I’m actually doing two events as well which is interesting but this is my event for one of them uh this is from my upcoming Karen Millan collection and it is absolutely beautiful as a print um we do this in a number of different styles but I think that this shirt dress is perfect for a Day event I’ve got a press event and then an influencer event um all in collaboration with Spacek as well and um someone else well I’m all packed in the morning morning I’ll be kissing goodbye to the Tidy clean dressing room and saying hello to some new additions good morning everyone oh my God you can’t see my my mouth oh my God that’s so embarrassing my car my car must know my routine usually cuz it has literally come up with look at this the journey from Soo Farmhouse to D’s food organic CU that’s usually what I would do after coming to Farmhouse by the way my farmhouse um obviously cuz I told you I was doing Pilates um and uh no anyway I’ve just got to my car um I couldn’t sit in and have breakfast day I think I need to get back to the house because beams are going in so I’ve got myself a superfood smoothie and I also treated myself to a protein bowl and two obviously loaves of sourdough oh this looks like a good one um two loaves of sourdough and I bloody live for these mornings you have no idea I’ve done my pilates class I’ve done 30 lengths and then I have gone and had a sauna for 10 minutes then I’ve had a shower got ready in about half an hour to 45 minutes I tell you what this is living your best life in my opinion I genuinely feel like this is my reset and I so notice it when I don’t have these mornings these mornings have become like part of my self-care routine like massively and um oh I just live for them I absolutely live for them I I cannot put it into words how much these like just refresh my soul give me so much energy it is the best the best way to start the day I have to say and I’m a poet and I did not know it so super food smoothie it’s got like spinach banana all of that good stuff and I think this has got a little bit of chocolate in it as well that was about 20 quids worth of protein bow there not just dreams in their traditional sense the dreams of trying new things of being an amateur and not being afraid to start something new this is why even the most subtle signs of spring fill me with so much happiness well I have returned home to flowers Goodness Me and the sound of banging in my dressing room exciting the sun is shining and it’s looking like tomorrow which is effectively my birthday celebration because my birthday is on Sunday um it’s likely going to be the hottest day of the year so far that is a oh oh wow that’s cute Gardens isn’t it a how lovely dear Lydia wishing you a very happy birthday for Sunday we hope you have a fabulous time celebrating with love the Nar p that’s so sweet of them to do such a lovely card as well and my favorite flowers wow oh my gosh as you can hear that is the sound of the last two beams being fitted uh in the hallway so that it’s all cohesive we aren’t having a beam fitted in the bathroom just yet because we still have the bathroom to renovate um but I am getting myself out of here whilst um they do their work and checking on bits and pieces in the kitchen Garden as it’s all coming to life at the moment and I haven’t been to check on my little seedlings ooh we have a runner Bean up out of nowhere my goodness we have some pumpkins we’ve got some Tomatoes wow oh my gosh I love it when I come out oh my gosh this one’s coming up pumpkin St Martin I don’t think it is I think it’s St Marta but we’ve got one there one there oh my goodness I love it when it gets warm enough and things just start springing to life like this oh wow micro greens these can probably come inside now to be honest they’re doing really well still no signs of Life on these sweet peas just yet but I am hopeful that I will get more out of these because sweet peas have definitely been a struggle this year um apparently there was a sto in my Greenhouse the other day a sto would you believe it and the sto was nibbling apparently had one of my little seedlings in its mouth but I definitely have to get my Mong 2 out this weekend I think um I have a new nerian I managed to um germinate only one of my nan so um sadly we’ve only got one of the what was it something pink they’re like a pink noan I’ve got one of them so I’m going to like have to savor that one but just seeing these guys come to life makes me so happy I reckon a little sprinkle of water will give these a good Head Start I have been listening to my own book again in the car um it’s so funny because on my drives to farmhouse in the mornings I really like to listen to a book and you’ll know I’ve been struggling with trying to find a good book and I said to myself do you know what it’s spring I’m going to listen to my book in Spring I’m going to listen to chapter spring and there’s so many like it’s almost like I’m listening to the book for the first time and obviously it is not when I tell you that I have read this book so many times and I don’t know if anyone is watching now maybe you’re watching me and you don’t think of me as like your favorite person if you can put that to just one side I know there’s parts of me that maybe people don’t like but I genuinely think that you will take so much goodness from my book and