
Wild berries or poison ivy?

Last year we had some wild black raspberries pop up, not sure if these are the same plant or my friend says it looks like poison ivy. I thought poison ivy didn't have spikes/thorns coming from the stem? TIA 🙂

by migrater3


  1. SheDrinksScotch

    Not poison ivy

    Looks similar to the raspberry plants we have

  2. rolley189

    Poison ivy has more rounded leaf serrations 

  3. Neuro_Nightmare

    Black Raspberry (Rubus occidentalis)

  4. Juggs_gotcha

    blackberry bush. poison ivy won’t have those small serrations and has no thorns.

    Edit: I think the guys below are more correct, black raspberry.

  5. uhduhnuh

    Definitely not poison ivy. The little spikes are a giveaway. More likely to be some form of berry.

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