
Pls help! 7 year old Euphorbia is getting weird discoloration

Info: i got this bad boy 7 years ago and it was just a foot tall. It lives inside under a large grow light plate from Oct- May ( think growing cannabis grow light), moves outside may- fall. Currently in PDX for environmental zoning. Been repotted two-theee times in its life. Watered every few months.

It has taken tumbles from the dog or myself accidentally knocking it over many times, has been nibbled on by deer, and survived being moved across the country, but never has looked like it’s shown damage like this before.

The affected areas are still stiff when poked at, no mush at the base of the plant either.

This is the only euphorbia/ cactus in my collection and i don’t know how I’ve managed to make it last this long. I’d love to get to see it get to 10 years old, any advice or information is both helpful and thanked 🙂

by Beanspr0utsss

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