even I’m listening to it this is the stuff that I wrote this is the stuff that I believe my thoughts my memories my lifestyle choices and even I’m listening to them now and I’m going oh my God Lear you needed to hear that because you forget the most important lessons you forget the things and sometimes you just need someone to like spur you on and I think it’s really it’s made a bit more sense to me because I get a lot of people saying oh I’ve already listened to your book like four times this is not a humble brag by the way I’m not being humble at all I am literally going to ram it down your throats my book is really good it is really good and there will be people that like say things about there there’s always people that say things um about books and I know that I’m someone that is a bit Marite not everyone gets me but if you get me I think you really quite like it and one of the things that I I saw in the very beginning was people were saying that um it’s just a load of different quotes regurgitated and I just want to say that if you’ve read any of those reviews and that to put you off that is not what my book is we have a few key quotes in there I would say no more than eight in a book that to listen to is like nearly 6 hours long that’s not a lot of quotes and what what we do is we use very well-known quotes to just back up and remind you of really empowering words so if you think it’s a book of quotes that’s just been regurgitated that’s not it at all but what it is is kind of like part Memoir but also Heart Like self-help book but also with a sprinkling of like coffee table book to inspire you for me it’s everything I love about books and anyway I was listening to it and there was just so much goodness that can you not even tell in me as a person I feel like my pep is back in my step just having those encouraging words of like no you’re doing fine and and what you’re doing is the right thing just because there’s a a loud noise of people saying one certain thing thing it doesn’t mean that that’s right the quiet confidence is where it’s at anyway let’s get these watered let’s get get get some goodness in them and get on with my [Music] day nothing put the fear in me like these holes yesterday oh my goodness but my dressing room is almost finished as you can see complimenting the floor beautifully oh my goodness they are mid being decorated in three gorgeous beams got some corking to do and some filling on the ceiling just so that they sit seamlessly I am so happy with the detail and warmth and beauty that they have added to this room and I want to stress we haven’t gone for like hollowed beams which honestly absolutely fine whichever you want to do however you want to do it I don’t make the rules but what I really wanted to do was use these beautiful materials and textures in the home and use them as solids and I’ve not gone and put like a an old antique beam in here this is a new beam because this is a a new house there are oak framed new build houses all the time so this is not a thing that looks out of place in our home we’ve got a lot of glass in our home and the one thing I wanted to to add had was a lot more natural Textures in here so we added the stone floor engineered wood flooring and now we’re adding some real solid substantial and intentional woodwork throughout the home which guys I could cry once it’s all decorated in Ken’s coming tomorrow this is the finishing touch of this room now we’ve just got the bathroom to do it’s never ending job list and I’ll probably be bored once I finish it no I don’t I I know that it would just be case of color changes and things like that but it is just such a joy such a joy and I was so scared yesterday so scared and so I want to say that if you are thinking about taking a risk in your home please take this as a sign to take the risk you’re basically going to end up with a good story or you’re going to end up with what you want and so the reality is it doesn’t really matter I mean as long as you’ve got the money to do it don’t go bankrupting yourself or anything like that and don’t go trying to keep up with people that you see on the internet if you can do it do it if you can’t don’t but um look at the warm in the view oh this is just obviously there’s still a bit of mess everywhere but just the detail that I wanted added and the tones against my little antique Chandelier and my Woodwork and my Fabrics oh it just makes me so happy obviously don’t look at the the the gaps at the moment this house is fully on the wonk so we’re going to add some filler and some pork and things like that so that it all fits nicely well I’m sad about the hydranges well I’m sad about the hydranges but it still looks very lovely in this little pot here Mr Mill Gordon has just picked me up taking me for a little spin to the snow drops no blue bells the blue bells oh you get worse than me I know wow the blue bells are all out basically I’ve had a last minute campaign in and um it’s actually bizarrely quite an easy concept to create it’s like a trending video that’s happening at the moment so we’re just heading down our road um to a spot to get the second part and hopefully I’ll show you some blue belt this is where we have come to shoot how gorgeous is this yeah that’s f yeah you kind of slightly started on to the right but then spin spined yourself into