Lawn Care

Neighbors having a fight over property.

Neighbors having a fight over property.

by cjd072182


  1. matterson22070

    This is why I live at the end of a dead end road with only one neighbor – Human Beings suck.

  2. SiXX5150

    I mean… it actually kinda looks cool that way. It’s basically just a grassy hedge.

  3. someguyfromsk

    That’s the first land dispute I’ve seen where it is “That’s your land!” “Fuck you! That’s YOUR land”

    Usually it’s the other way.

  4. This is dumb. I’d just cut it no questions asked. I always do a pass along the property line and so do my neighbors. Keeps things looking neat.

  5. Unless there is an issue with small children / kids wandering into the back yard this is dumb. I’ve seen situations where a natural barrier like this is not the worst idea. Ex outdoor pool, play set or trampoline, neighbor kids wandering in and using whenever. Huge insurance issue, bad parenting etc.

  6. KingoreP99

    Not my house but I am doing this exact same thing.

    Neighbor was parking on my grass, I went over and talked to them and was told their property goes further than I think. They were in front of my front door.

    I’ve since found pins in the road marking our property line and only mow starting at that.

  7. I mean if my neighbor was that petty I would mow it and just blow it into their yard.

  8. Since nobody wants it, claim it for yourself.

  9. Working_Tea_4995

    If one of them mowed it, does that mean that sections belongs to them now?

  10. ghost-ns

    ‘Good fences make good neighbors.’ – Robert Frost

  11. PainTrain412

    My buddy had a neighbor who never raked his leaves and they all would blow across in to my friend’s well manicured lawn and beds. I told him to leave a strip like this before they fell and it caught most of them.

  12. Carbon_Stagg

    I love this because it actually allows the grass to mature to seed and probably helps keep both lawns nice and filled in!

  13. secondphase

    This seems intentional. 

    My neighbor and I mow one pass over on the other’s side. Seems courteous without being intrusive. 

  14. lordGwillen

    I love it. Honestly. About to do this with my neighbors and they would probably love it too

  15. ElwayThenThanos

    That’s cool looking. Makes me want to start a fight with my neighbor.

  16. Puzzleheaded_Moose38

    What is this? A hedge for ants!

  17. Impossible-Bug7623

    actually it maybe both owners made deal to not make fence as its cost money, as one guy likesthat and other likes different, way simple solution and cheap. also its easier to cut as you dont need to care about spreading grass clips to neibghour side it gets stuck in that fence grass, also makes property line and nobody will cross it tick will get you 😀 and here in Europe especially in east would be happy even if you cut for free 😀 as here grass is issue like i need again to cut and again and again god dman ticks i need to cut it or else ticks will come, add super wet weather lots of rain, we have all 4 weathers even -30 celsius in winter ius ussuall

  18. Silly-Bumblebee1406

    Who needs a fence when you have tall grass 🤣

  19. claymcg90

    I feel like there’s an overflow ditch inside of that mohawk

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