
Found a Pink Lady Slipper in my backyard woods! (Westchester, NY)

I am so excited, I see a few other shoots around without flowers, hoping they will pop up this year or years to come. As much as I want to take this plant, I wouldn’t dare touch it!

by squirrelfingers7


  1. Spring_Banner

    Nice find!! It’s always so exciting to stumble upon them. And good for taking a picture to keep them with you instead of digging them up.

  2. Embarrassed_Gain_792

    Wow! You are so lucky! I wish I had some of these popping up for me to see!

  3. CerealUnaliver

    That is so cool! Put a pin on maps so u can come back next year and check it out!

  4. Ok_Salamander3793

    So pretty 😍 😍 I almost bought one but it’s too expensive to buy without knowing it will do well in my yard. Side note Reddit award’s are back?!?!?

  5. CerealUnaliver

    Seems to be [Cyp. acaule](https://en.m.wikipedia.org/wiki/Cypripedium_acaule) which is also the state flower of New Hampshire and provincial flower of Prince Edward Island, Canada! It’s native to your neck of the woods, too (literally 😂). I had no ideal they just grew like that in the woods on the upper east coast, no less!

  6. Fresh-Round

    Seen these in the wild in MA but never thought it was a type of orchid !!

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