the middle [Music] around spin [Music] around fine not [Music] wow sad times we have one uh casualty other than the fact that I also got a spider on my skirt my Emmy London Flats although I was thinking that they needed a little bit of TLC so maybe I’ll just get a new pair and have these as my gardening ones it’s beginning to look a lot like my birthday everywhere we go these for me babe two of them just is it the two hars ones no they’re mine mine oh I think this is yours yeah that’s one of yours lovely that’s to do the cleaning that you don’t do oh this feels like yours actually really yeah feel like yours are you being funny again yeah this is yours some hangers yay for birthday that’s definitely one of yours you’re such a liar yes it is some snacks for the road fourth Glade Dental sticks a second it’s not yet and some cheese bones just what I [Laughter] wanted ah what’s that these are for you actually are they for me what are they ah the toothpaste human toothpaste oh my God oh my God what is it Amazon Amazon oh my god daddy I need one of these I need sit sit sit boys uh oh sit sit sit sit bu’s like I’ll sit but I’ll still stick my snoot in the box right we’ had enough to so massive Aly sit sit sit sparkley that doesn’t look like sitting sit I don’t think he noticed that we just got a good foot for closing yeah I love the Stampy foot that that Barky gets as well sit sit sit the Tails have stopped good boys now J gently gently sit gently a bye they get gently for sure yeah bye you haven’t shown me what’s in the Harold’s ones yet babe they just bits of gold oh okay good morning everyone last night I ended up going for dinner with my dad because it was basically a celebration for all of our birth birthdays and my dad picked me up some lovely what he called raspberry ripple roses and they are so pretty oh my goodness so I’m going to get these um potted up or vased up or vased up or whatever it’s called and then I’ve also received which I’m very very very honored to receive as well these are some beautiful flowers from the L London team just gorgeous white and green love it so I’m going to get these into some vases around my home I love birthdays because I just feel like it’s like an explosion of florals in your home and um it doesn’t happen all all the time obviously Valentine’s Day you get something from like your partner it’s usually some flowers but on your birthday lots of people well in my experience you do get lots of people sending you flowers and for me I don’t often have like big floral displays I often have like pots and things like that so it’s nice to have a change but um yeah I’m going to get these probably into this pickling jar to be honest so what I’m doing is just removing all of the leaves the unnecessary leaves from the stems I’ve cut them yeah it’s nice it’s not my favorite but it’s nicer than the other ones six days six fragrances my wife’s not approved of oh God one of them I almost he had one fragrance on and I genuinely almost went and slept in the spare bedroom I had to cover my nose with the um duvet it was awful and then cutting uh the stalk just so it gets a fresh point of um moisture absorbency I’m sure that’s not the technical term but we’re just going with it the sun is shining today it is absolutely beautiful it is such a glorious morning I’ve already gone and had a little walk around the garden and it’s all coming to life so so beautifully cute little raspberry ripple roses I’ll get these ones in some water now too [Music] the only one you’re missing is Lumi yeah she’s around somewhere one man in his many animals morning ladies how we doing we’re very stressed out today what is that too many puppies around oh look at them 4 what is she doing she’s getting into her hunting is she this is last year’s birthday present enjoying the garden the new little boulevards we need to go and find some just about to have some of it cake we need to um go and look for some a bench for in the wildf flower don’t we hello Blue Bell it’s your season Blue Bell it is Mommy it’s always gwith Petry on her own CH wiff a you want to give you oh my goodness Ali’s favorite way to dress is inspired by Barkley what a glorious day hey chick chicks your first spring spring chicks good morning everyone freshly washed hair my fave and it is also a rose petal and Hol Hawk kind of day and I feel like you need to see this combination together oh it is brightening up my mood because this morning I mean the weather has been extremely tempestuous my goodness me it was thunder and lightning this morning and now we have sunshine and a little bit of wind but I have something that you’re going to be really excited about it’s actually nothing to do with anything that’s on this rail but I’m going to use this rail that has other bits of lovely pieces for a campaign I have coming up because I’ve done an order and I know that you are going to love this now don’t do these orders very often either they are very very selective because if I’m going to tell you to purchase from places like this I want to be sure be honest and make sure that you’re going to get the maximum bang for your buck so it is time for another Timeless and elegant shopping from H&M this is a video that I’ve done before and you guys have so enjoyed it and I thought I’d pop it in a vlog so that you can kind of get a bit of everything