
Anyone know how to seal grout for water bowl?

I made this water bowl out of foam and grouted it, but am struggling to find information on the best products to seal it with, so that its waterproof and more importantly, safe to drink from. I do grout work professionally so i have actual grout sealers, but those probably arent reptile safe. Anyone have experience doing this?

by bigbickbohnson


  1. ThatHikingDude

    Can confirm as the other poster said, DryLok stateside is the answer. You can also tint it with Quikrete concrete color if you didn’t want to just do grey.

    One of my Garg’s is in a bioactive setup and I did sheet foam and DryLok. She’s been perfectly fine for over a year

  2. I used DryLok and then, just to be sure, I sprayed it with FlexSeal. It’s basically sprayable silicone that is supposed to be safe once cured.

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