
“Don’t plant before May long weekend” 💀

“Don’t plant before May long weekend” 💀

by Armand9x


  1. Hmmletmec

    Ngl. It looks like a 1980s bean bag of Styrofoam pellets exploded.

  2. Daffodil80

    Omg, lol. Sorry about your maters.☹️

    Low-key jealous though because I love the cold.

  3. codycarreras

    Had some bad hail a couple weeks ago here in 9B California, all my soft tissued stuff like flowers and my coleus got hit pretty good, vegetables faired okay. Now it’s 90°.

  4. ComprehensiveNail416

    I’m in 2b. Never put plants in the ground before May 24. lol. We got quarter size hail here on Wednesday

  5. tButylLithium

    Maybe they’ll bounce back.

    We put our new fig out too early and it lost all its leaves to a frost but it’s budding again now

  6. Hudsonrybicki

    I’m so sorry. At least it’s early in the season and you can start over.

  7. Haskap_2010

    Predicted temperature for Victoria Day is 8°C daytime, 2°C night. Guess I’ll be covering stuff up.

  8. NiceRackFocus

    Your tomato plants will bounce back if you give them some TLC! Give them some fish, emulsion fertilizer, cover them if there will be another hailstorm, etc. You’ll be surprised at how much they will grow back. Several years ago we had a hail storm hit our garden on July 4 here in Colorado that shredded everything. Our tomato plants just looked like sticks, hardly any leaves, but they bounced back and we ended up with a bumper crop of tomatoes that year!

  9. CarrotMunch

    Wow! i’ve always been told dont plant until after the “‘Ice Saints” but i always plant before those dates

  10. Relatively_JewISH

    In Denver, we always have the “No planting until after Mothers Day” rule, but last year, it didn’t work.

  11. kristini_tranckini

    Yikes! This is almost worst case. We all take risks I suppose. Sometimes they dont pay off.

  12. AddictiveArtistry

    If you plant early ALWAYS watch the weather and ALWAYS cover your plants if it’s going frost or snow. I save old sheets for this exact purpose.

  13. AtlAWSConsultant

    I’m so sorry! That’s rough. And yet Canadians are some of the best natured people. How’s that possible?

  14. reddit1234567890-1

    Ouch! Sorry that sux! Ive been there

  15. perforateline_

    This was my yard one year in Minneapolis. I cried I was so sad. But! Every single thing bounced back

  16. Where are you? I just planted some stuff, my heart jumped

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