but I spent a huge amount and um I think I’ve got some really really good pieces in here the weather is going to be very strange today so it’s going to be dark and it’s going to be sunny and it’s going to be lots of things and I can’t get in the box I’m going to use my eyebrow shaver oh we have now blunted it oh dear oh because if there’s one thing I know you do not have to shop luxury fashion in order to look wonderful my Mantra from the early days has always been um I love things to look more expensive than they are got a bit of hair it’s annoying me and um H&M has always been one of my favorite places to shop when it comes to High Street fashion and you are about to see why I feel like summer is so much easier to dress well as well because of the weights of fabrics and um cuts of coats a lot of tailoring it can be difficult however I have gone and done some very very lovely leg work for you I’ve got a few little sets in here I’ve got a few little dresses and I think we are going to be living in these things as part of our Evergreen wardrobe now you’ll know I am very very very fond of H&M linen I think when it comes to the High Street H&M is very much like at the Forefront oh my gosh okay we’re going to get into it we’re going so this I really loved the look of this is a really lovely almost kind of like waffle like shirt I love just oversized shirts like this over jeans some cute ballet pumps and a nice bag and when I say a nice bag it doesn’t have to be designer my basket bag I got from Amazon it’s one of the best basket bags that I’ve seen and it’s incredible quality and actually quite practical as well so this with some slides you don’t have to go for design designer slides they have some incredible tan slides on H&M at the moment as well I actually wanted to buy them because they are less logoed than my Oran sandals least sustainable thing to do is to replace something that you already have and I already have them and they’re worn and they’re lovely and they’re great quality so I’m not going to do that but if you want some unbranded leather tan slides they’ve got them on H&M at the moment they’ll look so lovely with some white jeans um so that is the first shirt of the day and this weather is is wild I’m trying not to do a whole wearing versus styling number in this section of the video but I just had to tell you my assistant was like oh my goodness don’t you dare put this video live until I’ve had a chance to order some of these pieces she was like the quality is insane because basically at this time of year H&M releases its sort of core collection of linen pieces and they don’t tend to restock huge amounts I’ve got to be honest so once it’s gone it is usually gone but simple shirt I popped it with some white jeans and this is probably how I would wear it first of all I’d roll the sleeves up because I like that more relaxed look this Ivory cable knit sweater but we’re not going to knot it we’re just going to kind of leave it like that now I have three bag options for you I know I spoil you but I have many more we’re going in at the top with the Hermes if Hermes isn’t your price point Lor London has a very very exciting collection um of grained leather pieces coming I can’t tell you anymore but really great for like that sort of 2,000 3,000 Mark not in the heres’s vicinity there is the Buckingham bag from Fairfax and favor I have it in that more Ox blood tone um that is a great bag if you want that more casual feel and that grained leather for a day-to-day wear if those aren’t your sort of Summer bag of choice I have these nothing says Chic like a French Market bag you just can’t go wrong especially at this time of year so practical this one is amazing this is from a really wonderful independent seller on Amazon that’s how I found her that’s why I always think that Amazon really isn’t that bad um because this bag is from Pilon ver and it’s just so gorgeous it’s got the double strap it’s got real leather handles that get this gorgeous patterer and I feel like it works really well with this Vibe and also with the tan accessories so you’ve got you’ve got your jumper you’ve got your basket bag you need your sunnies so lovely I feel like I’ve tried but I haven’t tried too hard we also have another bag so this is more of like the Jane Burkin style basket bag a little bit more expensive than the French Mas basket bag but this one is a bit more like Jane Burkin esque she was always carrying a basket bag just like this and this one is super practical so if you like these tones this is that tan tone that’s going to work with all of the accessories that you’ve got but there is another way I’m trying to keep this so quick and I’m failing miserably easy transition to something like this even more paired back even more sort of everyday wear beautiful materials classic Silhouettes everything that I talk about in my book Evergreen this is what this is what I’m talking about it doesn’t have to be expensive you don’t have to buy those heirloom pieces but if you find the it items from places like H&M that are going to live in your wardrobe for such a long time you have a little bit more disposable income to buy those key pieces depending on your budget that’s what I’m talking about if you are into fashion if you’re not into fashion and that’s not your thing first of all you’re on a fashion