
Update on the anole jungle

This enclosure will be 2 months old tomorrow! As this was my first real vivarium, it’s been a great learning opportunity and my Anole loves the new home:) Just posting as an update/thank you to all those that helped me starting out, you were all a great help and I’m happy that I can now help out newbies as well. My regular pothos has not taken off as well as i’d hoped yet but the heart leaf and golden pothos have really shot up, I also added some english ivy a few weeks ago. The gold dust crotons and Dracaena palm have also been doing pretty well. Plus the local snail.

P.s. for the gecko police, the gecko has been healthily and happily cohabed with my Anole for over a year now, there is no competition for food or territory. It hitched a ride in my car back from florida 2 summers ago and has been living with me and the Anole ever since.

by WanderingMandalorian

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