
1 month update on my first ecosphere

The water cleared up really nicely! I've added some other little plants I found, as well as snails and aquatic isopods, which seem to be doing well now that things are more settled. (My first attempt at adding critters did not go so well, to say the least…)

I'm really happy with how things are going, especially for it being my first one! It's definitely made me feel good about making more in the future.

Also, again, this does not sit in the sunlight like this. I just moved it to this part of the window for photos. It gets some dappled sunlight in the morning and early afternoon, then indirect light for the rest of the day. So far no issues with algae.

by softmossboy

1 Comment

  1. Actias_Loonie

    It looks idyllic in there 💚 who’s the guy in the last pic?

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