and Lifestyle Channel so I feel like you’re going to be disappointed but second of all we’re all into different things so that is my vibe next up we have and I love this oh yeah this is is gorgeous 70% lever Eco Visos and 80% recycled polyester lining so really really good in terms of reusing materials beautiful Square neckline rouched bodice this gives me like Australian linen brand Vibes and the price is just incredible super simple no sort of big design features on there which is something that I’m really careful with with H&M I’m going for these more classic pieces and love them okay I’m going to be honest on this one I had High Hopes And I’m not loving it first of all I’m making sure that my boobs are covered because it runs very very small I feel like there’s not a lot of fabric in the waist there is not Pockets just to you know do my public service there it’s very tight it’s very uncomfortable I could probably size up but I just don’t think there’s ever going to be enough Fabric in this dress it it it’s giving nighty and it definitely is giving nighty because if I do move my hair you will see my arolas so I don’t think that’s necessary so sadly I wouldn’t recommend this one you might be looking at it think it think it looks lovely but I know that this is one of those pieces that doesn’t fit well um and doesn’t feel nice so I’m I’m just not going to wear it even if it looks nice next up these linen two pieces literally had me running to check out so this is like a sort of drawring waist loose fitting trousers great great length on the trousers for me personally and a really good shade of green this is like like a pistachio sort of sagey green um but actually looks like green on camera cuz a lot of the the greens that I go for have that muddier undertone but for me this is perfection and it comes with the matching shirt again with no design details to it so this is just a classic Sage twopiece now what I love about this is that this time of year this is essentially like pajamas on a day-to-day basis but as it gets hotter over a cami top that kind of thing slides easy to throw on and a gorgeous gorgeous color you can add silk scarves if you want to add a bit of detail you can go with your luxury bags if you want but you do not have to that is what I love about it so this little two-piece is going on here I want to show you this tucked in but I also don’t want to ruin it so I’m going to show you out first just as a little sort of two-piece number now you can buy these separate and take a larger size on the bottom or a smaller size on the top whichever now because this is so relaxed I actually quite like the idea of dressing it up a little bit more with um a slightly smarter bag than a basket bag but it works just as well again I’m not going to keep the cff like this it’s summer well it’s spring you’ve got the pockets but for me this is just so easy again with that more capsule wardrobe Vibe you can add a jumper to the top to over the top like so this is just a cashmere n peel one but you can get cable for many different budgets but this is just one that I wear all the time so it’s always to hand um but love this as an alfit I like the crispness against those more earthy tones this just gives it more of a streamlined look a little bit more tailored this is a bit more Italian gives me a bit more of a shape love also got the green waffle shirt in the white version because this is just very very effortless um the fabric composition of this is just so you’re aware of the green one as well but it is so soft this is 100% cotton so this soft green one is also 100% cotton and so is the white one which makes me very very happy this is the waffle shirt in white that we’ve already seen in green love this so much so soft love this outfit wow summer wardrobe is sorted in the two-piece I also went for this more oatmealy color I always think that this looks so lovely alongside green accessories a green scarf it’s a really good place for me to have something like this and then put maybe an oatmeal cardigan over the top because um you can never be too sure with the weather in this country okay so I like to cover all bases classic silhouette so these shirts are not going to date in your wardrobe you don’t get more classic than this sort of Oxford style shirt um so you can’t go wrong and these are the things that I look for I look for no sort of oversized to things I like a relaxed fit it could be my husband’s shirt it could be mine but generally I look for those design details that have not changed throughout the years so when you go to like a men’s suiting Place their shirts will look not too dissimilar to this if in the summertime and I love that obviously the drawstring waist trousers to match again I’ll wear this over bikinis I’ll wear it over Camis as it gets warmer if it ever does but I just like those more neutrals to me green is a neutral so um it works really well in my wardrobe and just my life in general this is the raw linen two-piece in the stone shade and this is such a survive I am going to be honest I reckon you could probably do with sizing up in the trousers if you want my advice these are the six on me and I could take an eight and they would be just like another element of comfortable so that when you wash them you might just you know want to be a bit careful this outfit to me