Vegetable Gardening

Harvest from just one bag of store bought compost

Harvest from just one bag of store bought compost

by akwilliamson


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  2. akwilliamson

    This is only after I got tired of sifting through the stuff after I had already dumped it on my soil. There was definitely more. I wish I could make enough volume of homemade compost

  3. Catnip323

    I stopped buying that brand because every bag had so many pieces of plastic in it.

  4. izmaname

    I get like banana stickers, which aren’t plastic btw, but this is insane. Is that ketchup?

  5. carlovmon

    Yeah this is really common especially with loam when you have it delivered by the yard. They basically just take cow manure and mix it with dirt removed from construction sites which often has a ton of trash in it. Do you live in an area that has deciduous trees and lots of leaves in the fall?? It’s really easy to make your own compost. I make a ton of it every year. I gather up all my neighbors leaves. Throw them in a huge pile inside some pallets. Mix in a little grass cutting (no more than 20 or 30% Max) and all our table scraps and I let nature do the rest. Everything I plant in my garden goes absolutely bonkers.

  6. gargamelul

    some locally sourced, organic plastic for you

  7. Resident-Egg2714

    Wow, cedar grove. It didn’t used to be like that at all years ago. What has happened to that company?

  8. Aussiealterego

    This is particularly relevant to me today, I have just sifted a barrow load of finished compost from my chicken-assisted breakdown bays in the back yard. I was telling my very uninterested husband just how beautiful the soil was, and that it wasn’t possible to buy compost or mulch of that quality.

    I’m taking a break, then the fun part – planting out all the little brassica seedlings I’ve raised before the rain hits this afternoon.

  9. huelorxx

    They should be banned from selling that Junk.

  10. 54fighting

    Some towns do their own composting. The dumps set aside a small hill for residents to take what they want. Presumably, the rest gets sold and some gets bagged. Give your neighbor the side eye while you’re picking plastic bits and produce labels.

  11. SorteSaude

    Did you contacted them? Maybe on twitter tagging them?

  12. Mocheesee

    I got the same compost from local Home Depot last year. It was the worst smelling, most disgusting junk I’ve ever handled in my garden. I also bought a few bags of mulch from the same store (don’t remember the brand), and it was full of cactus thorns. It was an absolute nightmare to say the least.

  13. progee818

    Happened to me with that brand too. I feel like every spring now, more plastic even metal reveals itself atop my garden beds from that one year I used them.

  14. jimmy_MNSTR

    Yep, you find everything – plastic, rocks, wire, parts of Jimmy Hoffa

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