
Opinion: which Hoya did you initially dislike but slowly became a favourite?

For me, it’s my crassipetiolata. Didn’t find them especially interesting but I began appreciating how jungle-like their vines look when they intertwine. The leaves are also quite stunning & chonky when they’re healthy! OG Hoya carnosas are also quickly becoming a favourite of mine. Their dark, glossy leaves are just so gorgeous…

by D1lapidated-rob0T


  1. D1lapidated-rob0T

    Forgot to mention, but show off your babies! I wanna see them 🧚

  2. UndersizedAmerican

    All hoyas, lmao. “Who would collect hoyas,” ignorant me said back in 2019. “They all look the same.” Now here I am with 50 and counting.

    I’ve gone from disliking some of the odder ones to finding them charming, retusa is the latest one that’s found its way into my home.

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