is I holiday in provance I’ve probably got a cute little cottage chatau something in provance I’m going to the market to pick up my fresh vegetable and probably a glass of provance Rosé and I’m living my best life that is what this outfit says about me as a person next up I’m intrigued by this one cuz this was a green shirt dress and you know I’m very very picky about items and I think this is one that I’m going to have to try on because it’s a short sleeve it looks like it’s got a gathered waist I’m always very very critical about how much SK how much fabric is in the the skirt so I’m not going to tell you anything about this until I tried this on because this is a gorgeous shade and very very soft the fabric is 100% Visos partly made from circulus Pulp um so and lovely little mother of pearl buttons so I’m just going to hang this up to steam and then when we try it on I’ll give you a better a better first impression I think so pop that on the rail there’s such a color palette going on here I love love it I was skeptical but I think they’ve done it I think this is a really gorgeous green dress I hope it doesn’t look Brown because I promise you it’s green but this is sort of almost like a teal color do I think the sleeves need to be this long no I don’t I think if the sleeves were a little bit shorter you’d have a much more polished look but I think they’ve gone for that more relaxed um sort of sun cover up Vibe this fits lovely there’s a nice amount of fabric and move mement in the skirt it’s not huge amounts but it feels like there’s more than there actually is which I think is really good so if you’re wanting that more relaxed feel to a green dress then I think this has got you covered this also genuinely feels like a nighty their Fabrics at the moment I am so so impressed now these are some sort of chino pants I always get really lovely summer sort of double pleat trousers although these have no pleats are these highwaisted who knows but these lovely cropped oh lovely lovely cropped linen trouser I think I’m going to absolutely love these they look really nice I just hope that they sit high-waisted enough and I do find that H&M does very very good highwaisted trousers but we shall see the color of these though with a white shirt tan accessories you are going to have to let me know what you think on these trouses I definitely think that there is the possibility for these to fit a bit better I’ve sized up and gone for a size six because usually I’d be a size four cuz I’ve got an itty bitty bottom I always size up because their their sizing can be a bit off at H&M I definitely think these would have been better as a double pleat but they feel a bit cleaner not as a double pleat they feel a bit more um like a suit trouser and I know these come with a Blazer that matches but I’m I didn’t think I wanted a a sage green suit like this but they fit really nicely on the leg very very comfortable um and I wanted you to see the fit something a bit more sort of Monaco Vibes that kind of thing although my friend Lauren if she’s watching this she’ll probably be like babes we’re not wearing that and Monaco cute so yeah this could work as a really nice sort of work wear outfit do I do the jumper drape again I don’t know if I do do I do I it’s the color for me but you can’t see because it’s so bright I love these tones this really does feel like such a good capsu wardrobe one pair of sunglasses one belt one jumper a few different linen pieces let me know what you think I also picked them up in the oatmeal color now I have purchased trousers like these similarly from H number four and I’ve worn them so much that I think I only have about one pair left now because they have had a bit of a bit of a battering the thing I like about this as well theyve always got this sort of elasticated waistband there’s quite a lot of support here so I’m very intrigued gorgeous color though again with white shirts but then you could add accents of green to these as well lovely simple details again this is a very very classic style very very simple um no big branding no really outlandish design details but more focused on the fit and the quality of the fabric which is what I love Laura piano Vibes on an H&M budget these are the same trousers but I’d say these fit a little bit better on the waist however they are quite hungry on the old bottom I feel like H&M bottoms have just all of a sudden got a lot hungrier for me on the bum I don’t know whether I’ve got more cushion for the pushing or whether they’re they’ve changed something I’ve got this heres belt but I’ve got an heres belt for like I think it was like 200 quid which was um vintage great investment piece in your wardrobe you’re going to wear and wear and wear it you always see me wearing my accessories I genuinely feel like this is Laura piano Vibes on an H&M budget minus the accessories absolutely love it voila oh we went for the White Version as well and I do feel like having a good pair of white linen trousers especially in the cropped it’s just you can’t go wrong classic classic color and then all of these this is almost like a summer capsule wardrobe here because you can wear the green shirt with the white trousers if you don’t want a full green look if you want to go all white and give it more of like a Nancy Meyers Vibe you can do so with that if you