Gardening Australia

What is this causing my gum tree to drop loads of leaves?

Got a massive lemon scented gum in our yard that for the last few months has been dropping a lot more green leaves than normal. It’s gotten worse again in the last week or two.

Upon inspecting some of the leaves they’ve got this scale and bugs on them. Not sure if it’s all the leaves.

What can be done about this considering it’s a sprawling tree that’s about 20 metres tall?

by Regular_Actuator408


  1. _BMXICAN_

    Pest control can be done really easy for cheap with household ingredients. White oil is great for things that eat leaves, white vinager mixed 1:1 with water and crushed garlic is really good as a pest deterrant on food crops/ gardens a paste of red chillies and garlic mixed in with water is good to spray with. Plant marigolds, they excrete a natural bug deterrant and they’re cheap and pretty and easy to grow.

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