Rare Houseplants

swipe to see what my philodendron splendid looked like two years ago 🌿

swipe to see what my philodendron splendid looked like two years ago 🌿

by tofuubitch


  1. CultiVader

    What do you anchor the giant moss pole down with?

  2. hooligan415

    Can’t lie, I’m not looking at the plant.

  3. mother_of_plecos

    Splendid are just better melanochrysum- change my mind. JK but my splendid has been so much hardier and a better grower than my melano. My melano has been a sickly little pest magnet no matter how I treat it, while my splendid doubled size in 8 months.

  4. HadALittleLamb6

    It’s looking AMAZING! 😍😍♥️

  5. DetroitHyena

    I used to sell plants, as full time income during Covid especially. I haven’t sold more than once in awhile to thin the herd for two years. Watching my plants mature has been the most rewarding thing ever, now that they’re not being constantly chopped and propped. Nice glow up!!

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