want a bit more earthy tones to it you can go in with the sort of oat mely colored shirt of the two-piece and you can just mix and match so it’s a really good little place to pick up those more capsule pieces that are going to go and work really hard in your wardrobe okay I’d say that the white is the best fitting by far at the moment however white linen is notoriously see-through so just pay attention to the pockets and make sure you’re wearing nude underwear and again it’s one of those outfits that you can add a pop of green which I’m very passionate about this is like the Evergreen girls guide to dressing because just adding a green shirt I already feel like oh love this love love love now this top I was very very intrigued by because I do enjoy a classic Twist on shirting and this pleating detail is something that we see a lot through my Karen Millan collections it’s really flattering on the waist but it still has all of the classic design details of a good shirt so it just almost feels like someone has taken an old oversized shirt pin tucked it at the waist added some shoulder pads and it gives it a different feel again this will work really beautifully with those sort of um cropped trousers as well and classic white I always feel like you can’t really go wrong with um If Ever I find myself wanting to accentuate my l lar shoulders I shall give this top a call but until that time it is going straight back in the box on a one-way ticket back to h& mville we are now back in storm weather oh dear England you wouldn’t have it any other way the garden will be loving it though that’s always the the positive spin that I put on weather like this is that when the garden experiences weather like this when it’s sunny and then it’s raining the The Greenery really enjoys it but also any of the trees that are needing to get rid of any of their sort of winter covering leaves and things like that this is a really good time for them to shed them so very good what are these oh shorts I didn’t realiz of the shorts I was in need of a good pair of shorts and a comfortable pair of shorts and this looks right up my street and again so this is not a green this is more of like a taupey shade really beautiful shade and this l almost has like a natur so this is natural linen this is really good in fact I’d buy more of these happily these are going to be so comfortable and also really good as like a beach cover up to just throw on I don’t like walking around with my bum out is that just me so I like just slipping something on I don’t mind with a bikini top but I like slipping on some shorts if I’m going to like you know get a cocktail at the beach bar or something like that wishful thinking and I don’t think I’m going to be wearing any other style of short this entire summer not only are these comfortable but super flattering I think the length of shorts is so important I’ve actually got a pair of Laura piano shorts which are just a tad too long and if you go too long in your shorts it is going to sort of cut off your leg there’s a fine line between a short and a capri and if you get muddy in the middle it can make you look very very dumpy and this to me Cuts me off at just the right place I’ve got slightly like wider top halfs of my my legs so just cutting them off below that point makes my legs look so much longer a little strappy number and the waffle shirt I don’t even know if that’s the technical term but this is I could be in pajamas like oh yes I liked the look of this it didn’t look like it had a lot of fabric in the skirt but it looked like it could be quite smart I really liked this detail of the covered buttons just gave it a really clean finish um it’s got a tie waist I love the color of it I felt like this would be a really easy wear but we’ll try it on because I’m not convinced I always think that the fit test is what really matters to me it’s not so much um those design details I want it to be flattering on um and feel like it’s filling a hole in my wardrobe in the right sense of the word right I popped the sleeveless dress on as I expected it doesn’t really fit me on the shoulders but that’s my own issue sometimes because of the size of my shoulders I cannot wear certain things because they do not fit and I accept that I’m really not bothered because the instant that I put this on it felt trendy to me it’s got this sort of almost molten metal button at the top um very sort of itg girl esque which is the exact things that I try to stay away from so this feels you know like the Cuffs that everyone’s wearing the Elsa petti cuffs it feels very much in line with that and I have to be conscious when I’m like this doesn’t feel classic even though it feels well made it’s fully lined it feels like the lining is pulling it in it feels like there’s not enough fabric it hasn’t got pockets either so it’s going in B oh I forgot to show you this as well this is a little gold clip which I thought would actually be quite a lovely dressy addition to my clip collection because I use it as I use them very often and this just felt a little bit dressier I can feel that the clip isn’t hugely strong but I think it’ll work obviously without the the dingle dangle tag but I thought this could be quite pretty for like evenings and just clipping your hair out but anyway that’s the last thing I’ll link it down below


  1. You and Ali have the same love language with the sausage dogs — even the word choice! "Oh my goodness, me!" Soooo cute 🥰

  2. What i tell you my mouth drop when i saw those beams and i think you well know you have the eye of the tiger. Growl power ova here! 🎉

  3. Absolutely adorable! Zoflora & hangers, spoilt as always!! But how Ali copes with your spider incident warmed my heart, always be as kind to each other.

  4. Narnia and the Secret Garden are the books that are tribute to my fantastical nature. This is my first time viewing your content and when your blog open, I just fell in love with your backyard.

  5. "ladies and gentlemen my channel has now peaked with Ali doing electrics…topless" – One of the best Lydia Millen quotes hahaha

  6. This is one of my favourite videos you have ever posted! Its like you read my mind of what ive been struggling with! you are like my therapy! Thank you Lydia! Im away to turn 26 this year and you truly do give the best advice! x

  7. I often ask myself why i watch these types of videos as sometimes the details are innane like watching someone talk about every miniscule of their day when I wouldnt listen to this in real life. I only say this as someone who likes to be productive with their time. Yet what I've realised is that i do absolutely love the fashion elements. I enjoyed this video thank you. I got to relax a bit and I was inspired by your fashion choices. Thanks

  8. Lydia l hear you, the older we get we learn to prioritize our needs, sincerely do it your way, growing we listened and taken people's opinions…with adulthood it's different feeling.

  9. I don’t comment much but I wanted to say, I’m sorry people’s opinions online have made you feel less than you are. I hope you can are able to lean into those people around you who love and appreciate you, just as you are. ❤

  10. Lydia, I love the H&M haul. I just purchased some similar items for Spring. The green linen shirt will be delivered tomorrow, can't wait. But you showed me different ways to wear them. Thank you. I even have an ivory cable knit like yours from last Winter. I am thinking of purchasing the pearl necklace. it is lovely and I only have a silver chain pearl necklace that an aunt bought for me from Japan. I need a gold one. BTW, it is not too warm here in Boston either, still kind of raw and rainy with sun coming out occasionally to break up the gloom. 😉 But it makes things very green, it really is the prettiest time of year in New England, if you don't mind wearing sweaters/"jumpers". And I get you. Your thinking is similar to mine. You also make me laugh. We have similar senses of humor. I have a small butt as well. Almost flat…good grief. LOL Love all your animals and your back yard. The dressing room looks wonderful with the beams. Happy Birthday, sweetie.

  11. Love those apple blossom trees and we have the pink cherry blossom trees in Scotland too. They only last 4-5 weeks but so uplifting…

  12. Actually think that pistachio outfit is different shades. The trousers are slightly lighter than the shirt.

  13. You should’ve got the matching jacket for the cut off trousers. They are quite smart.

  14. For anyone with children ….. Highly recommend both the classic books the TV shows were based on to encourage reading ….. "Five Children and It" by E Nesbit and "The Lion, the Witch, and the Wardrobe" by C S Lewis.

    Interesting to see the H&M haul – never shopped there before but like the green shirtwaister

  15. 1:07:08 lovely looks, the white layer top in the video seems to be different from the linked one. Could you please share where the one in the video is from as it appears more flattering? Thank you 🙏🏼 ❤

  16. 🌿🕊️🌸✨✨💛✨✨🌸🕊️🌿🌸🍃🌼✨🧚‍♂️✨🌸🍃🌼🌄🕊️💞💞✨✨✨👑✨✨✨✨✨🌺🕊️✨✨✨✨🌱✨

  17. I am new to your channel, but I couldn't agree more with you about not having to spend a fortune on fashion, leaving room to spend more on the special pieces you want. You still look like a million bucks every day. I adore your style and look forward to watching more videos.

  18. Hi Lydia, the amazon basket bag link doesn't work.Will you please write me the name of the bag?I really like it 🙏🏻

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